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Number of items: 1093.
The Time domain
Slide designed by Jason Hilton, Rob MacKenzie, Andrew Plackett, Bruno Barcante Ladvocat Cintra, Sabrine Dhaouadi and Chantal Jackson for the Trees in time 2023 Annual Meeting of the Birmingham institute of Forest Research (BIFoR). Palaeontologial timescales incorporate the concepts of time-averaging...
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Author : Hilton , Jason and Plackett , Andrew and Cintra, Bruno Barcante Ladvocat and Dhaouadi, Sabrine and MacKenzie, Rob
Date : 04 July 2023
Keywords : paleobotany, Trees in time, Time domain
"Global Stemma" with initial text removed, for ECM John as of 31 October 2017
This CBGM "Global Stemma" with the initial text (A) removed represents an interim stage in the ECM of John, as of 31 October 2017.
Author : Edmondson, Andrew C.
Date : 2018
Fluxus Engineering's Network median joining network for John 2
Fluxus Engineering's Network median joining network for John 2. The data is from the IGNTP transcriptions, automatically collated using CollateX using the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm. Drawn with Graphviz' SFDP algorithm.
Author : Edmondson, Andrew C.
Date : 2018
Global Stemma for ECM John as of 31 October 2017
This CBGM Global Stemma represents an interim stage in the ECM of John, as of 31 October 2017.
Author : Edmondson, Andrew C.
Date : 2018
Median Joining Network for ECM John as of 31 October 2017
Median Joining Network for ECM John as of 31 October 2017 (excluding witnesses <85% extant) Created using Network from http://www.fluxus-engineering.com/sharenet.htm (See Bandelt, H. J., P. Forster, and A. Rohl. ‘Median-Joining Networks for Inferring Intraspecific Phylogenies’. Molecular Biology ...
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Author : Edmondson, Andrew C.
Date : 2018
Mesquite consensus tree of John 1
Consensus tree for Maximum Parsimony trees for John chapter 1 created using Mesquite. The data is from the IGNTP transcriptions, automatically collated using CollateX using the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm.
Author : Edmondson, Andrew C.
Date : 2018
MrBayes consensus tree for IGNTP data of John 18
All 1,663 extant witnesses to John 18 were manually collated by the International Greek New Testament Project (IGNTP), and stored in a database. This image represents the consensus tree from running MrBayes on this data as part of my PhD studies.
Author : Edmondson, Andrew C.
Date : 2018
MrBayes consensus tree for John 2 (automatic collation)
MrBayes consensus tree for John 2. The data is from the IGNTP transcriptions, automatically collated using CollateX using the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm.
Author : Edmondson, Andrew C.
Date : 2018
MrBayes consensus tree for John 2:1 (automatic collation)
MrBayes consensus tree for John 2:1. The data is from the IGNTP transcriptions, automatically collated using CollateX using the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm.
Author : Edmondson, Andrew C.
Date : 2018
SplitsTree Neighbour-Joining tree for John (automatic collation)
Neighbour-Joining tree for John's Gospel created using SplitsTree. The data is from the IGNTP transcriptions, automatically collated using CollateX using the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm.
Author : Edmondson, Andrew C.
Date : 2018
SplitsTree Neighbour-Joining tree for John chapter 1 (automatic collation)
Neighbour-Joining tree for John chapter 1 created using SplitsTree. The data is from the IGNTP transcriptions, automatically collated using CollateX using the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm.
Author : Edmondson, Andrew C.
Date : 2018
Textual flow diagram for John 1:8/16 from the ECM of John, as of 31 October 2017.
CBGM Textual flow diagram for John 1:8/16 from an interim stage in the ECM of John, as of 31 October 2017
Author : Edmondson, Andrew C.
Date : 2018
Sunrise on Research
Sunrise above the clouds at Mount Wilson Observatory in California marks First Light on a new automated solar telescope. The image shows a new robotic mount installed at the top of the observatory 60-foot tower, where two telescopes capture light from the Sun. The telescope on the right houses a cam...
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Author : Hale, Steven J.
Date : 03 May 2017
Why, why, why DELILA poster
A poster outlining the background, aims, work packages, key points and lessons learned from the DELILA project (Developing Educators' Learning and Information Literacy in Accreditation, a JISC/HEA funded project by LSE and University of Birmingham).
Author : Robertson, Catherine
Date : 26 July 2011
Keywords : UKOER, poster, DELILA, JISC
Beyond the Book project: artefacts and ephemera
Images of ephemera and artefacts from mass reading events. The items were collected for the AHRC-funded project ‘Beyond the Book: Mass Reading Events and Contemporary Cultures of Reading in the UK, USA and Canada’, (2005-2008, grant number: 112166). Beyond the Book (BTB) was a trans-Atlantic co...
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Author : Fuller, Danielle and Rehberg Sedo, DeNel and Lang, Anouk and Burrells, Anna
Date : August 2008
Keywords :
The Big Read, Birmingham Book Festival, Bristol's Great Reading Adventure, Canada Reads, Liverpool Reads, National Endowment for the Arts , One Book, One Community, One Book One Chicago, One Book, One...
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The Nestorian Stele
The Orchard Learning Resources Centre in the University of Birmingham possesses a rubbing of this famous monument of Chinese Christian history which was made directly from the stele in the 1920s. This is a composite photograph of this rubbing made in 2008. This limestone stele (about ten feet h...
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Author : Mullen, Roderic L. and Tang, Edmond and Houghton, H.A.G.
Date : 2008
Keywords : nestorian; stele; chinese; syriac; christianity
Kings Norton Lifford Hall, Lifford Lane (Early 17th Century)
Kings Norton Lifford Hall, Lifford Lane (Early 17th Century)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 0019
Keywords : Kings Norton, Birmingham, Lifford Hall
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Yardley Council House
Yardley Council House, Stratford Road (Now Sparkhill Library)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 0199
Keywords : Yardley, Birmingham, Council House
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Metchley Grange Estate Flats
Harborne Metchley Grange Estate Flats (Trees in Metchley Lane)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 03 February 0198
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
"Inner Fort", Metchley Roman Fort, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of the excavations at the ""Inner Fort"", at Metchley Roman Fort, taken in mid 1969.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 August 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, Metchley Roman Fort, Edgbaston, University of Birmingham, clocks, excavations, Roman Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Cutting the tunnel through sandstone
Cutting the tunnel through sandstone - Paradise Circus view from Edmund St
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 August 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Construction
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Cutting through sandstone
Cutting through sandstone, Paradise Circus site viewed from Edmund St
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 August 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Construction
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Cutting through sandstone, Edmund Street, Paradise Circus - University (Mason College) site, Birmingham
Photograph of cutting through sandstone, Edmund Street, Paradise Circus - University (Mason College) site, taken in 1969.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 August 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, construction sites, roads, universities, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Cutting through sandstone, Paradise Circus site, view from Edmund Street, Birmingham
Photograph of the view from Edmund Street of the cutting through sandstone at Paradise Circus site, taken in 1969.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 August 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, construction sites, roads, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Cutting through sandstone, Paradise Circus site, view from Edmund Street, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of the view from Edmund Street of the cutting through sandstone at Paradise Circus site, taken in 1969.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 August 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, construction sites, roads, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Metchley Roman Fort ditches, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of the 1969 excavations of Metchley Roman Fort, showing intersection of ditches at the junction of the ""Outer Fort"" and annexe. The photograph was taken in mid 1969.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 August 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, Metchley Roman Fort, Edgbaston, ditches, excavations, Roman Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Metchley Roman Fort ditches, Edgbaston, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of the 1969 excavations of Metchley Roman Fort, showing intersection of ditches at the junction of the ""Outer Fort"" and annexe. The photograph was taken in mid 1969.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 August 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, Metchley Roman Fort, Edgbaston, ditches, excavations, Roman Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Metchley Roman Fort ditches, Edgbaston, Birmingham - 3rd image
Photograph of the 1969 excavations of Metchley Roman Fort, showing intersection of ditches at the junction of the "Outer Fort" and annexe. The photograph was taken in mid 1969.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 August 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, Metchley Roman Fort, Edgbaston, ditches, excavations, Roman Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Metchley Roman Fort ditches, Edgbaston, Birmingham - 4th image
Photograph of the 1969 excavations of Metchley Roman Fort, showing intersection of ditches at the junction of the ""Outer Fort"" and annexe from the SW side. The photograph was taken in mid 1969.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 August 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, Metchley Roman Fort, Edgbaston, ditches, excavations, Roman Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Metchley Roman Fort finds, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of Roman pottery from the 1969 excavations at Metchley Roman Fort, taken in mid 1969.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 August 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, Metchley Roman Fort, Edgbaston, archaeological finds, Roman pottery, Roman Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Metchley Roman Fort finds, Edgbaston, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of Roman finds from excavations at Metchley Roman Fort, including a dagger handle in bronze. The photograph was taken in mid 1969.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 August 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, Metchley Roman Fort, Edgbaston, archaeological finds, Roman weapons, Roman Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Metchley Roman Fort finds, Edgbaston, Birmingham - 3rd image
Photograph of clay pipes from the 1969 excavations at Metchley Roman Fort, dating back to the Canal era. The pipes are marked ""Dublin"". The photograph was taken in mid 1969.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 August 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, Metchley Roman Fort, Edgbaston, archaeological finds, clay pipes, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Metchley Roman Fort finds, Edgbaston, Birmingham - 4th image
Photograph of Roman pottery from the 1969 excavations at Metchley Roman Fort, taken in mid 1969.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 August 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, Metchley Roman Fort, Edgbaston, archaeological finds, Roman pottery, Roman Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Metchley Roman Fort finds, Edgbaston, Birmingham - 5th image
Photograph of Roman pottery from the 1969 excavations at Metchley Roman Fort, including Samian ware. The photograph was taken in mid 1969.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 August 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, Metchley Roman Fort, Edgbaston, archaeological finds, Roman pottery, Roman Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Metchley Roman Fort finds, Edgbaston, Birmingham - 6th image
Photograph of Roman pottery from the 1969 excavations at Metchley Roman Fort, taken in mid 1969.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 August 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, Metchley Roman Fort, Edgbaston, archaeological finds, Roman pottery, Roman Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Metchley Roman Fort finds, Edgbaston, Birmingham - 7th image
Photograph of Roman pottery from the 1969 excavations at Metchley Roman Fort, including Samian ware. The photograph was taken in mid 1969.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 August 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, Metchley Roman Fort, Edgbaston, archaeological finds, Roman pottery, Roman Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Metchley Roman Fort finds, Edgbaston, Birmingham - 8th image
