ePapers Repository

First steps in Urban Tree Canopy Cover

Brettle, D. and Doick, K.J. and Ferranti, E.J.S. and James, S. and Barrell, J. (2024) First steps in Urban Tree Canopy Cover. Documentation. University of Birmingham.

PDF - Published Version

Identification Number/DOI: https://doi.org/10.25500/epapers.bham.00004369


Trees provide a range of benefits for urban society including biodiversity enhancement, promoting better health and wellbeing, and increasing urban resilience to extreme weather such as heavy rainfall and hot summer temperatures. Quantifying how much of a given area is covered by trees, when viewed from above, i.e. the tree canopy cover, provides a proxy for these current benefits and projections can be made for future benefits. Generally, the larger a tree canopy, the greater the ecosystem services provided by the tree. Urban Tree Canopy Cover (UTCC) is expressed as a percentage of the total area or in m2, ha2 or km2.

Type of Work:Monograph (Documentation)
School/Faculty:Colleges (2008 onwards) > College of Engineering & Physical Sciences
Number of Pages:4
Department:School of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering
Date:24 September 2024
Series/Collection Name:Trees & Design Action Group
Copyright Status:© Trees and Design Action Group Trust
Copyright Holders:The Author(s)
ID Code:4369

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