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Barnett, James and Bull, Stephen and Cooper, Helen (2016) Pop-up Library at the University of Birmingham: Extending the reach of an Academic Library by taking 'The Library' to the students. New Review of Academic Librarianship . ISSN 1361-4533

Harper, Mandy and Machell, Frances (2019) Mission impossible! Setting up a branch library in Dubai. Taking Stock, 27 (2). pp. 2-4. ISSN 0966-6745

Book Section

Browne, Claire and Lewis, Elaine (2020) Internships and ethnography:students researching students. In: User Experience in Libraries: Yearbook 2019. UX in Libraries. ISBN 978–8609163653

Catalogue Cards

Craft, Edward A - ACADEMIA. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward ACADEMIC - ADAMS. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward ADAMSKI - AFRICA. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward AFRIKA - AKB. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward AKE - ALEW. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward ALEX - ALLEN,G. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward ALLEN,H - ALV. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward ALW - AMERICAN L. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward AMERICAN M - ANCO. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward ANCR - ANE. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward ANF - ANZ. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward AO - ARD. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward ARE - ARMI. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward ARMO - ARTHOS. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward ARTHUR - ASR. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward ASS - ATI. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward ATK - AUL. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward AUM - AWR. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward AX - BACON,J. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BACON,L - BAINVILLE. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BAIO - BALK. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BALL - BANN. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BANO - BARK. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BARL - BARROSO. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BARROT - BASS. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BAST - BAW. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BAX - BEAT. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BEAU - BEDG. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BEDI - BELL,B. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BELL,C - BEM. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BEN - BENS. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BENT - BERG. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BERH - BERS. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BERT - BEX. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BEY - BIBLE(B5). [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BIBLE(B6) - BIBLE(C6a). [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BIBLE(C6b) - BID. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BIE - BIRK. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BIRL - BIRY. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BIS - BLAI. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BLAKE - BLOK. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BLOM - BOC. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BOD - BOI. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BOJ - BONR. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BONS - BOSQ. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BOSS - BOUR. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BOUS - BOZ. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BRAA - BRANDES. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BRANDI - BREN. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BREP - BRIQ. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BRIS - BRITISH IRON. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BRITISH JOINT - BRITISH NATIONAL. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BRITISH NON - BROE. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BROG - BROWN, C. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BROWN, D - BROWNING. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BROWNLEE - BRYA. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BRYCE - BUDG. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BUDI - BUQ. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BURA - BURNET. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BURNETT - BUS. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BUT - BYRON. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward BYS - CALH. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward CALI - CAMB. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward CAMD - CANADA. DEPT OF LABOUR. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward CANADA. DEPT OF MINES - CAQ. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward CAR - CARNEGIE INST. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward CARNEGIE INST. (CONT) - CARS. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward CART - CASTEX. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward CASTH - CAZ. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward CE - CEZ. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward CHAA - CHAM. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward CHAN - CHARLES. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward CHARLET - CHAZ. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward CHE - CHH. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward CHI - CHO. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward CHR - CHURCH OF ENG. LAMBETH. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward CHURCH OF ENG. LITURGICAL COMM. - CLAP. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward CLAR - CLAS. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward CLAT - CLOUE. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward CLOUG - COHI. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward COHN - COLK. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward COLL - COLONIAL. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward COLONIES - COMMONWEALTH. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward COMMUNAUTE - CONFERENCE LUMI. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward CONFERENCE MACHINE - CONG. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward CONI - COOK,R. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward COOK,S - CORB. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward CORC - COS. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward COT - COURT. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward COURTA - COZ. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward CRA - CRE. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward CRI - CROW. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward CROWC - CUQ. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward CUR - DAD. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward DAE - DANG. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward DANI - DARWA. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward DARWI - DAVIES,H. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward DAVIES,I - DAX. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward DAY - DEG. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward DEH - DEME. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward DEMI - DER. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward DES - DEV. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward DEW - DICTIONAR. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)




