NOTE: Some transcriptions are shared with those in the Byzantine text edition area of the site. This is always stated below.

01 (א) London, British Library, Add. 43725
The designation of correctors follows the schema presented by H.J.M. Milne and T.C. Skeat, Scribes and Correctors of the Codex Sinaiticus, including contributions by Douglas Cockerell, London, 1938. The precise application of them was made by Skeat himself. The correctors found in John are:
    S1 Scriptorium hand
    S2 Scriptorium hand
    Cca Fifth to seventh centuries or from seventh century
    Ccb Fifth to seventh centuries or from seventh century
    Ccb2 Fifth to seventh centuries or from seventh century
The transcription contains standard formatting, quire signatures running titles, punctuation and accentuation.
02 (A) London, British Library, Royal 1 D.VIII
1.1-6.50; 8.52-21.25 (small lacuna at 13.21)
The transcription contains standard formatting. Correctors are designated C1 and C.
Transcription shared with the Byzantine text edition.
03 (B) Vatican, Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana, Gr. 1209
The transcription contains standard formatting, running titles, punctuation, including the Vatican paragraphs and spaces within lines, and accentuation.
We also include the horizontal stroke and double point (the so-called 'bar umlaut' of P.B. Payne (see Philip B. Payne and Paul Canart, 'The Originality of Text-Critical Symbols in Codex Vaticanus', NovT 42 (2000), 105-113 (also available at
We record the horizontal stroke, which denotes a new paragraph.
Larger spaces, showing breaks in meaning, are indicated, as are hanging lines.
The corrections we have included are C1 (contemporary with the first hand) and C2 (generally dated to about the sixth century). As is well known, this manuscript was retraced at a late date. The hand responsible for this made many slight alterations, in particular by not retracing letters considered otiose, such as final nu before a following word beginning with a consonant and the epsilon in the common spelling ει. We have not included this information in our transcription, on the grounds that while it is an insight into later taste, it has nothing to contribute to a study of the majuscule tradition of the Gospel of John.
04 (C) Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Gr. 9
1.3-40; 3.33-5.16; 6.38-7.3; 8.34-9.11; 11.8-14.6; 16.21-18.36; 20.26
The transcription contains standard formatting. The two correctors are tagged as C1 (contemporary with the first hand) and C2 (generally dated to about the sixth century). C is used where we were not certain which of them was responsible.
05 (D) Cambridge, University Library, Nn.II.41
1.1-16; 3.26-18.13; 20.13-21.25
We follow Parker's modification of Scrivener's identification of the correctors (D.C. Parker, Codex Bezae. An Early Christian Manuscript and its Text, Cambridge, 1992, pp. 35-49, 293-4; F.H. Scrivener, Bezae Codex Cantabrigiensis, being an exact copy, in ordinary type, of the celebrated uncial Graeco-Latin manuscript of the Four Gospels and Acts of the Apostles, written early in the sixth century, and presented to the University of Cambridge by Theodore Bezae, A.D. 1581, Cambridge, 1864 (reprinted, Pittsburgh, 1978). See also J.R. Harris, Codex Bezae, a Study of the so-called Western Text of the New Testament (Texts and Studies Vol. 2, No. 1), Cambridge, 1891; The Annotators of the Codex Bezae (with some notes on Sortes Sanctorum), London, 1901).
Correctors appearing in John are, with Parker's dating:
    A 400-440
    B fifth century
    C fifth century (note, C for this MS represents this corrector, and is not a siglum meaning 'Corrector')
    D c. 450
    E 450-500
    F 450-500
    H 450-500
    J1 450-500
    K indicates correction which cannot be attributed to a specific hand
    s.m. used broadly in the same way as K, but includes corrections about which Scrivener was too specific.
The transcription contains standard formatting, running titles, punctuation including spaces and hanging lines, and diacriticals (principally diairesis).
The transcription may be used with that in the Latin area of the website to provide a full transcription of the original portions of the manuscript in John.
07 (E) Basel, Universitätsbibliothek, AN III 12
The transcription contains standard formatting.
Correctors are indicated as C. It is not totally clear at 1.29 whether the initial correction is by the first hand, but it would confuse the overall picture to introduce a C1 and C2 on such slight grounds.
Transcription shared with the Byzantine text edition.
09 (F) Utrecht, Universiteitsbibliotheek, Ms. 1
1.1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10-12, 1.13-3.3; 3.14-4.24; 4.38-5.18; 5.38-6.39; 6.63-7.21; 7.22-23, 25-28; 8.10-10.32; 11.3-40; 12.3-14; 12.25-13.34
The transcription contains standard formatting. Correctors are indicated as C.
Transcription shared with the Byzantine text edition.
011 (G) London, British Library, Harley 5684
1.1-18.5; 18.19-19.4; 19.27-21.25
The transcription contains standard formatting.
