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A Transcription of the Gospel according to John in the Latin part of Codex Bezae (Vetus Latina 5)

Burton, P.H. and Balserak, J. and Houghton, H.A.G. and Parker, D.C. (2011) A Transcription of the Gospel according to John in the Latin part of Codex Bezae (Vetus Latina 5). [Manuscript]

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URL of Published Version: http://arts-itsee.bham.ac.uk/AnaServer?verbum+0+start.anv+ms=5

Abstract :

A Transcription of the Gospel according to John in the Latin part of Codex Bezae (Vetus Latina 5)
Cambridge, University Library Nn. II. 41. Copied around 400, probably in Beirut.

Details :

Date :2011 (Completion)
Media of Output :Electronic Edition at www.iohannes.com
Information :
This file is the raw XML produced by the project and requires transformation by a suitable XML processor or stylesheet in order to be properly displayed. Users not familiar with XML are advised to use the online published version at http://www.iohannes.com/vetuslatina/ The XML encoding used is version 1.1 of the IGNTP guidelines for New Testament manuscripts, a subset of the TEI P5, available at http://epapers.bham.ac.uk/738/
Faculty :
Colleges (2008 onwards) > College of Arts & Law
Department :Institute for Textual Scholarship and Electronic Editing (ITSEE)
Source :ITSEE
Subjects : BS The Bible
Projects :Verbum Project
Funders :Arts and Humanities Research Council
ID Code :686
Submitted :31 Jan 2011 16:29
Last Modified :09 Jul 2011 16:00

Date:02 February 2011
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