Craft, Edward DICTIONARY. SUBJECT. TECHNICAL - DIRS. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward DIS - DOD. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward DOE - DOP. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward DOR - DOZ. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward DRA - DRYDEN,H. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward DRYDEN,J - DUF. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward DUG - DUNM. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward DUNN - DWY. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward DYA - EBY. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward ECA - EDVI. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward EDW - EIN. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward EIR - ELK. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward ELL - ELZ. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward EM - ENH. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward ENI - ERZ. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward ESA - EURI. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward EURO - EVA. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward EVANS - EXU. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward EYA - FALI. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward FALK - FAV. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward FAW - FEO. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward FER - FID. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward FIE - FIQ. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward FIR - FJO. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward FLA - FLL. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward FLO - FON. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward FOO - FOSTB. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward FOSTER - FPT. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward FRA - FRANG. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward FRANK - FREEM. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward FREEMAN - FRIED. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward FRIEL - FULH. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward FULK - GAK. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward GAL - GANS. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward GANT - GARO. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward GARR - GAW. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward GAWA - GENS. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward GENT - GERMAN. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward GERMANY - GIBA. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward GIBB - GILKS. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward GILL - GKZ. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward GLA - GLUZ. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward GLY - GOF. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward GOG - GOL. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward GOM - GORDIN. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward GORDON - GOTT. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward GOUB - GRAK. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward GRAM - GRAY,S. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward GRAY,T - GREAT BRIT. CENTRAL OFFICE for L. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward GREAT BRIT. CENTRAL OFFICE of I. - GREAT BRIT. COUNCIL on TRIBUNALS. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward GREAT BRIT. COUNTRYSIDE - GREAT BRIT. EDUCATION. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward GREAT BRIT. EDUCATION and SCIENCE - GREAT BRIT. FOREST. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward GREAT BRIT. FORESTRY - GREAT BRIT. HEALTH. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward GREAT BRIT. HOUSING - GREAT BRIT. LAWS, STATUTES. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward GREAT BRIT. LAWS, STATUTES (cont) - GREAT BRIT. NATIONAL F. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward GREAT BRIT. NATIONAL HEALTH - GREAT BRIT. PARLIAMENT H of C. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward GREAT BRIT. PARLIAMENT H of L - GREAT BRIT. ROYAL COMMISSION. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward GREAT BRIT. ROYAL COMMISSION (cont) - GREAT BRIT. TIMBER. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward GREAT BRIT. TOWN PLANNING - GREATER LONDON COUNCIL. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward GREATER LONDON PAPERS - GREG. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward GREGE - GRIFFITH. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward GRIFFITHS - GROTZ. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward GROU - GUIC. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward GUICC - GURL. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward GURN - HACQ. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward HAD - HALDA. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward HALDE - HALL. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward HALLI - HAML. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward HAMM - HANM. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward HANN - HARG. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward HARI - HARRIS LECTURES. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward HARRISON - HART. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward HARU - HAS. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward HAT - HAX. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward HAY - HEATE. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward HEATH - HEIM. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward HEIN - HEM. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward HENA - HEP. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward HER - HERL. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward HERM - HERZ. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward HES - HEZ. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward HI - HILL,P. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward HILL,R - HISP. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward HISS - HODG. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward HODI - HOLDA. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward HOLDE - HOLME. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward HOLMG - HOOKE. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward HOOKER - HORN. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward HORO - HOWA. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward HOWC - HUEF. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward HUEG - HUMB. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward HUME - HURR. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward HURS - HW. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward HY - IMM. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward IMO - INGP. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward INGR - INSTITUTE OF NAV. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward INSTITUTE OF OFF - INTERNATIONAL ASTR. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward INTERNATIONAL ATO - INTERNATIONAL CONF ON P. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward INTERNATIONAL CONF ON Q - INTERNATIONAL EX. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward INTERNATIONAL F - INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON E. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON F - IRT. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward IRV - IVANOV. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward IVANOVSKI - JACOX. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward JACQ - JANN. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward JANO - JEM. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward JEN - JESUR. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward JESUS - JOHNS HOPKINS. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward JOHNSON - JOKLIK. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward JOL - JONES. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward JONG - JUEL. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward JUEN - KAH. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward KAI - KARA. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward KARB - KAY. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward KAZA - KELLUM. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward KELLY - KENT. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward KENTS - KHME. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward KHOD - KINGD. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward KINGE - KISE. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward KISH - KMOC. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward KN - KOEG. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward KOHL - KOMMU. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward KOMO - KOV. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward KOVA - KRINOV. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward KRIPA - KUK. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward KUL - LABLA. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward LABO - LAKD. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward LAKE - LAND. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward LANDOR - LAOU. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward LAP - LAT. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward LAU - LAWR. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward LAWS - LEBR. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward LEC - LEE. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward LEF - LEIG. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward LEIJ - LENZ. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward LEO - LESSE. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward LESSI - LEVY. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward LEW - LIBERI. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward LIBERK - LIM. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward LIN - LIO. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward LIP - LIVIN. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward LIVIUS - LODGE. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward LODI - LONDON UNITED. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward LONDON UNIVERSITY - LONGFE. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward LONGFI - LOUG. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward LOUI - LUCE. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward LUCH - LUTF. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward LUTH - LZH. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward M - MACDONAGH. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward MACDONALD - MACHER. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward MACHES - MACKINS. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward MACKINT - MACO. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward MACP - MAGE. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward MAGG - MAK. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward MAL - MANC. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward MANCH - MANSV. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward MANT - MARIN. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward MARINA - MARSH. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward MARSHA - MARTIN. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward MARTINE - MASOM. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward MASON - MATHE. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward MATHI - MAWS. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward MAX - MD. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward MEA - MEK. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward MEL - MEQ. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward MER - METG. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward METH - MIA. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward MIC - MIK. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward MILA - MILLOT. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward MILLS - MIQ. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward MIR - MOD. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward MOE - MONH. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward MONI - MONT. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward MONU - MORE,R. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward MORE,T - MORLEY. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward MORLI - MOSCOVITZ. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward MOSCOW - MOZA. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward MOZE - MUNBY. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward MUNCE - MURRIN. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward MURRIS - NAIROBI. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward NAIS - NATIONAL ASSC OF A. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward NATIONAL ASSOC OF B - NATIONAL D. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward NATIONAL E - NATIONAL T. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward NATIONAL U - NEH. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward NEI - NEV. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward NEW - NEWTON. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward NEWTON ABBOT - NICOLLS. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward NICOLO - NIT. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward NIV - NORTH ATLANTIC. ADVANCED. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward NORTH ATLANTIC. ADVISORY - NOV. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward NOW - OB. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward OC - OG. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward OH - OLZ. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward OMA - ORGANISATION E. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward ORGANISATION for E - ORM. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward ORN - OSW. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward OTA - OXFORD UNIV. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward OXFORD UNIV. AG - PAG. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward PAH - PANDA. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward PANDE - PARIS T. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward PARIS. U - PARR. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward PARRY - PATOCK. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward PATON - PAY. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward PAZ - PEI. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward PEJA - PERES. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward PERET - PETE. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward PETER - PEZZ. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward PFAE - PHILO,E. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward PHILO,J - PIGOTT. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward PIGOU - PITM. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward PITO - PLAUTI. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward PLAUTU - PLUSC. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward PLUTA - POLIT. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward POLITICAL - PONZE. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward POOL - POSTH. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward POSTI - PRAJ. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward PRAKA - PRIDD. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward PRIDE - PROJE. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward PROK - PULO. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward PULPI - QUENO. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward QUENS - RADT. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward RADU - RAND. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward RANDA - RAVN. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward RAW - REDG. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward REDH - REIN. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward REINA - RESNI. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward RESO - RIBT. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward RICAL - RICHT. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward RICKA - RITCH. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward RITCHI - ROBERTS,R. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward ROBERTS,S - ROBY. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward ROC - ROGU. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward ROH - ROMB. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward ROME - ROSENBLAT. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward ROSENBLATT - ROTHEN. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward ROTHER - ROY. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward ROYAL ACADEMY - RSDRP. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward RSFSR - RURIK. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward RUS - RUSZ. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward RUT - SAC. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward SADA - SALAZ. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward SALBA - SANCR. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward SANCT - SAPRE. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward SARA - SAVEZ. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward SAVI - SCHALI. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward SCHALK - SCHIM. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward SCHIN - SCHNEE. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward SCHNEI - SCHRAM. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward SCHRAU - SCHWEI. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward SCHWEIT - SCOWE. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward SCRA - SEK. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward SEL - SERF. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward SERG - SHAK. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward SHAKESPEARE,W (A1) - SHAKESPEARE,W (E1 E). [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward SHAKESPEARE,W (E1 F) - SHAKESPERE. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward SHAKH - SHEEL. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward SHEEN - SHER. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward SHES - SHY. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward SIA - SIL. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward SIM - SINGEL. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward SINGER - SKOR. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward SKOSS - SMITH,ALE. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward SMITH,ALF - SMITH,J. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward SMITH,K - SMY. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward SNA - SOCIETY FOR. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward SOCIETY OF - SOMER. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward SOMESEA - SOUTHAL. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward SOUTHAM - SPECT. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward SPECU - SPL. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward SPO - STAM. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward STAMP - STC. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward STEA - STEPHEN, H. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward STEPHEN, J - STEWART, L. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward STEWART,M - STOM. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward STON - STRAT. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward STRAU - STUBBS. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward STUBE - SUMMA. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward SUMME - SWAM. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward SWAN - SYLO. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward SYLVA - SZ. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward T - TANW. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward TANZ - TAYLOR, F. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward TAYLOR,G - TEMPLA. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward TEMPLE - TERRE. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward TERRI - THEZ. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward THI - THOM. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward THOMP - THOMS. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward THON - TIECK, J. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward TIECK, L - TITSINGH. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward TITTA - TOMES. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward TOMI - TOU. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward TOV - TREI. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward TREL - TROMS. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward TRON - TUF. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward TUFT - TUTE. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward TUTH - ULBE. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward ULBR - UNION (SOVIET) LAWS,STATUTES. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward UNION (SOVIET) MARI - UNITED NATIONS. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)





