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Archived Academic Policy and Regulations Committee papers 2009-10

Birmingham, University of (2010) Archived Academic Policy and Regulations Committee papers 2009-10. Documentation. University of Birmingham.

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zip file containing the following

Chair's Action
APRC.09.12.01 Amendments to Codes of Practice Plagiarism and Misconduct for CS Programmes
APRC.10.05.06.r1 Maternity Guidelines
APRC.10.05.14.r1 Collaborative Doctoral Researcher Programmes approved by Chair
APRC.10.06.02 Exam Scripts cover note LTC.10.05.08r1
APRC.10.07.01 Feedback on Assessment
APRC.10.07.02.r1 Feedback on Examinations
APRC. 10.07.03 PGR Regulations
APRC.10.07.04 PGR Code of Practice
APRC.10.07.05 Coursework Submission
APRC.10.07.06 Conflict of Interest
APRC.10.07.06.(a) Conflict of Interest II

Meeting of 8th October 2009
APRC.09.10.00 Agenda
APRC.09.10.01 Terms of Reference
APRC.09.10.02 Unconfirmed Minutes of 21st May 2009 Meeting APRC.09.10.03 The Provision of Awards Leading to the Degree of MPhil
APRC.09.10.04 Proposed Changes to the Code of Practice on the Conduct of Centrally Co-ordinated Formal Written Examinations
APRC.09.10.05 Proposal to Reduce the Minimum Duration of the BNurs
APRC.09.10.06 Proposal to Clarify an Ambiguity Concerning the Points-based System in the Code of Practice on Student Attendance and Reasonable Diligence

Meeting of 16th February 2010
APRC.10.02.00 Agenda
APRC.10.02.01 Terms of Reference and Membership of the Progress and Awards Board and of the Research Progress and Awards Sub-Panel
APRC.10.02.02 Unconfirmed Minutes of 8th October 2009 meeting
APRC.10.02.03 Further information regarding the proposed amendment of the Code of Practice on the Conduct of Centrally Co-ordinated Formal Written Examinations
APRC.10.02.04 Request for exemption for the BNurs from Regulations governing progress
APRC.10.02.05 Request for Exemption from Regulations Concerning the Number of Credits for a Module on the LLM
APRC.10.02.06 Proposed New Code of Practice on the Admission of Students

Meeting of 20th May 2010
APRC.10.05.00 Agenda
APRC.10.05.01 Unconfirmed Minutes of 16th February 2010 meeting
APRC.10.05.02 Terms of Reference and Membership of the Research Progress and Awards Sub-Panel
APRC.10.05.03 Paper outlining the procedure by which examination papers will be made available to registered students following the May/June 2011 examination session
APRC.10.05.04 Request for Exemption from Regulations concerning the number re-sits for a Level C module on the MBChB
APRC.10.05.05 Proposed amendment to Section 7 - Assessment, Progression and Award of the Regulations
APRC.10.05.06 Student Maternity Policy
APRC.10.05.07 Revisions to the Student Complaints Procedure
APRC.10.05.07 Appendix 1 - Student Complaints Procedure with mark ups
APRC.10.05.07 Appendix 2 - Student Complaints Procedure APRC.10.05.08 Changes to Regulations and Codes of Practice on Higher Doctorates

Meeting of 26th May 2010
APRC.10.05.00 Agenda for 26th May 2010 meeting
APRC.10.05.09 Unconfirmed Minutes of 20th May 2010 meeting
APRC.10.05.10 Code of Practice on Admissions
APRC.10.05.11 Profiling
APRC.10.05.12 Misconduct
APRC.10.05.12 Appendix 1 - Misconduct
APRC.10.05.12 Appendix 2 - Misconduct
APRC.10.05.12 Appendix 3 - Misconduct
APRC.10.05.12 Appendix 4 - Misconduct
APRC.10.05.13 Primary Appeals
APRC.10.05.14 Collaborative Doctoral Researcher Provision
APRC.10.05.15 Research Masters
APRC.10.05.16 Report for Senate on Thematic Review of PGTAs May 2010
APRC.10.05.16 Cover sheet - Thematic Review of PGTAs 2010
APRC.10.05.17 Forensic Psychology exemption request
APRC.10.05.18 Coursework Deadline Extensions
APRC.10.05.18 Appendix 1 - Code of Practice Coursework Deadline Extensions

Reports to Senate
SEN.09.11.11 Report to Senate
SEN.10.03.12 Report to Senate
SEN.10.06.12 Report to Senate

Type of Work:Monograph (Documentation)
School/Faculty:Corporate Services
Department:Academic Policy and Regulations Committee, Registry
Date:31 July 2010
Keywords:Academic, Policy, Regulations, Committee, APRC
Subjects:L Education > LF Individual institutions (Europe)
Copyright Holders:University of Birmingham
ID Code:1670

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