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Energy governance in EU-Russia energy relations: paving the way towards an energy union

Georgiou, Natasha A. and Rocco, Andrea (2017) Energy governance in EU-Russia energy relations: paving the way towards an energy union. Working Paper. University of Birmingham.



EU-Russia relations are in desperate need of legislative and institutional reform given the fragmented legal infrastructure regulating energy trade between these two powers. The paper will argue that the energy partnership is a highly strategic relationship that has profound implications for the international arena as far as energy security and stability are concerned, for which a solid over-arching legal framework is required. Other simmering issues include the absence of reciprocity in energy market access and the lack of coherence in external EU energy relations which has resulted in bilateralism emerging as the default approach of engagement. These issues are interrelated and closely affiliated to the need for a revised bilateral and international legal framework, as diverse positions and a lack of cooperation amongst Member States undermine collective EU actions and legislative initiatives. In this respect the paper advocates that the Energy Union may be a comprehensive solution to these challenges, by implementing a cohesive and fully functioning energy policy that will strengthen EU solidarity and coherence in the Union’s external relations, thereby bolstering EU energy security.

Type of Work:Monograph (Working Paper)
School/Faculty:Colleges (2008 onwards) > College of Arts & Law
Department:Birmingham Law School, Institute of European Law
Date:13 January 2017
Series/Collection Name:IEL Working Papers
Subjects:K Law > K Law (General)
Copyright Status:© The Author(s)
ID Code:2944

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