Photograph of Roman pottery from the 1969 excavations at Metchley Roman Fort, taken in mid 1969.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 August 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, Metchley Roman Fort, Edgbaston, archaeological finds, Roman pottery, Roman Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Metchley Roman Fort, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of the site of the 1969 excavations of Metchley Roman Fort, by Vincent Drive, with view of the University Medical School. The photograph was taken in mid 1969.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 August 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, Metchley Roman Fort, Edgbaston, University of Birmingham, clocks, excavations, Roman Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Metchley Roman Fort, Edgbaston, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of the site of the 1969 excavations of Metchley Roman Fort, adjoining Vincent Drive. The photograph was taken in mid 1969.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 August 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, Metchley Roman Fort, Edgbaston, excavations, Roman Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Section of road at Metchley Roman Fort, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of a section of road c. 20' wide leading NW, possibly the Via Decumana. The photograph was taken in mid 1969.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 August 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, Metchley Roman Fort, Edgbaston, Roman roads, excavations, Roman Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
University of Birmingham Edgbaston Pool
University of Birmingham, Edgbaston Pool, Haigh Hall (L) - View Point Edgbaston Park Rd
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 20 July 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, University
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bournville Church of St. Lazar
Bournville Church of St. Lazar, Serbian Orthodox, Griffins Brook Lane, Consecrated 23/06/69
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 29 June 1969
Keywords : Bournville, Birmingham, Church
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Lionel St and the GP Tower
Lionel St and the GP Tower (College of Food)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 01 June 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, GP Tower
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bell's Farm, Bell's Lane, King's Norton (front view), Birmingham - 3rd image
Photograph of Bell's Farm, Bell's Lane, King's Norton (front view), taken in 1969, showing the Stuart timber-frame structure, the gate-posts and the chimneys which contain an inscription dating the whole building to 1661.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 30 January 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, King's Norton, farms, chimneys, Stuart houses, timber-framed buildings, Seventeenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Bell's Farm, Bell's Lane, King's Norton (rear view), Birmingham
Photograph of Bell's Farm, Bell's Lane, King's Norton (rear view), taken in 1969, showing the Stuart timber-frame structure, the chimneys (right) which contain an inscription dating the whole building to 1661 and the 1760 kitchen extension (left).
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 30 January 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, King's Norton, farms, chimneys, Stuart houses, timber-framed buildings, Seventeenth-eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Bell's Farm, Bell's Lane, King's Norton (side view), Birmingham
Photograph of Bell's Farm, Bell's Lane, King's Norton (side view), taken in 1969. The building dates back to Stuart times and is dated to 1661 by an inscription on the chimney.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 30 January 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, King's Norton, farms, Stuart houses, Seventeenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Bell's Farm, Bell's Lane, King's Norton, part of front with 1661 chimneys, Birmingham
Photograph of Bell's Farm, Bell's Lane, King's Norton, taken in 1969, showing the Stuart timber-frame structure and the chimneys which contain an inscription dating the whole building to 1661.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 30 January 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, King's Norton, farms, chimneys, Stuart houses, timber-framed buildings, Seventeenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Chimneys, Bell's Farm, Bell's Lane, King's Norton, Birmingham
Photograph of the chimneys built in 1661, Bell's Farm, Bell's Lane, King's Norton, taken in 1969.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 30 January 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, King's Norton, farms, chimneys, Stuart houses, Seventeenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Chimneys, Bell's Farm, Bell's Lane, King's Norton, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of the chimneys built in 1661, Bell's Farm, Bell's Lane, King's Norton, taken in 1969.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 30 January 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, King's Norton, farms, chimneys, Stuart houses, Seventeenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Decorated plaster ceiling, Bell's Farm, Bell's Lane, King's Norton, Birmingham
Photograph of part of a seventeenth century decorated plaster ceiling in the back bedroom at Bell's Farm, Bell's Lane, King's Norton, taken in 1969.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 30 January 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, King's Norton, farms, Stuart houses, decorative plasterwork, ceilings, Seventeenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Panelled room, Bell's Farm, Bell's Lane, King's Norton, Birmingham
Photograph of a panelled room in Bell's Farm, Bell's Lane, King's Norton, taken in 1969.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 30 January 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, King's Norton, farms, Stuart houses, panelled rooms, Seventeenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Panelled room, Bell's Farm, Bell's Lane, King's Norton, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of a panelled room in Bell's Farm, Bell's Lane, King's Norton, taken in 1969.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 30 January 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, King's Norton, farms, Stuart houses, panelled rooms, Seventeenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Panelled room, Bell's Farm, Bell's Lane, King's Norton, Birmingham - 3rd image
Photograph of a panelled room in Bell's Farm, Bell's Lane, King's Norton, taken in 1969.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 30 January 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, King's Norton, farms, Stuart houses, panelled rooms, Seventeenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Panelled room, Bell's Farm, Bell's Lane, King's Norton, Birmingham, Birmingham - 4th image
Photograph of a panelled room in Bell's Farm, Bell's Lane, King's Norton, taken in 1969.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 30 January 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, King's Norton, farms, Stuart houses, panelled rooms, Seventeenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Pannelling in front bedroom, Bell's Farm, Bell's Lane, King's Norton, Birmingham
Photograph of panelling in the front bedroom, Bell's Farm, Bell's Lane, King's Norton, taken in 1969.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 30 January 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, King's Norton, farms, Stuart houses, panelled rooms, Seventeenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Part of decorated ceiling, Bell's Farm, Bell's Lane, King's Norton, Birmingham
Photograph of part of a seventeenth century decorated plaster ceiling in the back bedroom at Bell's Farm, Bell's Lane, King's Norton, taken in 1969.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 30 January 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, King's Norton, farms, Stuart houses, decorative plasterwork, ceilings, Seventeenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Lee Bank
Lee Bank, View from Lee Crescent towards City Centre. Lee Bank Rd, Great Colmore St. Across the Green
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 27 January 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Flats, Rotunda
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
View from Lee Crescent
View from Lee Crescent, Bristol St / Belgrave Rd, Lea Mason Church of England School, Bell Barn Rd
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 27 January 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Cars, Flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Lifford Hall, Lifford Lane, King's Norton, Birmingham
Photograph of Lifford Hall, Lifford Lane, King's Norton, taken in 1969. The Hall was built in the early seventeenth century.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 January 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, King's Norton, stately homes, Seventeenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Corporation St Law Courts
Corporation St Law Courts. Victoria Law Courts Constructed 1887-1891
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 January 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Courts, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Corporation Street
Corporation St Law Courts left, Central Hall right, Firestation and Aston University in the distance
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 January 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Courts, University
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Lifford Hall, Lifford Lane, King's Norton, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of Lifford Hall, Lifford Lane, King's Norton, taken in 1969. The Hall was built in the early seventeenth century.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 January 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, King's Norton, stately homes, Seventeenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Lifford Hall, Lifford Lane, King's Norton, Birmingham - 3rd image
Photograph of Lifford Hall, Lifford Lane, King's Norton, taken in 1969. The Hall was built in the early seventeenth century.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 January 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, King's Norton, stately homes, Seventeenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Morris dancers, "Old Square", Priory Ringway, Birmingham
Photograph of morris dancers in "Old Square", Priory Ringway, with Lewis's department store in the background, taken in 1969.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 January 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, morris dancers, shops, department stores, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Mural history, "Old Square", Priory Ringway,
Photograph of the mural history in "Old Square", Priory Ringway, taken in 1969.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 January 1969
Keywords : Birmingham, murals, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
B.K.L. Alloys Ltd., Bradford Street, Deritend, Birmingham
Photograph of the interior of B.K.L. Alloys Ltd., in Bradford Street, near the meat market. The photograph was taken in late 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Deritend, factories, fork lift trucks, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Bradford Street, Market area, Deritend, Birmingham
Photograph of Butcher's Hide, Skin, Fat and Wool Co. Ltd., in Bradford Street, near the meat market. The photograph was taken in late 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Deritend, cars, decorative plasterworks, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Corner of Sherlock St and Moseley St
Corner of Sherlock St and Moseley St - the Co-op Society Fruit Warehouse
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Market, Wholesalers
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Dean St / Sherlock St Corner
Dean St / Sherlock St Corner - Bulmers Ltd, Wholesale Florists, Fruiterers and Horticultural Sundriesmen - Market area of the city
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Wholesale, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Dean St / Skinner Lane Corner
Dean St / Skinner Lane Corner - The market area
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Market, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Dean Street, Central Birmingham
Photograph of Dean Street in Central Birmingham taken in late 1968. The photograph shows the workshop of F. Parr, wheelwright, maker of wheelbarows, handcarts, trucks and trolleys.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, workshops, wheels, wheelwrights, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Edgbaston St, Edmund Bros
Edgbaston St, Edmund Bros Fruit and Veg Ltd, English and Imported Fruit, unloading Irish apples from Co Arnargh and Co Derry) A conveyor belt takes the fruit in to the store
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Market, Wholesalers
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Jamaica Row, Wholesale Fish Market
Jamaica Row, Wholesale Fish Market (built as Smithfield) - Jamaica Row/Moat Row Corner
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Fish Market
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Sherlock St nr Jamaica Row
Sherlock St nr Jamaica Row (near meat market) Stokes and Dalton Ltd, Butchers and Sundries Supply Company
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Market, Wholesalers
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
The Bull Ring Market
The Bull Ring Market (Thursday afternoon)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Market
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Upper Dean St
Upper Dean St - Jamaica Row - Market Area, Randall Bros and Parsons Ltd Wholesale fruit and veg merchants
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Market
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Castle Bromwich Hall
Castle Bromwich Hall (Jacobean, Modified after 1657)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 21 November 1968
Keywords : Castle Bromwich, Birmingham, Hall
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Castle Vale - the Castle Vale Estate
Castle Vale - the Castle Vale Estate (View from Castle Bromwich)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 21 November 1968
Keywords : Castle Vale, Birmingham, Flats, Castle Bromwich
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Castle Vale Reed Square Shopping Centre
Castle Vale Reed Square Shopping Centre
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 21 November 1968
Keywords : Castle Vale, Birmingham, Shopping Centre, School, Bus Terminus
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Castle, Castle Bromwich, Birmingham
Photograph of the Norman motte and bailey castle in Castle Bromwich, Warwickshire, in particular the motte and part of the bailey, from the south. In the background, Ketton cement mixer and the Concorde Tower (flats) in Tangmere Drive, Castle Vale. To the left, Tame Valley industrial belt. The photo...
