ePapers Repository

Great Charles Street, Birmingham

Nicklin, Phyllis (1960) Great Charles Street, Birmingham. [Image] (Unpublished)

Image (JPEG)
Available under License Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike .



Photograph of houses on Great Charles Street taken in 1960.

Type of Work:Image
School/Faculty:Faculties (to 1997) > Faculty of Education
Department:Department of Extramural Studies
Additional Information:

Scanned by the Chrysalis project in 2004, from original 35mm slides held at the University of Birmingham.

Date:15 October 1960
See the location now via Google Maps (52.4829,-1.90307)
Projects:Project Chrysalis
Series/Collection Name:Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Keywords:Birmingham, houses, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Subjects:H Social Sciences > HC Economic History and Conditions
H Social Sciences > HN Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform
D History General and Old World > DA Great Britain
Funders:Museums, Libraries and Archives (MLA) West Midlands
Copyright Status:Copyright and database rights in this material belong to MLA West Midlands and the University of Birmingham. The photographic image is available to download and redistribute for non-commercial purposes.
Copyright Holders:University of Birmingham
Remote Supplementary Files:
- Original, high-quality TIFF Image (requires password to access) Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike
- MD5 checksum file for TIFF image (requires password to access)
ID Code:293

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