Craft, Edward UNITED STATES, NAT. MUSEUM - UNITED VOLUNTARY. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward UNITY OF CZECH BRETHREN - UT. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward UTR - VALP. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward VALS - VASILES. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward VASILEV - VENES. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward VENET - VERTR. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward VERTUE - VIGOL. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward VIGON - VISAG. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward VISAK - VOLTA. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward VOLTAIRE - VS. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward VT - WAIL. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward WAIN - WALL. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward WALLACE - WALTM. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward WALTON - WARNA. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward WARNE - WATR. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward WATS - WEBB. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward WEBBE - WEIM. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward WEIN - WELLSTE. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward WELLSTO - WESTBY. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward WESTC - WEZ. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward WHALE - WHITC. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward WHITE - WHITEWAY. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward WHITF - WIED. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward WIEG - WILD. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward WILE - WILLES. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward WILLET - WILLIAMS,J. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward WILLIAMS,K - WILLN. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward WILLO - WILSON,J. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward WILSON,K - WINF. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward WING - WISS. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward WIST - WOLF. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward WOLFA - WOO. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward WOOD - WOODR. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward WOODS - WORG. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward WORK - WOZ. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward WP - WRIGHT. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward WRIGHTSON - WYZ. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward X - YEAR. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward YEAT - YOUNG,E. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward YOUNG,F - ZAF. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward ZAG - ZEK. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward ZEL - ZIMM. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward ZIMN - ZZ. [Catalogue Cards] (Unpublished)