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Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 21 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Castle Bromwich, castles, flats, mottes, baileys, Medieval Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Tame Valley downstream, Castle Bromwich, Birmingham
Photograph of the Tame Valley from the castle motte in Castle Bromwich. The view is downstream. On the steep valley sides there are Parkhall woods, on the left Castle Vale estate. City of Birmingham refuse disposal works in Castle Bromwich. The photograph was taken in late 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 21 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Castle Bromwich, paths, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Tame Valley upstream, Castle Bromwich, Birmingham
Photograph of the Tame Valley and Chester Road Bridge from the castle motte in Castle Bromwich. The view is upstream towards Fort Dunlop. By the river is the Marsh and Baxter factory, while Bromford Estate is on the left. The photograph was taken in late 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 21 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Castle Bromwich, rivers, flats, paths, industries, factories, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Tame Valley, Bromford Estate
Tame Valley, Bromford Estate (left), Former Racecourse and Tyburn Electricity Works in the Rear
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 21 November 1968
Keywords : Tame Valley, Birmingham, Flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Tame Valley, Castle Bromwich, Birmingham
Photograph of the Tame Valley, with Chester Road and Bridge Road in Castle Vale. Large works can be seen: Wimpey Works on the left, Marsh and Baxter factory by the river, Ketton Cement for a new estate. In the centre in the background is the station. The tower block on the right is Concorde Tower in...
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Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 21 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Castle Bromwich, industries, factories, flats, fences, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Tame Valley, Chester Road Bridge
Tame Valley, Chester Road Bridge (view from Castle Bromwich Castle ""Motte"") Upstream towards Fort Dunlop - March and Baxter Factory by river
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 21 November 1968
Keywords : Tame Valley, Birmingham, Bromford, River Tame, Industry
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Tame Valley, taken from castle motte, Chester Road, Birmingham
Photograph of the Tame Valley, taken from the castle motte, Chester Road. Bromford estate is on the left, and Tyburn electricity works is in the background. The photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 21 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Tame Valley, flats, factories, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Tyseley, BXL Bakelite / Xylonite Company
Tyseley, BXL Bakelite / Xylonite Company. Works Entrance, Redfern Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 21 November 1968
Keywords : Tyseley, Birmingham, Industry, Factory
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Tyseley, BXL Factory, Redfern Road (view towards Kings Road)
Tyseley, BXL Factory, Redfern Road (view towards Kings Road)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 21 November 1968
Keywords : Tyseley, Birmingham, Industry, Factory, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Tyseley, Industrial Area - Warwick Canal (1798)
Tyseley, Industrial Area - Warwick Canal (1798). View east from Kings Road Bridge (Tyseley Metals, Non-Ferrous)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 21 November 1968
Keywords : Tyseley, Birmingham, Canal, Industry, Factory
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Tyseley, James Road, off Kings Road
Tyseley, James Road, off Kings Road. Blundell Permaglaze Offices and Works
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 21 November 1968
Keywords : Tyseley, Birmingham, Cars, Industry, Factories
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Tyseley, Kings Road ""Fred's Cabin""
Tyseley, Kings Road ""Fred's Cabin"" - services in an industrial area
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 21 November 1968
Keywords : Tyseley, Birmingham, Shop
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Village centre, Castle Bromwich, Birmingham
Photograph of the village centre of Castle Bromwich, at the corner between Hall Road and Chester Road, showing new houses and flats adjoining. The Rectory Garden Estate Hall and the church are to the left. The photograph was taken in late 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 21 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Castle Bromwich, houses, flats, streets, roads, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Warwick Canal, Tyseley Industrial Area, Birmingham
Photograph of the Warwick Canal in the Tyseley Industrial Area, built c.1795. In c.1929 the Warwick Canal became part of the Grand Union Canal, which was formed from an amalgamation of many of the different canal companies at that time. The view is east from King's Road Bridge. The factory depicted ...
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Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 21 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Tyseley, canals, industries, factories, paths, chimneys, chimney-stacks, Grand Union Canal, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Yardley, Stechford Baths
Yardley, Stechford Baths (Stovey Lane) Near Manor Road (New Flats Behind - Lea Hall)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 21 November 1968
Keywords : Yardley, Birmingham, Swimming Baths, Flats, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Yardley, Yardley Fields Road
Yardley, Yardley Fields Road, part of Stichford Field (now a playing field) corner of Richmond Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 21 November 1968
Keywords : Yardley, Birmingham, Fields, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
49, Carpenter Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of number 49, Carpenter Road, showing flats at corner of Carpenter Road and Arthur Road. The building, named Warwick Crest, is 16 storeys high and was built c. 1962/63. The photograph was taken in late 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 20 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, houses, flats, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
BBC Midland Regional Headquarter, Carpenter Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of the BBC Midland Regional Headquarter in Carpenter Road, Edgbaston, formerly the Royal Institution for the Blind. The building was built in c. 1851/52 and altered in c. 1892/93. The photograph was taken in late 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 20 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, houses, cars, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Edgbaston New Shopping Area
Edgbaston New Shopping Area in Wheeleys Road near Carpenter Road (Templefield Square)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 20 November 1968
Keywords : Edgbaston, Birmingham, Shopping Centre, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Edgbaston Shopping Centre and Calthorpe House, Hagley Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of Edgbaston Shopping Centre and Calthorpe House (Five Ways), Hagley Road, Edgbaston, under construction on the site of Edgbaston High School, formerly Lyndon House. The photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 20 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, offices, shopping centres, construction sites, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Five Ways House, Five Ways, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of Five Ways House, Islington Road, Five Ways, from Bath Row. Built in 1956/57, it housed c. 1000 employees in offices of various Ministries (Technology, Health, Home and Local Government, Department of Employment, Production, Board of Trade, Department of Education and Science), as well ...
