Fuller, Danielle and Rehberg Sedo, DeNel and Lang, Anouk and Engel, Lindsay (2008) Beyond the Book project: quantitative data and collateral documents for One Book, One Chicago. [Dataset] (Unpublished)
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Quantitative data and collateral documents Chicago portion of the AHRC-funded project ‘Beyond the Book: Mass Reading Events and Contemporary Cultures of Reading in the UK, USA and Canada’, (2005-2008, grant number: 112166), a three-year interdisciplinary project. The study researched a selection of 21st-century reading events which employ mass media (TV and radio) and city-wide reading projects which employ the ‘One Book, One Community’ model.
The primary aims of the transnational study were to investigate how mass reading events configure contemporary practices of reading and the cultural meanings of reading at local, national and international levels; to explain the uses and complexities of reading communities in different locations; to identify and analyse trans-national trends and differences in contemporary reading cultures and reading practices; and, to critique the popular function of literary fiction.
The file contains the data collected from a series of an online survey of readers in Chicago. Convenience sampling was employed. The survey was advertised through adverts in newspapers, on-line advertisements; flyers and bookmarks distributed through public library systems and cultural centres; via email through the research team’s formal and informal social and professional networks. The data includes reading choice, habits and practices; participation in broadcast and community book programming; and, basic demographic information (anonymised). The statistical data is deposited in .sav .csv and .por formats.
Collateral material includes: Codebook and the Survey.
Content was created between ca. 2006-10-13 and 2008-08-25. Content was saved 2008-10-31.
Type of Work: | Dataset |
School/Faculty: | Schools (1998 to 2008) > School of Historical Studies |
Department: | Department of American and Canadian Studies |
Additional Information: | The results of this research project are available on the project website, and in published papers. For a summary of the project, see http://eprints.bham.ac.uk/155/
Date: | August 2008 |
Projects: | Beyond the Book: Mass Reading Events and Contemporary Cultures of Reading in the UK, USA and Canada, AHRC grant number: 112166 |
Keywords: | One Book, One Community, One Book One Chicago, Books and reading—Research, Books and reading--Sociological aspects, Books and reading--United States, Book clubs (Discussion groups) --United States, Library outreach programs--United States, Literature and society--United States, Reading groups, Reading interests, Reading programs (Literacy), Reading promotion, Reading promotion--United States, Reading public, Reading public (Library users) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HT Communities. Classes. Races P Language and Literature > PR English literature P Language and Literature > PS American literature H Social Sciences > HM Sociology Z Bibliography. Library Science. Information Resources > Z719 Libraries (General) |
Funders: | Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) |
Copyright Status: | This unpublished dataset is copyright of the project authors and/or third parties. The intellectual property rights of the authors or third parties in respect of this work are as defined by The Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 or as modified by any successor legislation. Any use made of information contained in this document must be in accordance with that legislation and must be properly acknowledged. Further distribution or reproduction in any format is prohibited without the permission of the copyright holder. |
Copyright Holders: | University of Birmingham, Mount Saint Vincent University |
ID Code: | 61 |
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