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16/18, Whittall Street, Gun Quarter, Birmingham

Nicklin, Phyllis (1963) 16/18, Whittall Street, Gun Quarter, Birmingham. [Image] (Unpublished)

Image (JPEG)
Available under License Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike .



Photograph of numbers 16/18, Whittall Street, in the Gun Quarter in decay. At number 18, Thomas Wild Gun Works. In the background the spire of St. Chad's RC Cathedral can be seen. The photograph was taken in early 1963.

Type of Work:Image
School/Faculty:Faculties (to 1997) > Faculty of Education
Department:Department of Extramural Studies
Additional Information:

Scanned by the Chrysalis project in 2004, from original 35mm slides held at the University of Birmingham.

Date:16 February 1963
See the location now via Google Maps (52.4849,-1.8963)
Projects:Project Chrysalis
Series/Collection Name:Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Keywords:Birmingham, Gun Quarter, factories, arms, workshops, guns, cars, Twentieth century Birmingham
Subjects:H Social Sciences > HC Economic History and Conditions
H Social Sciences > HN Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform
D History General and Old World > DA Great Britain
Funders:Museums, Libraries and Archives (MLA) West Midlands
Copyright Status:Copyright and database rights in this material belong to MLA West Midlands and the University of Birmingham. The photographic image is available to download and redistribute for non-commercial purposes.
Copyright Holders:University of Birmingham
Remote Supplementary Files:
- Original, high-quality TIFF Image (requires password to access) Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike
- MD5 checksum file for TIFF image (requires password to access)
ID Code:360

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