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Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 20 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Five Ways, offices, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Five Ways, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of the corner between Calthorpe Road (on the left) and Harborne Road (on the right) at Five Ways, Edgbaston, taken in late 1968. The building on the very left is Donne House, built in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 20 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Five Ways, houses, bus stops, clocks, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Five Ways, Edgbaston, Birmingham- 2nd image
Photograph of the corner between Calthorpe Road (on the left) and Harborne Road (on the right) at Five Ways, Edgbaston, taken in late 1968. The building at the very left is Donne House, built in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 20 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Five Ways, houses, bus stops, clocks, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
South Yardley - Coventry Road (A45)
South Yardley - Coventry Road (A45) at the Swan Underpass. New flats and Shops (L), Swan Public House (R)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 November 1968
Keywords : Yardley, Birmingham, Underpass, Shops, Flats, Pub, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
South Yardley, Approach to Swan Underpass (A45)
South Yardley, Approach to Swan Underpass (A45), Swan Public House (L), Flats and Shops (R)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 November 1968
Keywords : Yardley, Birmingham, Underpass, Pub, Cars, Shops, Flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
South Yardley, Approach to Swan Underpass (A45)
South Yardley, Approach to Swan Underpass (A45), Swan Public House (L), Flats and Shops (R)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 November 1968
Keywords : Yardley, Birmingham, Underpass, Pub, Cars, Shops, Flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
South Yardley, Approach to Swan Underpass (Coventry Road, A45)
South Yardley, Approach to Swan Underpass (Coventry Road, A45, Goes under Ring Road - view West)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 November 1968
Keywords : Yardley, Birmingham, Underpass, Flats, Cars, Shops
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
South Yardley, Coventry Road / Swan Underpass
South Yardley, Coventry Road / Swan Underpass. Yardley Road (L), Church Road (R)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 November 1968
Keywords : Yardley, Birmingham, Underpass, Lorry, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
South Yardley, Swan Underpass, A45 (Under Ring Road)
South Yardley, Swan Underpass, A45 (Under Ring Road)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 November 1968
Keywords : Yardley, Birmingham, Underpass, Flats, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
South Yardley, Swan Underpass, A45 (Under Ring Road)
South Yardley, Swan Underpass, A45 (Under Ring Road) View Towards City Centre
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 November 1968
Keywords : Yardley, Birmingham, Underpass, Lorry, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
South Yardley, Swan Underpass, A45 (view west)
South Yardley, Swan Underpass, A45 (view west)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 November 1968
Keywords : Yardley, Birmingham, Underpass, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
South Yardley, The Swan Public House
South Yardley, The Swan Public House. A45 Underpass below Ring Road (view towards Yardley Road)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 November 1968
Keywords : Yardley, Birmingham, Underpass, Pub, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
A.A. headquarters, Hagley Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of A.A. headquarters, Hagley Road (north side) Edgbaston, near Plough and Harrow Road. The photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, offices, cars, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Berkeley House, 119 Hagley Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of Berkeley House, 119 Hagley Road (north side), Edgbaston, near Plough and Harrow Road. The photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, offices, cars, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Hagley House, 173-185 Hagley Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of Hagley House, 173-185 Hagley Road (north side), Edgbaston, near Highfield Road, taken in 1968. Hagley House is 16 storeys high.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, offices, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Hagley House, 173-185 Hagley Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of Hagley House, 173-185 Hagley Road (north side), Edgbaston, near Highfield Road, taken in 1968. Hagley House is 16 storeys high.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, offices, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Numbers 97-107, Hagley Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of numbers 97-107 Hagley Road, Edgbaston, taken in 1968. The houses are early nineteenth century, stuccoed and with moulded wooden doorcases and fanlights.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, terraced houses, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
RAC headquarters, Hagley Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of RAC headquarters, Hagley Road (north side), Edgbaston. The photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, offices, cars, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
B.S.A. (Ariel), Small Heath/Sparkbrook, Birmingham
Photograph of B.S.A. (Ariel) - makers of motorcycles in Small Heath/Sparkbrook, established in 1862. Armoury Road is to the left, Golden Hillock Road to the right, and the Warwick Canal is behind the works. The photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Small Heath, Sparkbrook, motorcycles, motorbikes, factories, canals, Birmingham Small Arms Company Ltd.
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
B.S.A. Works, Armoury Road, Small Heath, Birmingham
Photograph of the entrance to B.S.A. Works (makers of motorcycles), in Armoury Road, Small Heath, built in c. 1862. The photograph was taken in late 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Small Heath, industries, factories, lorries, motorbikes, motorcycles, Twentieth century Birmingham, Birmingham Small Arms Company Ltd.
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Small Heath / Sparkbrook, Warwick and Birmingham Canal
Small Heath / Sparkbrook, Warwick and Birmingham Canal (view SE from Golden Hillock Road Bridge) BSA Factory alongside (Arial). Old Factory in the background
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 November 1968
Keywords : Small Heath, Birmingham, Sparkbrook, BSA, Factory, Canal
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Small Heath, BSA (Arial) Armoury Road (L), Golden Hillock Road (R)
Small Heath, BSA (Arial) Armoury Road (L), Golden Hillock Road (R). Warwick Canal Behind Works
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 November 1968
Keywords : Small Heath, Birmingham, Sparkbrook, BSA, Factory, Canal
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Sparkbrook / Small Heath, Golden Hillock Road by Brook
Sparkbrook / Small Heath, Golden Hillock Road by Brook, Parker Hale Ltd Factory Entrance (BSA Factory in the background)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 November 1968
Keywords : Sparkbrook, Birmingham, BSA, Small Heath, Factory
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Sparkhill, River Cole (viewpoint Formans Road Bridge - down stream towards Warwick Road
Sparkhill, River Cole (viewpoint Formans Road Bridge - down stream towards Warwick Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 November 1968
Keywords : Sparkhill, Birmingham, Fields, River Cole
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Sparkhill, Rover Company, Percy Road
Sparkhill, Rover Company, Percy Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 November 1968
Keywords : Sparkhill, Birmingham, Rover, Cars, Factory
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Tyseley Engine Sheds (1907)
Tyseley Engine Sheds (1907) North Warwickshire Line, Warwick Road near Reddings Lane
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 November 1968
Keywords : Tyseley, Birmingham, Railway, Sheds, Industry, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Tyseley Industrial Area, view over roofs from Kings Road / Wharfdale Road Corner (near Tyseley Station)
Tyseley Industrial Area, view over roofs from Kings Road / Wharfdale Road Corner (near Tyseley Station)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 November 1968
Keywords : Tyseley, Birmingham, Factory, Industry, Railway
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Tyseley, Hay Hall, Redfern Road
Tyseley, Hay Hall, Redfern Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 November 1968
Keywords : Tyseley, Birmingham, Hall, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Tyseley, view Across sidings near Station
Tyseley, view Across sidings near Station from Warwick Road (view north towards Hayhall Road - Rover Company and Girling)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 November 1968
Keywords : Tyseley, Birmingham, Industry, Factory, Cars, Rover
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Tyseley, view over Industrial Area
Tyseley, view over Industrial Area, Rushey Lane / Wharfdale Road (R), BXL Plastics Material Group and Bakelite Xylonite Company
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 November 1968
Keywords : Tyseley, Birmingham, Factory, Industry
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Tyseley. Main Great Western Line (L), North Warwickshire Line (R)
Tyseley. Main Great Western Line (L), North Warwickshire Line (R) (viewpoint Wharfdale Road Railway Bridge)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 November 1968
Keywords : Tyseley, Birmingham, Railway Bridge
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Tyseley. View NW along Western Region Line
Tyseley. View NW along Western Region Line (viewpoint Station Bridge / Wharfdale Road)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 November 1968
Keywords : Tyseley, Birmingham, Industry, Factory, Cars, Railway
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Warwick and Birmingham Canal, Smallheath/ Sparkbrook, Birmingham
Photograph of the Warwick and Birmingham Canal, in Smallheath/ Sparkbrook, view south-east from Golden Hillock Road Bridge. Alongside, the BSA factory (Ariel motorcycles), and old factories in the background. The photograph was taken in late 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Smallheath, Sparkbrook, canals, industries, factories, paths, Twentieth century Birmingham, Birmingham Small Arms Company Ltd.
