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Number of items: 21.
'Let women be silent in church'- can textual criticism help to solve a question of church order?
A short presentation by the author, including a critique of the suggestion that 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 was originally absent from the text. See also http://epapers.bham.ac.uk/3297 which appears to be a continuation of this text.
Author : Birdsall, James Neville (1928-2005)
Date : 07 July 1999
Source : Unknown Seminar.
Collection : Birdsall Papers

1 Corinthians 14:34-35 : the significance of the evidence of MS.88
Draft reflections by the author on the evidence presented in manuscript 88 and the position of verses 34 and 35 within the chapter. See also http://epapers.bham.ac.uk/3285 which appears to be a lecture anticipating this paper.
Author : Birdsall, James Neville (1928-2005)
Date : 1999
Source : Unknown Seminar.
Keywords : GA 88, Pauline Epistles
Collection : Birdsall Papers

1273 notes
Handwritten notes by the author on GA 1273 (Auckland City Libraries Med Ms G124), including observations on the portrait details of Matthew and Luke.
Author : Birdsall, James Neville (1928-2005)
Date : 14 September 1981
Source : Working Paper. University of Birmingham.
Collection : Birdsall Papers

A survey of the research of J. Neville Birdsall
A personal reflection on the life and works of J. Neville Birdsall by the author himself.
Author : Birdsall, James Neville (1928-2005)
Date : August 1995
Source : Discussion Paper. University of Birmingham.
Collection : Birdsall Papers

A transcription of the Menologion in GA 330 (London, British Library, MS Add. 28817)
A letter to J. Neville Birdsall from his student Margaret along with a transcription of the Menologion in GA 330 (London, British Library, MS Add. 28817). Preserved in the Birdsall Papers.
Author : Birdsall, James Neville (1928-2005)
Date : 06 June 1966
Source : Working Paper. University of Birmingham .
Collection : Birdsall Papers

C.R.C.A. Allberry and C.P. Snow's 'Roy Calvert'
Comment and review by JN Birdsall on the maligning of Allberry through the Character of Roy Calvert in Snow's novel 'The Light and the Dark'. Written for the Journal of Theological Studies but never apparently published.
Author : Birdsall, James Neville (1928-2005)
Date : 1997
Source : Working Paper. University of Birmingham.
Collection : Birdsall Papers

Do We have the original text of the New Testament?
Comment by JN Birdsall, on the text of the New Testament and the legitimacy of other biblical texts, such as the Gnostic Nag-Hammadi codices and the Gospel of Thomas. Birdsall also questions claims made by Morton Smith of a 'Secret Gospel of Mark' made available in 1973. Birdsall also expounds the v...
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Author : Birdsall, James Neville (1928-2005)
Date : 1985
Source : Unknown Seminar.
Collection : Birdsall Papers

Jesus the magician
Seminar paper given by J Neville Birdsall, probably Durham 1996
Author : Birdsall, James Neville (1928-2005)
Date : 1996
Source : Unknown Seminar.
Collection : Birdsall Papers

Note on the minuscule manuscripts associated with Gregory-Aland 21 in Matthew and Mark
Handwritten notes on a group of minuscule manuscripts related to GA21 (Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, grec 68) based on Legg's critical apparatus. Includes a collation and a table of readings on graph paper.
Author : Birdsall, James Neville (1928-2005)
Date : 1961
Source : Working Paper. University of Birmingham.
Collection : Birdsall Papers

Notes on GA 370 (Biblioteca Ricardiana Ms.5)
Handwritten notes from a personal examination of the manuscript in 1957, including a full collation of Luke's gospel.
Author : Birdsall, James Neville (1928-2005)
Date : 11 June 1957
Source : Working Paper. University of Birmingham.
Keywords : luke, gospel, GA 370,
Collection : Birdsall Papers

Notes on Photius' text of the Gospels
Handwritten notes by Birdsall collecting the textual evidence in the writings of Photius for Matthew (2 files), Mark, Luke, and John (one file each). It is likely that these underlie his publications "The Text of the Gospels in Photius" (Journal of Theological Studies, 7.1 and 7.2 [1956]; New Testam...
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Author : Birdsall, James Neville (1928-2005)
Date : 1952
Source : Documentation. University of Birmingham.
Keywords : Photius, gospels, textual criticism
Collection : Birdsall Papers


