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Legislation documentation archive for the University of Birmingham (2015-2016)

Birmingham, University of (2015) Legislation documentation archive for the University of Birmingham (2015-2016). Documentation. University of Birmingham .

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URL of Published Version: http://www.as.bham.ac.uk/legislation


Zip file containing the following documents:

(1) Memorandum: Changes to University Regulations and Codes of Practice from 1 August 2015

(2) Codes of Practice:
(2a) Code of Practice on admission of students
(2b) Code of Practice on adjusted regulations and Bachelor's degrees
(2c) Code of Practice on adjusted regulations and undergraduate Masters degrees
(2d) Code of Practice on the assessment and award of higher doctorates
(2e) Code of Practice on the assessment and award of PhD by publication
(2f) Code of Practice on the assessment of research degree theses
(2g) Code of Practice on the conduct of centrally co-ordinated formal written examinations
(2h) Code of Practice on discipline in residences
(2i) Code of Practice extenuating circumstances
(2j) Code of Practice on the External Examiner system for taught programmes
(2k) Code of Practice on freedom of speech
(2l) Code of Practice on leave of absence
(2m) Code of Practice on Misconduct and Fitness to Practise Committee
(2n) Code of Practice on Personal Tutoring
(2o) Code of Practice on Placement Learning
(2p) Code of Practice on plagiarism
(2q) Code of Practice on primary appeals procedures
(2r) Code of Practice on Pursuant to requirements of the Education Act 1994
(2s) Code of Practice reasonable adjustments for students
(2t) Code of Practice for research
(2u) Code of Practice on split location study for postgraduate research students
(2v) Code of Practice on student attendance and reasonable diligence
(2w) Code of Practice on student concerns and complaints procedure
(2x)Code of Practice on student representation system
(2y)Code of Practice on student visas
(2z) Code of Practice on the supervision and monitoring progress of research students
(2ai) Code of Practice on suspension from study on health grounds
(2aii) Code of Practice on taught programme and module assessment
(2aiii) Code of Practice on the teaching and academic support of undergraduate and postgraduate taught students by postgraduate teaching assistants and undergraduates

(3) Guidance:
(3a) Guidance on Attendance Monitoring
(3b) Guidance on e-mail in relation to data protection
(3c) Guidance on student grievances to Council
(3d) Guidance to students on outside employment
(3e) Guidance on Alternative Modes of Delivery

(4) Policies:
(4a) Accommodating student's religious observances policy
(4b) Collaborative provision policy
(4c) Policy on consulting students about major changes
(4d) Drugs and alcohol policy
(4e) Policy on graduate certificates and diplomas
(4f) Harassment and bullying policy
(4g) Policy on professional, statutory and regulatory bodies
(4h) Policy on the use of animals in research

(5) Regulations:
(5a) Full University Regulations excluding Library Regulations
(5b) Section 1 - definitions and interpretation
(5c) Section 2 - organisation and governance
(5d) Section 3 - human resource matters
(5e) Section 4 - estates matters
(5f) Section 5 - admission and registration
(5g) Section 6 - programmes of study
(5h) Section 7 - assessment, progression and award
(5i) Section 8 - student conduct
(5j) Section 9 - documents supplementary to the University legislation
(5k) Code of Ethics

Type of Work:Monograph (Documentation)
School/Faculty:Corporate Services
Department:University Council, University Senate
Additional Information:

This is an archived copy of University Legislation covering the year 2015-16. The current version can be found at http://www.as.bham.ac.uk/legislation

Keywords:Legislation, Codes of practice, regulations, legal, University charter, policies
Subjects:L Education > LF Individual institutions (Europe)
ID Code:3031

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