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The University of Birmingham Alma Migration

Craft, Edward and Machell, Frances (2018) The University of Birmingham Alma Migration. In: EPUG-UKI Autumn Conference 2018, 15-16/10/2018, The British Library, London, UK.

MS PowerPoint


At the start of August 2018, the University of Birmingham successfully went live with both Alma (migrating from Aleph) and the Primo newUI. The implementation project was run by a small team of Library and IT staff with a wider pool of Library functional experts cascading change management, training and testing to their staff. Frances Machell (Library Services) and Ed Craft (IT Services) talk about both organizational and technical aspects of the implementation, changes to service ownership and integration with multiple third-party applications.

Type of Work:Conference or Workshop Item (Speech)
School/Faculty:Corporate Services
Department:Library Services, IT Services
Date:15 October 2018
Subjects:Z Bibliography. Library Science. Information Resources > Z719 Libraries (General)
Z Bibliography. Library Science. Information Resources > ZA Information resources > ZA4050 Electronic information resources
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ID Code:3197

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