Readable text is presented in black: ουτως
Lacunae: where parchment is missing and the text is lost (this includes places where the parchment is present, but the text cannot be read); where the parchment is lost, and has been replaced, the text has been transcribed in a separate file: Lac.
The restoration of missing text is given in brackets. Sometimes we give a number or range of numbers in square brackets: υδρ[ιαν]
Dots under letters indicate that the restoration of the text is uncertain: ηλθ̣ε̣ν̣
Where the first hand (or a correction) is illegible, we enter the number or probable number of letters. 3-4
In the case of corrections, the first hand reading is presented in the text in blue. Click on this, and details of the correction will appear in a new window. λεγει
OM indicates text omitted by the first hand and supplied by a later corrector.OM
In the right-hand frame in apparatus view, the original text and any corrections appear side by side.


DEF lists the deficient manuscripts, for a whole chapter after the chapter heading of that verse, and for a verse within a chapter after the text.
Lac. indicates a longer lacuna in a witness, the text not being restored.
NA B. and K. Aland, J. Karavidopoulos, C.M. Martini, B.M. Metzger (eds.), Novum Testamentum Graece, 27th edition, 8th (revised) impression, Stuttgart, 2001.
om. indicates that the text is omitted in the following witness(es)
S after a manuscript number indicates that the passage is a supplement to the manuscript by a later hand (i.e. a replacement leaf or leaves).
TR Η ΚΑΙΝΗ ΔΙΑΘΗΚΗ. Novum Testamentum etc., Oxford, 1873.
txt indicates a corrector who follows the base text, where the first hand differs from it. This indication is only present when the correctors of a manuscript have been distinguished (e.g. between C1 and C2).
[ ] square brackets around a letter or letters indicates (as in the transcription) that they are restored.
| a vertical line separates the readings within a variant.

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