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Reimagining Health Law

McHale, Professor Jean and Krajewska, Dr. Atina (2018) Reimagining Health Law. Working Paper. University of Birmingham, Birmingham.

PDF - Published Version

URL of Published Version: http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/cepler-working-papers


On the 11th September 2018 a Reimagining Health Law Workshop took place at the Birmingham Law School. The Workshop aimed to explore the discipline of health law from a range of perspectives: doctrinal/historical/critical. Health law is a relatively young discipline, which has emerged from a backdrop of “Medical” and “Health Care “ law and has developed rapidly in recent decades. The purpose of the meeting was to consider the disciplinary interface within and outside law, i.e. health law’s connection to other legal fields, its relationship with bioethics, humanities, and social sciences, and their impact on the health law methodology. In particular the speakers addressed a number of pressing questions that have influenced the field in the past and will shape it in future.

Type of Work:Monograph (Working Paper)
School/Faculty:Colleges (2008 onwards) > College of Arts & Law
Number of Pages:9
Department:The Centre for Professional Legal Education and Research

Health Law; Health Care Law; bioethics;

Date:September 2018
Subjects:K Law > K Law (General)
K Law > KD England and Wales
K Law > KD England and Wales > KDC Scotland
K Law > KZ Law of Nations
Funders:The Centre for Professional Legal Education and Research
Copyright Status:© The Author(s)
Copyright Holders:The Authors
ID Code:3212

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