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Exploring social media as a tool for knowledge exchange: the #btr11 experiment

Burnage, Amy and Persaud, Roxanne (2012) Exploring social media as a tool for knowledge exchange: the #btr11 experiment. Discussion Paper. University of Birmingham, Birmingham.


URL of Published Version: http://tsrc.ac.uk/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=2EhL0X%2bZUsw%3d&tabid=500


This paper presents an evaluation of the experiments for knowledge exchange using social media during TSRC’s Beyond the Radar knowledge exchange work. Launched in July 2011, the “#btr11” experiment sought to trial, and learn from, new ways of engaging with people around ‘below the radar’ issues using a range of online platforms. The paper introduces the project and the evaluation approach, before describing the project in greater detail. The approach is then contextualised within digital knowledge exchange literatures, and justification is provided for using social exchange theory as the evaluation’s underlying framework. Next, the paper uses this framework to generate some learning from #btr11, through a thematic discussion around accepted practices, shared values and exchange relationships. It concludes with a summary and a set of lessons and insights that could be helpful for future experimentation with social media platforms.

Hyperlinks have been provided where possible to provide readers with direct links to all the resources used for the evaluation – other resources are given in the bibliography. A short glossary of abbreviations and terms is also provided in Appendix 1 for those who may want clarification on social media concepts, a list of figures is available in Appendix 2, and for those interested in learning more about social exchange theory, a brief outline can be found in Appendix 3.

Type of Work:Monograph (Discussion Paper)
School/Faculty:Colleges (2008 onwards) > College of Social Sciences
Department:Third Sector Research Centre
Date:01 September 2012
Series/Collection Name:TSRC Discussion Paper
Subjects:H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General)
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Funders:Economic and Social Research Council, Office for Civil Society, Barrow Cadbury Trust
Copyright Holders:Third Sector Research Centre
ID Code:1793

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