Psychology is the systematic empirical study of the mechanisms of objective achievements by a human being or member of another species. These mental processes include intentions / actions, percepts / sensations, thoughts / solutions, emotions / cooperations, communications etc. - whatever the task ... [ more ] Psychology is the systematic empirical study of the mechanisms of objective achievements by a human being or member of another species. These mental processes include intentions / actions, percepts / sensations, thoughts / solutions, emotions / cooperations, communications etc. - whatever the task that the individual successfully performed, and by what mental/behavioural causation. Psychological knowledge is not based on subjective contents of a private world, neural causation or brain activity, societal causation or cultural functions, bodily movements or physical dynamics and cannot be reduced to environmental or/and genetic origins. As I understand it, God is the sustainer of all things, the biosphere, human society, and the cultural, physiological and mental life of each of us. God upholds the mechanisms of physics, politics and mind. God does not put the atoms in their places; rather, God keeps creating the same causal powers - ‘laws’ of nature, including red in tooth and claw, and‘laws’ of society, including powers of this dark world. To deal with all of this, human beings have been given the biosocial capacity to take complementing roles in a shared task - that is, to be loving. | Author : Booth, David A. Date : 04 November 2006 Source : Mind, Machines and Majesty - The Boundaries of Humanity, 4 November, 2006, London Institute of Contemporary Christianity. Collection : Annual Conference of Christians in Science (UK) | Preview |