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Hans Sedlmayr, ‘Obituary: Julius Ritter von Schlosser 23 IX 1866 – 1 XII 1938’, trans. Karl Johns (Independent)

Johns, Karl (2022) Hans Sedlmayr, ‘Obituary: Julius Ritter von Schlosser 23 IX 1866 – 1 XII 1938’, trans. Karl Johns (Independent). Journal of Art Historiography (27). ISSN 2042-4752

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URL of Published Version: https://arthistoriography.wordpress.com/27-dec22/

Identification Number/DOI: https://doi.org/10.48352/uobxjah.00004171


The greatest respect one could show would certainly be a renewed and serious consideration of Schlosser’s work – and yet we have another duty which strikes me as more important still, and this is to recognize its significance for the history of art beyond the mere accrual of knowledge. For us art historians, this question is inextricably bound to the other as to whether we have done justice to his work, and as paradoxical as it might sound about such a figure who was given the highest possible honors during his life, I would have to answer in the negative. … I would most like to show that the large and impressive work of Julius von Schlosser is today in no way finished, and that the day it was published is fading behind us, but indeed that Schlosser still has a very living contribution to make to the history of art of our own time, and that it is far from fading. This is very clear as we consider his work in relation to his own time.

Type of Work:Article
School/Faculty:Colleges (2008 onwards) > College of Arts & Law
Department:Department of Art History, Curating and Visual Studies
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This article is archived in ePapers for preservation purposes

Date:December 2022
Keywords:written sources, medieval attitude to art, museum organisation, coins, medals, musical instruments, small-scale sculpture, individual work of art, ‘Monday tutorials’, teaching
Subjects:N Fine Arts > NX Arts in general
Copyright Status:Copyright for articles published in this journal is retained by the authors, with first publication rights granted to the journal. Authors may subsequently archive and publish the pdfs as produced by the journal. By virtue of their appearance in this open access journal, articles are free to use, with proper attribution, in educational and other non-commercial settings. Copyright restrictions apply to the use of any images contained within the articles. This work is licensed under a CC BY-NC 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/
ID Code:4171
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