Conference or Workshop Item

Browne, Claire (2019) Internships and Ethnography: students researching students. In: UXLibsV : international User Experience in Libraries conference, 17-19 June 2019, Royal Holloway, University of London. (Unpublished)

Craft, Edward (2017) The ‘moving’ tale of the University of Birmingham Library. In: IGeLU 2017, 11-13/9/2017, St Petersburg, Russia.

Craft, Edward and Machell, Frances (2018) The University of Birmingham Alma Migration. In: EPUG-UKI Autumn Conference 2018, 15-16/10/2018, The British Library, London, UK.

Robertson, Catherine (2010) Getting Published - and how the Library can help. In: Making an Impact, Birmingham Business School. (Unpublished)


Fuller, Danielle and Rehberg Sedo, DeNel and Lang, Anouk and Engel, Lindsay (2008) Beyond the Book project: quantitative data and collateral documents. [Dataset] (Unpublished)

Fuller, Danielle and Rehberg Sedo, DeNel and Lang, Anouk and Engel, Lindsay (2008) Beyond the Book project: quantitative data and collateral documents for Birmingham Readers Festival. [Dataset] (Unpublished)

Fuller, Danielle and Rehberg Sedo, DeNel and Lang, Anouk and Engel, Lindsay (2008) Beyond the Book project: quantitative data and collateral documents for Bristols' Great Reading Adventure. [Dataset] (Unpublished)

Fuller, Danielle and Rehberg Sedo, DeNel and Lang, Anouk and Engel, Lindsay (2008) Beyond the Book project: quantitative data and collateral documents for Canada Reads. [Dataset] (Unpublished)

Fuller, Danielle and Rehberg Sedo, DeNel and Lang, Anouk and Engel, Lindsay (2008) Beyond the Book project: quantitative data and collateral documents for Liverpool Reads. [Dataset] (Unpublished)

Fuller, Danielle and Rehberg Sedo, DeNel and Lang, Anouk and Engel, Lindsay (2008) Beyond the Book project: quantitative data and collateral documents for One Book, One Chicago. [Dataset] (Unpublished)

Fuller, Danielle and Rehberg Sedo, DeNel and Lang, Anouk and Engel, Lindsay (2008) Beyond the Book project: quantitative data and collateral documents for One Book, One Huntsville. [Dataset] (Unpublished)

Fuller, Danielle and Rehberg Sedo, DeNel and Lang, Anouk and Engel, Lindsay (2008) Beyond the Book project: quantitative data and collateral documents for One Book, One Vancouver. [Dataset] (Unpublished)

Fuller, Danielle and Rehberg Sedo, DeNel and Lang, Anouk and Engel, Lindsay (2008) Beyond the Book project: quantitative data and collateral documents for Richard & Judy’s Book Club. [Dataset] (Unpublished)

Fuller, Danielle and Rehberg Sedo, DeNel and Lang, Anouk and Engel, Lindsay (2008) Beyond the Book project: quantitative data and collateral documents for Seattle Reads. [Dataset] (Unpublished)


Fuller, Danielle and Rehberg Sedo, DeNel and Lang, Anouk and Burrells, Anna (2008) Beyond the Book project: artefacts and ephemera. [Image] (Unpublished)


Brook, Ciara and Browne, Claire and Lewis, Elaine (2019) An Ethnographic Investigation into Postgraduate Researchers’ Experience: University of Birmingham’s Library Services. Project Report. University of Birmingham. (Unpublished)

Fuller, Danielle and Rehberg Sedo, DeNel and Lang, Anouk and Burrells, Anna (2008) Beyond the Book project website: Selected text. Documentation. University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK. (Unpublished)

Hegenbarth, Judith (2019) Changing the world one researcher at a time: a skills and engagement approach to library research support. Discussion Paper. University of Birmingham. (Unpublished)

Teaching Resource

Robertson, Catherine (2009) Getting Published (and How the Library can Help). [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

This list was generated on Fri Mar 14 01:43:52 2025 GMT.