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Caroline Street, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of the corner between Caroline Street and Regent Street. The jewellery workshops were dedicated to engravings, polishing, enamelling, optical works, jewellery and diamond setting. The photograph was taken in late 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Jewellery Quarter, factories, workshops, jewellery, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Edgbaston Reservoir
Edgbaston Reservoir. View towards Gillott Road and Selwyn Road (Constructed 1825-1829)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 November 1968
Keywords : Edgbaston, Birmingham, Rotton Park, Reservoir
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Furnace Lane, Hockley/Newtown, Birmingham
Photograph of the curving wall on the footpath called Furnace Lane, leading to Aston Furnace on Hockley Brook. Furnace Lane led to the former site of the Aston Furnace of 1615. The viewpoint is Porchester Street. The photograph was taken in late 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Newtown, Hockley, streets, paths, street lamps, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Furnace Lane, Newtown, Birmingham
Photograph of Furnace Lane, in Newtown, between Clifford Street and Serrard Street, leading to Aston Furnace on Hockley Brook (Porchester Street). Furnace Lane led to the former site of the Aston Furnace of 1615. The photograph was taken in late 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Newtown, roads, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Furnace Lane, Newtown/Aston, Birmingham
Photograph of Furnace Lane, from Clifford Street towards Gerrard Street (north). Furnace Lane led to the former site of the Aston Furnace of 1615. The houses date c. 1870. The photograph was taken in late 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Newtown, Aston, streets, paths, houses, advertisements, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Furnace Lane, Newtown/Aston, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of Furnace Lane, north of Gerrard Street and south of Gower Street. The gap in the buildings continues its line leading out of Hockley Brook Valley. Furnace Lane led to the former site of the Aston Furnace of 1615. The photograph was taken in late 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Newtown, Aston, streets, paths, houses, children, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Icknield Port Wharf, Ladywood, Birmingham
Photograph of Icknield Port Wharf, in Icknield Port Road, Ladywood, from the viewpoint of Rotton Park, Reservoir Dam. The photograph was taken in late 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Ladywood, factories, canals, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Industrial area, Ladywood, Birmingham
Photograph of the industrial area around Icknield Port Road, Ladywood, from Rotton Park, Reservoir Dam, showing an old outlet channel. The photograph was taken in late 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Ladywood, factories, canals, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Ladywood Industrial Area
Ladywood Industrial area around Icknfield Port Rd from Rotton Park Reservoir Dam
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 November 1968
Keywords : Ladywood, Birmingham, Industry, factory
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Ladywood old and new terraces
Ladywood old and new terraces - Osler St / Icknield Port Rd. View point from Rotton Park Reservoir Dam
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 November 1968
Keywords : Ladywood, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Ladywood, House at entrance to Rotton Park Reservoir
Ladywood, House at entrance to Rotton Park Reservoir (Reservoir Rd) built c.1825
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 November 1968
Keywords : Ladywood, Birmingham,
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Ladywood, Icknield Port Wharf
Ladywood, Icknield Port Wharf, Icknoeld Port Rd (View point - Rotton Park Rd Reservoir Dan)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 November 1968
Keywords : Ladywood, Birmingham, Industry, factory
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Ladywood, Icknield Port Wharf
Ladywood, Icknield Port Wharf (View point Rotton Park Reservoir Dam). The original Brindley route of the Birmingham Canal (1768/69)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 November 1968
Keywords : Ladywood, Birmingham, Industry, factory
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Newtown / Aston Shopping Centre / Flats
Newtown / Aston Shopping Centre / Flats (viewpoint from the Central Reservation on Main Road. Aston High Street)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 November 1968
Keywords : Newtown, Birmingham, Aston, Cars, Shopping Centre, Flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Newtown / Aston, Adventure Playground
Newtown / Aston, Adventure Playground behind Gower St / Guilford St, view point Furnace Lane
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 November 1968
Keywords : Newtown, Birmingham, Aston
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Newtown / Aston, Furnace Lane
Newtown/Aston, Furnace Lane from Clifford St towards Gerrard St (N) and William St to the Right - Houses originally built c.1870s
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 November 1968
Keywords : Aston, Newtown, Houses, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Newtown / Hockley. Furnace Lane (Curving Wall)
Newtown / Hockley. Furnace Lane (Curving Wall) to Aston Furnace on Hockley Brook (viewpoint Porchester Street)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 November 1968
Keywords : Newtown, Birmingham, Hockley, Flats, Factory
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Newtown / Hockley. Porchester Street Left, Furnace Street Right
Newtown / Hockley. Porchester Street Left, Furnace Street Right (Curving Path to Aston Furnace on Hockley Brook)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 November 1968
Keywords : Newtown, Birmingham, Hockley, Houses, Factory
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Newtown, Furnace Lane. North of Gerrard Street, South of Gower Street
Newtown, Furnace Lane. North of Gerrard Street, South of Gower Street
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 November 1968
Keywords : Newtown, Birmingham, Houses, Children, Wasteland
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Newtown/Aston 'adventure playground' behind Gower Street and Guildford Street, Birmingham
Photograph of Newtown/Aston 'adventure playground' behind Gower Street and Guildford Street, taken in late 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Newtown, Aston, playgrounds, children, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Old and new terraces, Osler Street, Ladywood, Birmingham
Photograph of old and new terraces in Osler Street/Icknield Port Road, from the viewpoint of Rotton Park, Reservoir Dam. The photograph was taken in late 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Ladywood, terraced houses, cars, police cars, street lamps, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Old workshops, Mary Street, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of old workshops in Mary Street, off Caroline Street, on the fringes of the Jewellery Quarter. The workshops provided multiple heat treatment, Rochester engineering, turning, machining, die-sinking, enamelling. The photograph was taken in late 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Jewellery Quarter, factories, workshops, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Old workshops, Mary Street, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of old workshops in Mary Street, off Caroline Street, on the fringes of the Jewellery Quarter. The photograph was taken in late 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Jewellery Quarter, factories, workshops, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Porchester Street, Hockley/Newtown, Birmingham
Photograph of the corner between Porchester Street, on the left, and Furnace Lane, on the right, a curving path to Aston Furnace on Hockley Brook. Furnace Lane led to the former site of the Aston Furnace of 1615. The photograph was taken in late 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Newtown, Hockley, streets, paths, street lamps, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Typical workshops, Vyse Street, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of typical workshops at 99, 100 and 101, Vyse St, Jewellery Quarter, showing the multiple occupation of old houses. The photograph was taken in late 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Jewellery Quarter, workshops, houses, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Ellen Street, Hockley, Birmingham
Photograph of the corner between Ellen Street and Prescott Street in Hockley, a future development area, showing back-to-back houses built c. 1870s. The photograph was taken in late 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 November 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Hockley, houses, street lamps, cars, back-to-back houses, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Druids Heath Estate, Manning Ford Road
Druids Heath Estate, Manningford Road (View towards Bells Lane and Eagle Croft to the right)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 October 1968
Keywords : Druids Heath, Birmingham, Flats, Estate
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Druids Heath Estate, North of Bells Lane
Druids Heath Estate, North of Bells Lane (viewpoint: Manningford Road) View of Easterton Croft with shops and flats
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 October 1968
Keywords : Druids Heath, Birmingham, Flats, Estate
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Druids Heath Estate, North of Bells Lane
Druids Heath Estate, North of Bells Lane (viewpoint: Manningford Road) View of Eagle Croft towards Alcester Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 October 1968
Keywords : Druids Heath, Birmingham, Houses, Estate, Flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Druids Heath Estate, View towards Kings Norton Church
Druids Heath Estate, View towards Kings Norton Church
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 October 1968
Keywords : Druids Heath, Birmingham, Houses, Estate, Church, Flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Druids Heath Estate, View towards Kings Norton Church
Druids Heath Estate, View towards Kings Norton Church (viewpoint Druids Lane)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 October 1968
Keywords : Druids Heath, Birmingham, Houses, Estate, Flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Aston University, Gosta Green
Aston University, Gosta Green
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 October 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, University
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
BBC Midland Regional Headquarters, Pebble Mill Road
BBC Midland Regional Headquarters, Pebble Mill Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 October 1968
Keywords : Edgbaston, Birmingham, Pebble Mill, BBC
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bromford Bridge Development
Bromford Bridge Development, Bromford Road near Chipperfield Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 October 1968
Keywords : Bromford, Birmingham, Flats, Houses, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bromford Chipperfield Road / Bromford Road
Bromford Chipperfield Road / Bromford Road. 20-Storey flats (L), Fort Dunlop Factory in the Centre
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 October 1968
Keywords : Bromford, Birmingham, Flats, Houses, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bullock Street, Nechells Green, Birmingham
Photograph of Bullock Street, in Nechells Green. The photograph was taken in late 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 October 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Nechells Green, houses, factories, cars, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Castle Vale - View Northeast along Tangmere Road
Castle Vale - View Northeast along Tangmere Road (Castle Bromwich Aerodrome Site)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 October 1968
Keywords : Castle Vale, Birmingham, Flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Castle Vale Tangmere Road
Castle Vale Tangmere Road, near Chester Road (Castle Bromwich Aerodrome Site)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 October 1968
Keywords : Castle Vale, Birmingham, Flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Castle Vale, Tangmere Road
Castle Vale, Tangmere Road, Small Houses (Castle Bromwich Aerodrome Site)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 October 1968
Keywords : Castle Vale, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Castle Vale, Tangmere Road
Castle Vale, Tangmere Road, Small Houses (Castle Bromwich Aerodrome Site)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 October 1968
Keywords : Castle Vale, Birmingham, Houses, Flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Castle Vale, view east along Tangmere Drive, Birmingham
Photograph of Castle Vale, view east along Tangmere Drive (Castle Bromwich aerodrome site). The photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 October 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Castle Vale, flats, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
King Edward VI Grammar School, Edgbaston Park Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of King Edward VI Grammar School, Edgbaston Park Road, taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 October 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, schools, statues, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
King Edward VI Grammar School, Edgbaston Park Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of King Edward VI Grammar School, as seen from the Bristol Road, taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 October 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, schools, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Nechells Greem, Proctor St
Nechells Green, Proctor St, view across Great Lister St
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 October 1968
Keywords : Nechells, Birmingham, Houses, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Nechells Green, Bradbourn Way Shopping Centre.