Notes on the Jerusalem Colophon
A selection of handwritten notes on the Jerusalem Colophon, including long lists of manuscripts in which it is is found. There are also copies of letters to Birdsall on this topic from Klaus Junack and Kurt Treu dated 1979.
Author : Birdsall, James Neville (1928-2005)
Date : 1979
Source : Working Paper. University of Birmingham.
Collection : Birdsall Papers

Observations on the Calendrical Notes of MS. Copenhagen, Kong.Bibl. Nye Konglige Samling 2126.2º (Lectionary 1748)
These files represent a dossier compiled by Neville Birdsall in the 1960s on L1748 for the preparation of an article. It is presented here in its third draft form, with annotations, but it appears not to have been published. The extensive correspondence with F. Halkin suggests that it was intended f...
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Author : Birdsall, James Neville (1928-2005)
Date : 04 October 1966
Source : Working Paper. University of Birmingham.
Collection : Birdsall Papers


On the punctuation of John 1:3-4 in the Old Church
A typescript paper with references on the different possibilities of punctuation of John 1:3-4 in multiple language traditions. Birdsall states that Zahn and de la Potterie agree in four possibilities of varying punctuation and then choses to refer mainly to de la Potterie's article in his ensuing ...
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Author : Birdsall, James Neville (1928-2005)
Date : 1990
Source : Working Paper. University of Birmingham .
Collection : Birdsall Papers

Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Reflections on maintaining the accuracy of the apparatus
Reflections by the author on how the integrity of the apparatus of textual criticism might be maintained; including comment on specific errors in transmission of original text.
Author : Birdsall, James Neville (1928-2005)
Date : 1995
Source : Unknown Seminar.
Keywords : Editio Critica Maior, IGNTP, John, Luke, New Testament
Collection : Birdsall Papers

Textual criticism and - no end
An autobiographical reflection by J.N. Birdsall delivered at the Fourth Birmingham Colloquium on the Textual Criticism of the New Testament in April 2005.
Author : Birdsall, James Neville (1928-2005)
Date : April 2005
Source : Fourth Birmingham Colloquium, April 2005, Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre.
Collection : Birdsall Papers

Textual criticism and the historical study of the Gospels
A paper delivered at Tyndale House in 1979, and to the Graduate Seminar at Birmingham in 1970. It comments on the work of a textual critic, with reflection on Birdsall's own work and the crossing of the two disciplines of patristics and philology. There are discussions of cruces such as the end of M...
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Author : Birdsall, James Neville (1928-2005)
Date : 1979
Source : Lecture at Tyndale House, 1979, Tyndale House, Cambridge.
Collection : Birdsall Papers

The restitution of Tatian's work
A typescript paper on research into Tatian's Diatessaron and its challenges, including evidence in Armenian and Georgian. It may be a lecture: there is no evidence that it has been published.
Author : Birdsall, James Neville (1928-2005)
Date : 1980
Source : Working Paper. University of Birmingham.
Keywords : tatian, diatessaron
Collection : Birdsall Papers

The study of the Diatessaron since Curt Peters (1940 to the present day)
A typescript paper on the history of Diatessaron research from 1940 to 1974. The accompanying letter shows that it was prepared as an invited contribution to the Rivista di storia e letteratura religiosa in 1974, but it appears never to have been published.
Author : Birdsall, James Neville (1928-2005)
Date : 12 May 1974
Source : Working Paper. University of Birmingham.
Keywords : tatian, diatessaron
Collection : Birdsall Papers


The text of the New Testament in Arethas of Caesarea
Handwritten notes of a draft paper and documentation on the biblical text of Arethas. There is information on most biblical books and a comparison with Andreas of Caesarea. The final two pages are headed "Leon Magister" and "Basilios of Neopatras".
Author : Birdsall, James Neville (1928-2005)
Date : 1983
Source : Working Paper. University of Birmingham.
Collection : Birdsall Papers

The variant reading ΛΥΕΙ ('luei') in 1 John 4.3
A response to an article published by Michael Goulder ("A Poor Man's Christology", New Testament Studies 45 [1999]). Birdsall draws attention to several textual variants impinging on Goulder's arguments. This is the second draft (2000) and the article appears unfinished and unpublished.
Author : Birdsall, James Neville (1928-2005)
Date : 30 March 2000
Source : Working Paper. University of Birmingham.
Collection : Birdsall Papers

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