Correctors are indicated as C, C1 and C2.
Transcription shared with the Byzantine text edition.
013 (H) Hamburg, Universitätsbibliothek, Cod. 91 in scrin.
1.1-10; 1.12-9.30; 10.25-18.2; 18.18-20.12; 20.25-21.25
The transcription contains standard formatting.
Correctors are indicated as C1 and C2, with C used where it is not possible to distinguish between the scribe and a later hand.
017 (K) Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Gr. 63
The transcription contains standard formatting and hanging lines.
Corrections are indicated by C.
Transcription shared with the Byzantine text edition.
019 (L) Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Gr. 62
The transcription contains standard formatting.
Corrections are indicated by C.
021 (M) Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Gr. 48
The transcription contains standard formatting and hanging lines.
Corrections are indicated by C.
Transcription shared with the Byzantine text edition.
022 (N) Formerly Lerma, A. Spinola (1 fol.)
London, British Library, Cotton. Tit. C.XV
14.2-10; 15.15-22
St. Petersburg, Russian National Library, Gr. 537
1.21-39; 2.6-3.14; 3.21-30; 4.5-5.2; 5.10-19; 5.26-6.31; 6.39-49; 6.57-13.33; 14.2-10; 15.15-22; 16.15-20.23; 20.25-27 (with lacunae); 20.30-21.20
Thessaloniki, Byzantine Museum, Byz. Ms. 1
The transcription contains standard formatting and hanging lines.
Corrections are indicated by C.
Transcription shared with the Byzantine text edition.
024 Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek, Codices Weissenburgenses 64 fols. 156, 159, 272 (lower script)
1.29-40; 2.13-25; 21.1-11
The transcription is Category 1.
026 Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek, Codices Weissenburgenses 64 fols. 197-8 (lower script)
12.3-20; 14.3-22
The transcription is Category 1.
028 (S) Vatican, Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. Gr. 354
The transcription contains standard formatting.
Correctors are indicated as C1, with C used where it is not possible to distinguish between the scribe and a later hand.
Transcription shared with the Byzantine text edition.
029 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Copt. 129,9 fols. 59v, 65v, 76v
1.24-32; 3.10-17; 4.52-5.7
Vatican, Bibliotheca Vaticana, Borg. Copt. 109
6.28-67; 7.6-8.31
The transcription contains standard formatting, spaces and hanging lines.
030 (U) Venice, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Gr. 1.8 (1397)
The transcription contains standard formatting.
Corrections are indicated by C and C2.
Transcription shared with the Byzantine text edition.
031 (V) Moscow, Historical Museum, V.9. S. 399
1.1-5.18; 5.19-7.39 (with frequent lacunae)
The transcription contains standard formatting.
Corrections are indicated by C.
032 (W) Washington D.C., Smithsonian Institute, Freer Gallery of Art, 06.274
1.1-14.25; 16.7-21.25
The transcription contains standard formatting.
Correctors are indicated as C1, with C used where it is not possible to distinguish the scribe and a later hand. The first gathering of the Gospel is a supplement.
033 (X) Munich, Universitätsbibliothek, 2o Cod. ms. 30
The transcription contains standard formatting.
Corrections are indicated by C.
034 (Y) Cambridge, University Library, Add. Mss. 6594
1.1-20.27; 21.17-25
The transcription contains standard formatting.
Correctors are indicated as C1, with C used where it is not possible to distinguish the scribe and a later hand.
Transcription shared with the Byzantine text edition.
036 (G) Oxford, Bodleian Library, Auct. T. inf. 2.2
6.14-8.3; 15.24-19.6
St. Petersburg, Russian National Library, Gr. 33
1.1-6.13; 8.3-15.24; 19.6-21.25
The transcription contains standard formatting.
Corrections are indicated by C and C1.
Transcription shared with the Byzantine text edition.
037 (D) St. Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 48
1.1-19.17; 19.35-21.25
The transcription contains standard formatting.
Corrections are indicated by C.
Transcription shared with the Byzantine text edition.
The Interlinear Latin glosses on this manuscript are included in the Vetus Latina Iohannes edition.
038 (Q) Tbilisi, Institute of Manuscripts, Gr. 28
The transcription contains standard formatting.
Correctors are indicated by the sigla of Beermann and Gregory, the lower-case roman letters a, b, c and d. Places where d has rewritten letters are not included in the apparatus.
C* is used to indicate corrections apparently made in the course of copying rather than in subsequent revision by the scribe.
Transcription shared with the Byzantine text edition.
039 (L) Oxford, Bodleian Library, Auct. T. inf. 1.1
The transcription contains standard formatting.
Correctors are indicated as C1 and C2, with C used where it is not possible to distinguish the scribe and a later hand.
