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First Steps in Air Quality for Built Environment Practitioners

Ferranti, E. J. S. and MacKenzie, A. R. and Ashworth, K and Hewitt, C.N. (2018) First Steps in Air Quality for Built Environment Practitioners. Technical Report. University of Birmingham & TDAG. (Unpublished)

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Air pollution is the biggest environmental risk to health. Globally, nine out of ten people live in a city that does not comply with WHO air quality standards. Within the UK, poor outdoor air quality is linked to 50,000 deaths each year. The most vulnerable are children, the elderly, or those with pre-existing
medical conditions. The design of our urban infrastructure – including Green Infrastructure (GI) such as trees, parks, and green walls – determines
where air pollution is produced, and how it disperses. Built environment professionals should consider air
quality at all stages of urban design and development.

Type of Work:Monograph (Technical Report)
School/Faculty:Colleges (2008 onwards) > College of Life & Environmental Sciences
Department:Geography, Earth & Environmental Sciences
Additional Information:

This is a black and white version for easy reading or printing

Date:January 2018
Projects:MEDIATE NE/N005325/1, Urban Futures EP/F007426/1, European Research Council (Proposal No. 320821).
Keywords:air quality, planning, urban design, green infrastructure, air pollution
Subjects:G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > G Geography (General)
G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > GB Physical geography
G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > GE Environmental Sciences
ID Code:3077

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