ePapers Repository

Keepers of the Gate : Access to the Solicitors' Profession in the 21st Century

Etherington, Laurence (2015) Keepers of the Gate : Access to the Solicitors' Profession in the 21st Century. Working Paper. University of Birmingham, Birmingham.

PDF (Microsoft Word) - Published Version

URL of Published Version: http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/cepler-workingpapers


An initial analysis of research undertaken on the people and institutions who provide access to the solicitors' profession. The findings are based on a series of in-depth interviews with Graduate Recruitment professionals and partners in a range of law firms, exploring the competencies and attributes assessed in the application process.

Type of Work:Monograph (Working Paper)
School/Faculty:Colleges (2008 onwards) > College of Arts & Law
Number of Pages:15
Department:Birmingham Law School, Centre for Professional Legal Education and Research
Series/Collection Name:CEPLER Working Papers
Keywords:Solicitors profession; etherington; york law school;
Subjects:K Law > K Law (General)
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Copyright Holders:The Authors
ID Code:2075

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