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Model-based image analysis of a tethered Brownian fibre for shear stress sensing

Gallagher, Meurig Thomas and Neal, Cara Victoria and Arkill, Kenton P and Smith, David John (2017) Model-based image analysis of a tethered Brownian fibre for shear stress sensing. [Dataset] (Submitted)

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Type of Work:Dataset
Department:School of Mathematics, Institute for Metabolism and Systems Research, Centre for Human Reproductive Science, School of Medicine, Biofisika Institute and Research Centre for Experimental Marine Biology and Biotechnology
Projects:EPSRC Healthcare Technologies EP/N021096/1, BHF Project Grant no. PG/15/37/31438, Bizkaia talent AYD-000-256, Medical Research Council (MR/P003214/1)
Subjects:Q Science > QA Mathematics
Funders:Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, British Heart Foundation, Bizkaia talent , Medical Research Council
ID Code:3032

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