041 (P) St. Petersburg, Russian National Library, Gr. 34
1.1-6.15; 6.35-8.6; 8.39-9.21; 10.3-21.22
The transcription contains standard formatting.
Corrections are indicated by C, C1 and C2.
Transcription shared with the Byzantine text edition.
044 (Y) Athos, Lavra, B' 52
The transcription contains standard formatting.
Corrections are indicated by C.
Transcription shared with the Byzantine text edition.
045 (W) Athos, Dionysiu, (10) 55
Complete (lacunae at 7.8; 21.22-24, 25)
The transcription contains standard formatting.
Corrections are indicated by C, C1 and C2.
Transcription shared with the Byzantine text edition.
047 Princeton, University Library, Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts, Garrett 1
1.1-12.17; 12.42-18.34
The transcription contains standard formatting. The cross layout is displayed.
Corrections are indicated by C.
Transcription shared with the Byzantine text edition.
050 Athens, National Library, 1371, 2 fols.
3.12-13, 20-22
Athos, Dionysiu, 2 (71), 8 fols.
Moscow, Historical Museum, V.29, S. 119, 7 fols.
1.1, 3-4; 20.10-13, 15-17
Oxford, Christ Church, Wake 2, 3 fols.
The transcription contains standard formatting.
This is a commentary manuscript which both repeats and omits blocks of text, and is therefore not a continuous-text witness. A transcription of the manuscript is provided, but we have excluded it from the apparatus.
054 Vatican, Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana, Barberiani Gr. 521, fols. 1-6
The transcription contains standard formatting and diairesis.
Correctors are indicated as C*, C1 and C2, with C used where we are not sure which hand it is.
055 We have excluded this witness totally, since it is in fact a copy of St. John Chrysostom on Matthew and John.
055 should not be classified as a New Testament manuscript. For good measure, there is very little majuscule script in evidence.
060 Berlin, Staatliche Museen, P. 5877
14.14-17, 19-21, 23-24, 26-28
The transcription is Category 1.
063 Athos, Vatopedi, 1219, fols. 40-52, 63
1.1-3.34; 4.45-6.29
The transcription contains standard formatting.
Corrections are indicated by C.
065 St. Petersburg, Russian National Library, Gr. 6 I, fols. 1-3 (lower script)
11.50-12.9; 15.12-16.2; 19.11-24
The transcription contains standard formatting with a few additional details.
Corrections are indicated by C.
068 London, British Library, Add. 17136, fols. 117, 126 (lower script)
13.16-17, 19-20, 23-24, 26-7; 16.7-9, 12-13, 15-16, 18-19
The transcription contains standard formatting.
070 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Copt. 132.2 fol. 92v; 129.9 fol. 87v; 132.2 fol. 75v; 129.10 fols. 42v, 119v-124v, 164v; 133.1, fol. 120
3.23-26; 5.22-31, 38-39; 8.17-18, 21-22, 42-9.39; 11.50-52, 54-56; 12.33-34
Vienna, Nationalbibliothek, Pap. K. 15v
London, British Library, Add. 34274, 1 fol.
8.13-17, 18-21
Oxford, Bodleian Library, Clarendon Press b.2, fols. 12-19, 26
The transcription contains standard formatting, spaces, hanging lines, punctuation and diairesis.
Corrections are indicated by C.
078 St. Petersburg, Russian National Library, Gr. 13, fols. 1-7 (lower script)
4.52-5.8; 20.17-26
The transcription is Category 1.
083 St. Petersburg, Russian National Library, Gr. 10, fols. 1-6
1.25-41; 2.9-4.14, 34-50
The transcription is Category 1.
Corrections are indicated by C.
086 London, British Library, Or. 5707, 13 fols. (lower script)
3.5-4.18, 23-35, 45-49
Cairo, Egyptian Museum 9239, 1 fol. (lower script)
The transcription is Category 1.
087 St. Petersburg, Russian National Library, Gr. 12.278
Sinai, Monastery of St. Catherine, Syr. 1018
19.24-26; 20.17-20; 21.20-23
The transcription is Category 1.
091 St. Petersburg, Russian National Library, Gr. 279
6.13-14, 22-24
St. Petersburg, Russian Academy of Sciences, Foreign Language Manuscripts F. 410
6.38-42, 44-45, 47-52, 54-62
Our transcription of the leaves in the Russian Academy of Sciences is the editio princeps.
The transcription is Category 1.
Corrections are indicated by C.
0101 Vienna, Nationalbibliothek, Pap. G. 39780
The transcription is Category 1.
0105 Vienna, Nationalbibliothek, Suppl. gr. 121
The transcription contains standard formatting, with hanging lines and punctuation.
Corrections are indicated by C.
0109 Berlin, Staatliche Museen, P. 5010
16.30-17.9; 18.31-40
The transcription is Category 1.
Corrections are indicated by C.
0127 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Copt. 129, 10, fol. 207
The transcription contains standard formatting.
