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Computerized attention training - an intervention with older adults

West, Melanie (2014) Computerized attention training - an intervention with older adults. In: University of Birmingham Graduate School Research Poster Conference 2014, 10th June 2014, University of Birmingham. (Unpublished)

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Ageing may have an impact on a variety of physical and health related aspects. In particular cognitive ageing may reflect decline in executive functioning, memory and speed of information processing (Glisky, 2007) as well as fluid intelligence (Salthouse, 2004). The present study assessed whether cognitive training aimed to improve attention in children - Computerised Progressive Attention Training (CPAT; Shalev et al., 2007), can be used to improve symptoms of cognitive ageing (as well as motor control) in older adults. Participants were randomly assigned to either the control or experimental group. For the experimental group CPAT was used during 3 consecutive weeks for three 1-hour sessions each week. For the control group widely available computer games were used for the same duration and frequency. Both groups were assessed before and immediately after the 3-week intervention on motor and visual attention related tasks. Contrasting the two groups’ performance on these tasks revealed substantial differences following training. Participants in the experimental group were faster and less erratic and showed improved performance in untrained tasks including a general improvement in speed of processing. Increased measures of wellbeing were also apparent. Results provide initial evidence to support the efficacy of attention training in older adults.

Type of Work:Conference or Workshop Item (Poster)
School/Faculty:Colleges (2008 onwards) > College of Life & Environmental Sciences
Department:School of Psychology
Additional Information:

Research Supervisors: Professor Glyn Humphreys and Dr Carmel Mevorach

Date:June 2014
Series/Collection Name:Prizewinners from the Graduate School Research Poster Conference 2014
Subjects:B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BF Psychology
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Copyright Status:This poster is copyright of the author and/or third parties. The intellectual property rights in respect of this work are as defined by The Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 or as modified by any successor legislation. Any use made of information contained in this poster must be in accordance with that legislation and must be properly acknowledged.
Copyright Holders:The Author
ID Code:1908

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