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Project title ClinPsy-i: Web-based infrastructure for teaching and communications on the clinical psychology doctoral course

CLAD, LDU (2003) Project title ClinPsy-i: Web-based infrastructure for teaching and communications on the clinical psychology doctoral course. Project Report. University of Birmingham, Birmingham. (Unpublished)

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Identification Number/DOI: HIST066


This project aims to develop and integrate the support of students on placements using WebCT into the programme of study. This support to include the development of online learning materials and communities of practice with fellow students, tutors and clinicians.

Clinical psychology skills are best learnt in practical situations, but clinical placements in practice are isolated, and they can also be emotionally and technically demanding. Constant support and communication from the training institution and the student’s peer group are needed in order for students to succeed. Recent developments in Web-based teaching can help with this, including bulletin boards, chat rooms and noticeboards. This project will develop Web-based training material for Clinical Psychologists, contributing towards a more self-directed, modular model of training, important given probable large-scale expansion in Clinical Psychology training (due to recent NHS developments). It will create a learning community, including opportunities for support and reflection for Clinical Psychology students in the West Midlands; the project will also benefit NHS clinical supervisors who by tradition work in a relatively isolated manner.

Type of Work:Monograph (Project Report)
School/Faculty:Schools (1998 to 2008) > School of Psychology
Department:School of Psychology
Additional Information:

The original papers that comprise this project are stored at Centre for Learning and Academic Development (CLAD), University of Birmingham. Please contact CLAD using the email address cladprojects@contacts.bham.ac.uk for any further information.

Date:August 2003
Series/Collection Name:Education Enhancement Projects
Keywords:Web-based infrastructure, communications, WebCT, online learning materials, communities of practice, cop, disseminate, book reviews, extensive placement, descriptions, quizzes, placement supervisors, learning community, forum, exchange of ideas, special interest groups, sig, leap,
Subjects:L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB2300 Higher Education
Funders:LDU LEaP
Copyright Status:This project report is copyright of the author and the University of Birmingham. Any use made of information contained in this project must be acknowledged. Further distribution or reproduction in any format is prohibited without the permission of the copyright holder.
Copyright Holders:University of Birmingham
ID Code:1623

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