0141 We have not included this manuscript in this edition, since it is a minuscule commentary manuscript whose lemmata are written in majuscule. However, transcriptions were used for the Byzantine Text edition.
0145 Whereabouts unknown. Formerly Damascus, Kubbet el Chazne
6.26-31 The INTF has a transcription and a plate of the verso, which we have used.
The transcription contains standard formatting.
Corrections are indicated by C.
A transcription is provided here, but we have excluded it from the apparatus (the IGNTP has a principle of excluding material no longer verifiable).
0162 New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Department of Egyptian Art, Inv. 09.182.43 (P. Oxy. 847)
The transcription is Category 1.
0168 Formerly in Verria, Greece, this manuscript is lost.
0210 Berlin, Staatliche Museen, P. 3607, 3623
5.44; 6.1-2, 41-2
The transcription is Category 1.
Corrections are indicated by C.
0211 Tbilisi, Institute of Manuscripts, Gr. 27
Complete (with small lacunae at 1.13 and 21.17)
There is no previous edition of this manuscript.
The transcription contains standard formatting.
Corrections are indicated by C.
Transcription shared with the Byzantine text edition.
0212 The Dura Europos harmony fragment is not a copy of John, so we have not included it. It will be used as appropriate among the patristic citations in the critical edition of John.
0216 Vienna, Nationalbibliothek, Pap. G. 3081
8.51-53; 9.5-8
The transcription is Category 1.
0217 Vienna, Nationalbibliothek, Pap. G. 39212
The transcription is Category 1.
0218 Vienna, Nationalbibliothek, Pap. G. 19892B
12.2-6, 9-11, 14-16
The transcription is Category 1.
0233 Münster, Bibelmuseum, Ms 1 (lower script)
21 chapters, all with lacunae
There is no previous edition of this manuscript.
The transcription contains standard formatting.
Corrections are indicated by C.
0234 Whereabouts unknown. Formerly Damascus, Kubbet el Chazne
1.4-8, 20-24
There is a transcription in INTF, which we have used. A transcription is provided in the website, but we have excluded it from the apparatus.
0238 Vienna, Nationalbibliothek, Pap. K. 8668
The transcription is Category 1.
0250 (Codex Climaci Rescriptus)
This is not a continuous-text manuscript, and we have therefore excluded it from the edition.
0256 Vienna, Nationalbibliothek, Pap. G. 26084
6.32-33, 35-37
The transcription is Category 1.
0258 Whereabouts unknown (once at Sotheby's auction house)
10.25-26, 40 There are photographs and a transcription in INTF from the previous owner, and these are the source of our transcription. Only the recto can be verified from the photograph, and our transcription of the verso is entirely derived from the transcription.
The transcription is provided in the website, but we have excluded it from the apparatus.
0260 Berlin, Staatliche Museen, P. 5542
The transcription is Category 1.
0264 Berlin, Staatliche Museen, P. 14049
8.19-20, 23
The transcription is Category 1.
0268 Berlin, Staatliche Museen, P. 6790 1.30-32
The transcription is Category 1.
0273 London, British Library, Add. 31919, fols. 29, 99, 100 (lower script)
2.17-3.5; 4.23-37; 5.35-6.2 We could not make a worthwhile transcription of this very difficult palimpsest. It seems best to wait for the opportunity to apply advanced technology. It has not been included in the edition.
0286 Sinai, Monastery of St. Catherine, N. E. MG 72
The transcription contains standard formatting.
0287 Sinai, Monastery of St. Catherine, N. E. MG 97 + Sp.
fragments of Chapters 2, 10, 12, 13, 17, 20, 21
Not included, since these strips of parchment were not legible.
0290 Sinai, Monastery of St. Catherine, N. E. MG 102
There is no previous edition of this manuscript.
The transcription is Category 1.
Corrections are indicated by C.
0299 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Copt. 129, 10, fol. 199v
There is no previous edition of this manuscript.
The transcription is Category 1.
Corrections are indicated by C.
0301 Oslo, Schøyen Collection, MS 1367
There is no previous edition of this manuscript.
The transcription is Category 1.
0302 Berlin, Staatliche Museen, P. 21315
The transcription is Category 1.
0306 Oxford, Bodleian Library, Selden Supra 9, fols. 114-20 (lower script)
9.22-10.3, 5-8, 10-12; 11.6-37, 39-41
There is no previous edition of this manuscript.
The transcription contains standard formatting.
0309 Cologne, Institut für Altertumskunde, P. Köln, Inv. 806
20.22-24, 28-30
The transcription is Category 1.
0314 We have excluded this fragment from a binding, De Hamel Greek MS 4, containing part of 5.43.
We are convinced by the suggestion of the editor, Dr P.M. Head, that it may not be part of a continuous-text manuscript.

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