Nechells Green, Bradbourn Way Shopping Centre from Oliver St
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 October 1968
Keywords : Nechells, Birmingham, flats, Shops
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Nechells Green, Great Lister St
Nechells Green, Great Lister St, view north, view point Rupert St/ Gt Lister St corner. St Matthews church (1839/40) to the left
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 October 1968
Keywords : Nechells, Birmingham, Church, flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Nechells Green, Industrial Saltley
Nechells Green, Industrial Saltley. View from Oliver St to the east. View point nr Bradbourn Way
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 October 1968
Keywords : Nechells, Birmingham, Houses, Industry
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Nechells Green, Nechells House
Nechells Green, Nechells House opened 19/11/1957. Old school Dartmouth St in the foreground
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 October 1968
Keywords : Nechells, Birmingham,
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Nechells Green, Oliver St
Nechells Green, Oliver St. Bradbourn Way Health Centre on the right with the Methodist church. Oliver Cromwell pub to the left. Oldest Duddeston flats to the rear
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 October 1968
Keywords : Nechells, Birmingham, flats, Pub
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Nechells Green, Oliver St
Nechells Green, Oliver St
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 October 1968
Keywords : Nechells, Birmingham,
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Nechells Green, Oliver St
Nechells Green, Oliver St, children playing
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 October 1968
Keywords : Nechells, Birmingham, Children, Playground, redevelopment
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Nechells Green, Rupert St
Nechells Green, Rupert St, back of Southdown House. View from Rupert St towards Great Lister St
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 October 1968
Keywords : Nechells, Birmingham, flats, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Nechells House
Nechells House, view from Richard St. A flatted factory
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 October 1968
Keywords : Nechells, Birmingham,
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Proctor Street, Nechells Green, Birmingham
Photograph of Proctor Street across Great Lister Street, in Nechells Green. The photograph was taken in late 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 October 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Nechells Green, houses, cars, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Queen Elizabeth Hospital to the right and part of New Maternity Hospital (Open September 1968)
Queen Elizabeth Hospital to the right and part of New Maternity Hospital (Open September 1968)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 October 1968
Keywords : Edgbaston, Birmingham, Hospital, QE
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Tame Valley, Drews Lane
Tame Valley, Drews Lane from Washward Heath Road (near Park Press Steel - Fissure)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 October 1968
Keywords : Tame Valley, Birmingham, Cars, Industry
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Tame Valley, View east from Bromford Lane Railway Bridge
Tame Valley, View East from Bromford Lane Railway Bridge (approach Fort Dunlop, Bromford Estate)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 October 1968
Keywords : Tame Valley, Birmingham, Bromford, Flats, Industry
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Tangmere Drive, Castle Vale, Birmingham
Photograph of small houses in Tangmere Drive, Castle Vale, view east, on the site of Castle Bromwich Aerodrome. The photograph was taken in late 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 October 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Castle Vale, houses, roads, streets, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
178, Bradford Street, Deritend, Birmingham
Photograph of number 178, Bradford Street, a late 18th century/ early nineteenth century house (ie. pre 1817), which in 1968 housed H.E. Empson, tea and coffee specialists, established in 1911. On the right Holy Trinity Church (1820/22), designed by Francis Goodwin. The photograph was taken in late ...
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Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 September 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Deritend, houses, workshops, churches, street lamps, cars, zebra crossings, workshops, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Balsall Heath / Camp Hill Area
Balsall Heath / Camp Hill Area. Moseley Road / Ombersley Road Corner
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 September 1968
Keywords : Balsall Heath, Birmingham, Cars, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Balsall Heath / Camp Hill Area. Moseley Road
Balsall Heath / Camp Hill Area. Moseley Road. Between Ombersley Road and Belgrave Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 September 1968
Keywords : Balsall Heath, Birmingham, Cars, Factory
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Balsall Heath Clevedon Road
Balsall Heath Clevedon Road, near Balsall Heath Road, Shops and Cafes
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 September 1968
Keywords : Balsall Heath, Birmingham, Shops
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Balsall Heath Longmore Street
Balsall Heath Longmore Street (Eastside Vegetable Shop near Balsall Heath Road)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 September 1968
Keywords : Balsall Heath, Birmingham, Shops
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Balsall Heath Longmore Street
Balsall Heath Longmore Street (Children outside Eastside Vegetable Shop near Balsall Heath Road)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 September 1968
Keywords : Balsall Heath, Birmingham, Shops, Children
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Balsall Heath Longmore Street
Balsall Heath Longmore Street (Eastside Vegetable Shop near Balsall Heath Road)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 September 1968
Keywords : Balsall Heath, Birmingham, Shops
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Balsall Heath Road
Balsall Heath Road (view Longmore Street to the right, Clevedon Road to the left)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 September 1968
Keywords : Balsall Heath, Birmingham, Houses, Shops
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Birmingham New Street
Birmingham New Street from near Marshall and Snelgrove (Corporation Street Corner)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 September 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Cars, New Street
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bradford Street towards town, Deritend, Birmingham
Photograph of Bradford Street in the Rea Valley, Deritend. It was part of the late 18th century planned suburbs, begun in c. 1767, and part of the inner ring industrial belt. The viewpoint is the corner between Warner St and Bradford St, towards the city centre. On the left, "The Shepherd's Rest" pu...
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Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 September 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Deritend, zebra crossings, roads, streets, street lamps, lorries, pubs, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Cheapside, Near Ravenhurst Street / Moseley Road Corner
Cheapside, Near Ravenhurst Street / Moseley Road Corner (View: Northwest towards City Centre)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 September 1968
Keywords : Cheapside, Birmingham, Factory, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Cheapside, West of Alcester Street Corner
Cheapside, West of Alcester Street Corner, Part of late ""Bradford Estate""
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 September 1968
Keywords : Cheapside, Birmingham, Shop, Car
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Cheapside, West of Alcester Street Corner
Cheapside, West of Alcester Street Corner. Backyard Workshop
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 September 1968
Keywords : Cheapside, Birmingham, Workshop
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Cheapside, near Ravenhurst Street and Moseley Road corner, view West/ North West towards Birmingham city centre
Photograph of Cheapside, near Ravenhurst Street and Moseley Road corner, view West/ North West towards the city centre and part of Bradford Estate (begun 1767, and at the time of the photograph part of the industrial inner zone). The photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 September 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Cheapside, workshops, cars, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Corner of Bradford St and Moat Row
Corner of Bradford St and Moat Row, Drovers Arms (L) Meat Market and Abbatoir (.R) - Deritend
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 September 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Market, Wholesalers, Pub
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Digbeth Branch Canal, Birmingham
Photograph of the Digbeth Branch Canal and the Birmingham and Fazeley Canal, built c. 1790, view east towards an industrial concentration in the Rea Valley. The viewpoint is the railway embankment at the Gun Barrel Proof House (on the right), near Curzon Street and Fazeley Street. The photograph was...
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Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 September 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, canals, industries, factories, bridges, Eighteenth-nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Edgbaston Cannon Hill Park
Edgbaston Cannon Hill Park
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 September 1968
Keywords : Edgbaston, Birmingham, Cannon Hill Park
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Edgbaston Cannon Hill Park - River Rea - West of Park
Edgbaston Cannon Hill Park - River Rea - West of Park. Queens Ride to the left
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 September 1968
Keywords : Edgbaston, Birmingham, Cannon Hill Park, River Rea
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Edgbaston Midland Arts Centre for Young People
Edgbaston Midland Arts Centre for Young People, Foyle House, Cannon Hill Park
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 September 1968
Keywords : Edgbaston, Birmingham, Cannon Hill Park, MAC
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
High Street to Camp Hill flyover, Bordesley, Birmingham
Photograph of the flyover from High Street to Camp Hill, in Bordesley. The photograph was taken in late 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 September 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Bordesley, flyovers, overpasses, streets, roads, cars, advertisements, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
River Street, Deritend, Birmingham
Photograph of River Street, in the inner zone industrial area. The River Rea is situated to the left (not shown). The building on the right housed Crane's Screws (flywheel, gear) and F.B. Willmott group (coppersmiths, ""furniture"" etc). The photograph was taken in late 1968 from the corner of Flood...
