ePapers Repository

Search Strategy Quiz

Graham, Nancy
MS PowerPoint (145Kb)

Available under License : Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives

This short quiz is designed to get students thinking about how they will search for relevant information on their topic, using bibliographic databases and the web. It is designed to be used with TurningPoint software and public response systems (PRS) handsets, which can be handed out to individuals or small groups to respond to quiz questions on screen.

Learning Level :From undergraduate to research level.
Date :2006 (Completion)
Department :Library Services
Subjects : ZA4050 Electronic information resources
ZA4450 Databases
Projects :BRUM Project
Funders :Eduserv Foundation
Keywords :search strategy, research skills, information skills, library skills, bibliographic databases
ID Code :167
Submitted :09 Nov 2009 19:38
Last Modified :09 Jul 2011 16:00
UKPSF Codes :
+ UKPSF A2 - Teaching and/or supporting student learning
SCONUL 7 Pillars :
+ SCONUL Pillar 3. The ability to construct strategies for locating information
JACS/JORUM Subjects :
+ Education


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