The dataset stored here is associated with Solar Physics article DOI:10.1007/s11207-015-0810-0 Any questions should be directed to the article authors. The dataset consists of two files: 1) bison-allsites-1995-2014.fits.gz This FITS file contains data from the Birmingham Solar Oscillations Network (BiSON) covering the period 1995 January 1 to 2014 December 31. These data were used to produce the figures in the "Whole Network Performance" section of the article. The FITS header file details the parameters that were used to concatenate the daily data into a single time series, and this information is repeated below for reference. SIMPLE = T / Written by IDL: Wed May 27 11:08:33 2015 BITPIX = -64 /Real*8 (double precision) NAXIS = 2 / NAXIS1 = 2 / NAXIS2 = 15778799 / D-START = 2449718.50000 /Data start (Julian) D-END = 2457023.50000 /Data end (Julian) STATIONS= 'na ca cb su iz la mo' /Stations Used METHOD = 'waverage' /Overlap Method CADENCE = '40 ' /Timeseries Cadence N-THRES = 100 /Noise Rejection Threshold FILL = 0.783800 /Duty Cycle COMMENT Generated by BiSON COMMENT $Id: svnid.s 194 2011-11-15 10:13:23Z hale $ END 2) bison-control-1995-2014.tar.gz This gzipped tar-archive contains the ASCII "control" metadata files that define the data availability per BiSON-site. These metadata were used to produce the figures in the "Site Performance" section of the article.