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Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 September 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Deritend, workshops, streets, roads, cars, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Site of manorial moat, Birmingham
Photograph of the site of manorial moat, with Moat Row to the left and Moat Lane to the right. The Drovers' Arms at the corner of Smithfield Street and Bradford Street can also be seen, as can Smithfield Market (built 1883, extended 1892 and 1903). The photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 September 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, pubs, markets, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Tame Valley, Bromford Bridge (Bromford Lane)
Tame Valley, Bromford Bridge (Bromford Lane). Stewarts and Lloyds Tube Works
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 September 1968
Keywords : Tame Valley, Birmingham, Bromford, Factory, Works
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
The Drovers' Arms, Bradford Street/Moat Row, Deritend, Birmingham
Photograph of the Drovers' Arms at the corner between Bradford Street, and Moat Row. On the right, the meat market and abattoir, built in c. 1895-7. The photograph, showing a late 18th century suburb, begun in c. 1767, was taken in late 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 September 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Deritend, pubs, industries, cars, meat markets, abattoirs, slaughter houses, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
West of Alcester Street corner, Cheapside, Birmingham
Photograph of the west of Alcester Street corner, Cheapside, showing part of the late-eighteenth century ""Bradford"" estate back-yard works. The photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 September 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Cheapside, cars, workshops, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
West of Alcester Street corner, Cheapside, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of the west of Alcester Street corner, Cheapside, showing part of the late-eighteenth century ""Bradford"" estate back-yard works. The photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 September 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Cheapside, workshops, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
18th Century / Early 19th Century Suburbs (Colmore Estate)
18th Century / Early 19th Century Suburbs (Colmore Estate) Right Flats in Crescent overlooking Canal Sandpits (Dudley Rd), GPO Tower in the distance. Viewpoint from Railway Bridge in St Vincents St
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 September 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Houses, Flats, Factory
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
83 Harborne Road, Giles House, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of 83 Harborne Road, Giles House, Edgbaston, the birthplace of Sir Austen Chamberlain on 16th October 1863. The photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 September 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, houses, Chamberlain, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Birmingham Gas Street
Birmingham Gas Street, Beginning of Worcester Canal (With former Bar Lock)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 September 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Canal, Gas Street
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Birmingham Post and Mail Building
Birmingham Post and Mail Building viewpoint from Whittall St
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 September 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Central
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
British Rail House, near Berkeley Street, Birmingham
Photograph of British Rail House (offices), near Berkeley Street. South-west view from Civic Centre Gardens, taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 September 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, offices, parks, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Broad St, British Rail House
Broad St, British Rail House, Near Berkeley St. View southwest from the Civic Centre Gardens
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 September 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Broad St, Civic
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Chamber of Commerce building, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of the Chamber of Commerce building, Harborne Road, Edgbaston, taken in 1960. The building is constructed of marble, Portland stone, aluminium and glass.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 September 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, offices, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
City of Birmingham College of Education
City of Birmingham College of Education, Westbourne Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 September 1968
Keywords : Edgbaston, Birmingham, Cars, College
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Clark Street (Icknield Port Road corner), Ladywood, Birmingham
Photograph of Clark Street, on the corner of Icknield Port Road, Ladywood (c.1870s) showing the Glassblower's Arms pub. The photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 September 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Ladywood, houses, pubs, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Eighteenth century-early nineteenth century suburb (Colmore Estate etc.), Birmingham
Photograph of Colmore Estate, etc., an eighteenth century-early nineteenth century suburb. To the left is St. Paul's Church (1777-79), and to the right are the flats in the ""Crescent"", c.1790, overlooking canal sandpits (Dudley Road) and G.P.O. Tower (1966). The photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 September 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, flats, churches, roads, offices, Late eighteenth/early nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Industries along Birmingham Canal, Ladywood, Birmingham
Photograph of industries along Birmingham Canal, in Ladywood, in particular Bellis and Morcom Works, in Icknield Square. The viewpoint is the railway bridge, Monument Road, view north west. The photograph was taken in late 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 September 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Ladywood, factories, canals, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Ladywood Industry
Ladywood, Industry along the Canal, Bellis and Morcom Works (L), (Icknield Square)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 September 1968
Keywords : Ladywood, Birmingham, Industry
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Ladywood Redevelopment
Ladywood redevelopment between St Vincent St (railway bridge) and Monument Rd - St Matks Church to the rear
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 September 1968
Keywords : Ladywood, Birmingham, redevelopment, flats, derelict
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Ladywood, Lincoln Tower (Morville St)
Ladywood, Lincoln Tower (Morville St) St John's Primary School in foreground - View towards Ladywood Rd/Chamberlain Gardens
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 September 1968
Keywords : Ladywood, Birmingham, flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Ladywood, Rotton Park St
Ladywood, Rotton Park St off Icknield Port Rd (Bellis and Morcom (L) Pinchin Johnson Paints ®
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 September 1968
Keywords : Ladywood, Birmingham, Industry
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Ladywood, Sheepcote St
Ladywood, Sheepcote St from the corner of Grosvenor St. The Canal bridge by the pillar box part of Brindleys Birmingham Canal (1766/9). Baxters Bolts, Nuts and Rivets (,R)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 September 1968
Keywords : Ladywood, Birmingham, Industry, factory
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Ladywood, view towards city centre
Ladywood, view point Monument Rd/Shakesepeare Rd, view towards city centre. Flast to the right by Cresecent Canal
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 September 1968
Keywords : Ladywood, Birmingham, redevelopment, flats, derelict
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Longbride, Austin Motor Works, Lickey Road
Longbride, Austin Motor Works, Lickey Road (Bristol Road)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 September 1968
Keywords : Longbridge, Birmingham, Factory, Austin, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Longbridge, Austin Motor Works - Lickey Road Entrance
Longbridge, Austin Motor Works - Lickey Road Entrance (Bristol Road)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 September 1968
Keywords : Longbridge, Birmingham, Factory, Austin
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Longbridge, Austin Motor Works - Lickey Road Entrance
Longbridge, Austin Motor Works - Lickey Road Entrance (Bristol Road)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 September 1968
Keywords : Longbridge, Birmingham, Factory, Austin
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Longbridge, Austin Motor Works - Lickey Road Entrance
Longbridge, Austin Motor Works - Lickey Road Entrance (Bristol Road)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 September 1968
Keywords : Longbridge, Birmingham, Factory, Austin
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
New Crescent Theatre, Birmingham
Photograph of New Crescent Theatre (1964), Cumberland Street, off Broad Street, taken in 1968. The tower at the left is Oozells Street, boarding school (1877).
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 September 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, theatres, cars, motorbicycles, motorbikes, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
New Crescent Theatre, Cumberland Street
New Crescent Theatre, Cumberland St, Off Broad St. British Rail House in the distance. (Broad Street)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 September 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Theatre
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Northfield Shopping Centre, Bristol Road South
Northfield Shopping Centre, Bristol Road South. Woolworths opened June 1968
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 September 1968
Keywords : Northfield, Birmingham, Woolworths, Shops, Shopping Centre Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Northfield Shopping Centre, Bristol Road South
Northfield Shopping Centre, Bristol Road South. Woolworths opened June 1968
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 September 1968
Keywords : Northfield, Birmingham, Woolworths, Shops, Shopping Centre Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Rotton Park Street, off Icknield Port Road, Ladywood (view south-west), Birmingham
Photograph of Rotton Park Road, off Icknield Port Road, Ladywood, showing Bellis and Morcom (left) and Pinchin Johnson Paints (right). The photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 September 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Ladywood, industry, cars, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Rotton Park Street, off Icknield Port Road, Ladywood, Birmingham
Photograph of Rotton Park Road, off Icknield Port Road, Ladywood, showing Bellis and Morcom (left) and Pinchin Johnson Paints (right). The photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 September 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Ladywood, industry, cars, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Bournville Factory Buildings from Linden Road
Bournville Factory Buildings from Linden Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 September 1968
Keywords : Bournville, Birmingham, Factory, Cadbury
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bournville Oak Tree Lane
Bournville Oak Tree Lane from near The Brook; View north across Woodbrooke Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 September 1968
Keywords : Bournville, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Cadburys Bournville
Cadburys Bournville from Waterside Stores of Bournville Lane
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 September 1968
Keywords : Bournville, Birmingham, Cadbury
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Cadburys, Bournville Lane
Cadburys, Bournville Lane, New Works (1960s) Baths to the left, 1904, No1 Lodge to the right, 1899-1902
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 September 1968
Keywords : Bournville, Birmingham, Cadbury
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
The University of Birmingham
The University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, from near Grange Rd entrance
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 September 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, University
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Ladywood Industry, Rotton Park St
Ladywood Industry, Rotton Park St off Icknield Port Rd, Bellis and Morcom (L) Johnson Paints ® - canal behind view point
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 September 1968
Keywords : Ladywood, Birmingham, Industry
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Ladywood, children at play
Ladywood, Hyde Rd (corner of Clark St) children playing in sand. Houses built c.1870
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 September 1968
Keywords : Ladywood, Birmingham, Houses, Children
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Great Charles St, Inner Ring Rd Works
Great Charles St, Inner Ring Rd Works view from Ludgate Hill
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 10 July 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Construction
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Ladywood Industrial Area
Ladywood Industrial area, Cope St (L) Steward St (Eyre St behind) - Factory on the corner is Britachrome
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 10 July 1968
Keywords : Ladywood, Birmingham, Industry
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Ladywood, Shakespeare Rd
Ladywood, Shakespeare Rd, demolition of old houses in the area
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 10 July 1968
Keywords : Ladywood, Birmingham, Derelict
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bournville Church of St. Lazar
Bournville Church of St. Lazar, Serbian Orthodox, Griffins Brook Lane, Consecrated 23/06/68
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 29 June 1968
Keywords : Bournville, Birmingham, Church
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bournville Church of St. Lazar
Bournville Church of St. Lazar, Serbian Orthodox, Griffins Brook Lane, Consecrated 23/06/69, Corner of Cob Lane (Left), Griffins Brook Lane (right)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 29 June 1968
Keywords : Bournville, Birmingham, Church
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Holloway Head
Holloway Head towards Smallbrook Ringway
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 29 June 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Central
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Handsworth Soho Hill
Handsworth Soho Hill, Dennison Watch Case and Birmingham Tool and Gauge / Birmingham Associated Chain
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 May 1968
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, Factory
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Castle Vale Play Area and Farnborough Road
Castle Vale Play Area and Farnborough Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 21 April 1968
Keywords : Castle Vale, Birmingham, Playground, Flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Warwickshire County Cricket Ground, Edgbaston Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of Warwickshire County Cricket ground, Edgbaston Road, taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 April 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, cricket, cricket clubs, cricket grounds, cars, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Warwickshire County Cricket Ground, Edgbaston Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of Warwickshire County Cricket ground, Edgbaston Road, taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 April 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, cricket, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Fort Dunlop, Bromford, Birmingham
Photograph of Fort Dunlop in Bromford, from the corner between Sandown Road and Chillinghome Road. The company moved to ""The Fort"" in 1916. The photograph was taken in early 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 22 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Bromford, factories, cars, Dunlop, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Nechells Green, new and old
Nechells Green, new and old, new is Cromwell St, old is Taylor St/Rocky Lane - view point Oliver St Cranbury St
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 22 March 1968
Keywords : Nechells, Birmingham, Playground, redevelopment
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
"Site of the Moat House" plaque, Manor House, Moat Row, Birmingham
Photograph of the "site of the Moat House" plaque, Manor House, Moat Row, by the entrance to the fish market. The photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, markets, plaques, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Backs of terraced houses, Lawrence Street, Birmingham
Photograph of the backs of terraced houses, Lawrence Street (Ryder Street area) - early Corporation housing (1891), associated with the Corporation Street scheme. The photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, terraced houses, laundry, washing, clothes, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Birmingham Rotunda and Bull Ring
Birmingham Rotunda and Bull Ring
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Rotunda, Bull Ring, Bus
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Deritend from Rea Crossing, Birmingham
Photograph of Deritend High Street from Rea Crossing towards Bordesley. On the left, at the corner of Heath Mill Lane, stands the Old Crown. On the right the Haddon Stokes (screws/nuts etc.) on the site of St. John's church (1381-1947), and St. John's restaurant, in 1968, the Irish Community Centre....
