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Workplace wellbeing programmes and their impact on employees and their employing organisations: a scoping review of the evidence base

Carmichael, Fiona and Fenton, S-J and Pinilla Roncancio, M and Sadhra, S and Sing, M (2016) Workplace wellbeing programmes and their impact on employees and their employing organisations: a scoping review of the evidence base. Discussion Paper. University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK.

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This report constitutes a scoping literature review that identifies and critically examines the evidence base surrounding health and wellbeing programmes conducted in the workplace and their impact on employees and their employing organisations. The review drew on a broad range of sources covering multiple sectors. However, the report additionally highlights evidence that relates specifically to the retail and construction industries. The review offers an analysis of the current evidence base and discusses the implications of implementing different types of workplace health and wellbeing schemes. Some recommendations for supporting and promoting the health and wellbeing of employees in organisations are made on the basis of this review and, where gaps in knowledge are identified, recommendations for further research are made.

Type of Work:Monograph (Discussion Paper)
School/Faculty:Colleges (2008 onwards) > College of Social Sciences
Number of Pages:66
Department:Birmingham Business School
Date:07 January 2016
Series/Collection Name:Birmingham Business School Discussion Paper Series
Subjects:H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General)
H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor
Funders:ABIA (Accelerating Business-Knowledge-Base Innovation Activity
Copyright Status:This discussion paper is copyright of the University and the author. In addition, parts of the paper may feature content whose copyright is owned by a third party, but which has been used either by permission or under the Fair Dealing provisions. The intellectual property rights in respect of this work are as defined by the terms of any licence that is attached to the paper. Where no licence is associated with the work, any subsequent use is subject to the terms of The Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 (or as modified by any successor legislation). Any reproduction of the whole or part of this paper must be in accordance with the licence or the Act (whichever is applicable) and must be properly acknowledged. For non-commercial research and for private study purposes, copies of the paper may be made/distributed and quotations used with due attribution. Commercial distribution or reproduction in any format is prohibited without the permission of the copyright holders.
Copyright Holders:The Authors and the University of Birmingham
ID Code:2103

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