ePapers Repository

Choose your own adventure powerpoint - evaluating web information

Gwinnett, Beth and James, Ann-Marie
MS PowerPoint (344Kb)

Available under License : Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives

This self-paced activity is designed to help students to evaluate the information that they find on the web by answering a series of questions and following different scenarios.

Learning Level :Undergraduate to research level
Date :2006 (Completion)
Department :Library Services
Subjects : ZA4450 Databases
Projects :BRUM Project
Funders :Eduserv Foundation
Keywords :Power Point, web evaluation, information resources, critical thinking
ID Code :170
Submitted :06 Nov 2009 12:25
Last Modified :09 Jul 2011 16:00
UKPSF Codes :
+ UKPSF A4 - Developing effective environments and student support and guidance
SCONUL 7 Pillars :
+ SCONUL Pillar 5. The ability to compare and evaluate information obtained from different sources
JACS/JORUM Subjects :
+ Education


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