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Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Deritend, houses, cars, street lamps, roads, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Deritend/Floodgate St corner, Digbeth, Birmingham
Photograph of the view from the corner between Deritend High Street and Floodgate Street, in Digbeth, at the crossing with Rea Street. This was the old way into Birmingham, widened on the left. St. Martin's church and the Bull Ring can be seen. The photograph was taken in early 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Digbeth, Bull Ring, roads, houses, cars, buses, lorries, churches, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Digbeth, Birmingham
Photograph of Digbeth, Birmingham. Between newer buildings, St. Martin's church and the Bull Ring can be seen. The photograph was taken in early 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Digbeth, Bull Ring, roads, houses, cars, buses, street lamps, street signs, churches, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Lawrence Street / Ryder Street
Lawrence Street / Ryder Street. Back of terrace housing (1889-1890 Early Corporation houses). Corporation Street Scheme
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Moat Lane, Rotunda and St. Martin's Church, Birmingham
Photograph of Moat Lane, the Rotunda and St. Martin's Church, with the former Manor House site to the left, and warehouses associated with the market to the right. The photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Rotunda, markets, churches, warehouses, cars, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Rea Valley towards Bordesley, Birmingham
Photograph of Rea Valley from Digbeth to Bordesley. A railway viaduct and St. Andrews football ground can be seen. The photograph was taken in early 1968 from the roof of a car park.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Digbeth, viaducts, railways, factories, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Rea Valley towards Digbeth, Birmingham
Photograph of Rea Valley from Bordesley to Digbeth. A railway viaduct and St. Andrews football ground can be seen. The photograph was taken in early 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Digbeth, viaducts, railways, factories, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Rea Valley, Digbeth, Birmingham
Photograph of the view towards Rea Valley from near St. Martin's church. New buildings had been built on the right side of this widened section of the road. The photograph was taken in early 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Digbeth, roads, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Smithfield Market
Smithfield Market
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Market, Wholesalers
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Terrace A, Lawrence Street, Birmingham
Photograph of Lawrence Street (Ryder Street area) terrace A - early Corporation housing (1891) associated with the Corporation Street scheme. The photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, terraced houses, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Terrace B, Lawrence Street, Birmingham
Photograph of Lawrence Street (Ryder Street area) terrace B - early Corporation housing (1891) associated with the Corporation Street scheme. The photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, terraced houses, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
The Bull Ring Market
The Bull Ring Market (Saturday)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Market
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
The Bull Ring Market
The Bull Ring Market (Saturday)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Market, Bull Ring
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
The Rotunda and Bull Ring
Rotunda and Bull Ring, View Point, Carpark Roof
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Rotunda, Bull Ring, Bus
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Aston , The River Tame
Aston, The River Tame, Aston Church and the Tame Valley taken from just below the Electric Avenue bridge, Witton, view upstream
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 March 1968
Keywords : River Tame, Tame Valley, Aston, Church, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Aston - Lichfield Rd
Aston, Lichfield Rd A38 (Salford Bridge), View north, Salford Park (L)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 March 1968
Keywords : Aston, Birmingham, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Aston - Lichfield Rd
Aston, Lichfield Rd (A38) (L) Aston Hall Rd ® - 5.30pm
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 March 1968
Keywords : Aston, Birmingham, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Aston - Trinity Rd
Aston, Trinity Rd, Aston Technical College extension. Built pre 1887
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 March 1968
Keywords : Aston, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Aston Church and Nechells power station, Aston, Birmingham
Photograph of Aston Church and Nechells power station, also showing bridge over Hockley Brook in Aston Park, Atkinson's brewery and Queen's Road (derelict). The photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Aston, parks, churches, power stations, bridges, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Aston Church, Aston Hall grounds, Aston, Birmingham
Photograph of Aston Church taken in 1968 from the Aston Hall grounds, Aston Hall Road. The lower part of the church dates from the fifteenth century, the spire from 1776 and the rest from 1879-90. Salford flats (built c.1956) in background.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Aston, churches, parks, flats, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Aston, Holte Estate Flats, Salford Park.
Photograph of Aston, Holte Estate Flats, Salford Park, Murdoch Point (L) - Priestly Point (R) - Views from Aston Hall Rd
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Aston, Flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Aston, Holte Estate Flats, Salford Park.
Photograph of Aston, Holte Estate Flats, Salford Park, Boulton Point (L) - James Watt Point (R) - Views from Aston Hall Rd
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Aston, Flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Aston/Birchield Trinity Rd
Aston/Birchfield, Trinity Rd. Converted college flats. Aston technical college
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 March 1968
Keywords : Aston, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Electric Avenue, Witton, Birmingham
Photograph of G.E.C., in Electric Avenue, Witton, established in 1902 (heavy electrical engineering). In 1964 the firm employed c. 9000 people. The photograph was taken in early 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Witton, industries, streets, roads, lorries, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
G.E.C. entrance, Electric Avenue, from Dulverton Road, Witton, Birmingham
Photograph of the entrance to G.E.C. (heavy electrical engineering), taken from Dulverton Road. G.E.C. was established in 1902 and employed 9000 in c.1964. The photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Witton, factories, cars, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
G.E.C. works and car park, Electric Avenue, from Tame Road, Witton, Birmingham
Photograph of G.E.C. works (heavy electrical engineering) and car park. G.E.C was established in 1902, and employing 9000 in c.1964. The photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Witton, factories, cars, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
G.E.C., Electric Avenue, Witton, Birmingham
Photograph of G.E.C. (heavy electrical engineering) established in 1902, and employing 9000 in c.1964. Dulverton Road factories (Wolseley Engineering) can be seen on the right, as can the bus stops for the workers. The photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Witton, factories, cars, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
G.E.C., Electric Avenue, Witton, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of G.E.C. (heavy electrical engineering) established in 1902, and employing 9000 in c.1964. The photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Witton, factories, cars, roads, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Hockley Brook, Salford, Birmingham
Photograph of Hockley Brook (on the left) in Salford, Tame Valley. The Tame, in the foreground, flows from the right to the left from under the Birmingham and Fazeley Canal, built in 1783/90. The photograph was taken in early 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Salford, rivers, canals, bridges, industries, chimneys, Eighteenth-nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Nechells Power Station, Tame Valley, Birmingham
Photograph of Nechells Power Station in the Tame Valley. The River Tame, on the right, is just below its confluence with Hockley Brook. On the left, the Birmingham and Fazeley Canal, built in 1783/90. The photograph was taken in early 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Tyseley, Nechells, canals, rivers, industries, factories, paths, power stations, cooling towers, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Nechells power station, Tame Valley, Birmingham
Photograph of the Nechells power station, Tame Valley and the river Tame, taken in 1968. This photograph was taken near Salford Bridge.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Nechells, Tame Valley, rivers, power stations, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
River Tame church and Tame Valley, Aston, Birmingham
Photograph of the view upstream from just below Electric Avenue of the River Tame, a church and Tame Valley, Aston. Witton Bridge is also shown. The photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Aston, Tame Valley, churches, bridges, rivers, trucks, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
River Tame, from bridge on Electric Avenue, Witton, Birmingham
Photograph of the river Tame, taken from the bridge on Electric Avenue, Witton (G.E.C. on the right). Work on the Aston Reservoir site for M1-M6 link can be seen behind the bridge. The photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Witton, rivers, bridges, reservoirs, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Tame Valley Canal, Salford, Birmingham
Photograph of the Tame Valley Canal, built in 1844, viewed from Salford Bridge, in the area between Salford, Witton and Aston. The houses are in Leamington Road. In the background the brass foundry, a derelict factory, can be seen, and works on the M1/M6 link. Barges with some coal for GEC from Meas...
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Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Tyseley, canals, industries, factories, terraced houses, barges, narrow boats, laundry, washing, clothes, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Tame Valley, Nechells Power Station
Tame Valley, Nechells Power Station, River Tame to the right
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 March 1968
Keywords : Tame Valley, Birmingham, River Tame, Canal, Power Station, Industry
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Tame Valley, Nechells Power Station
Tame Valley, Nechells Power Station and River Tame (viewpoint near Salford Bridge)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 March 1968
Keywords : Tame Valley, Birmingham, River Tame, Nechells, Power Station, Industry
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Witton, GEC Entrance, Electric Avenue, from Dulverton Road
Witton, GEC Entrance, Electric Avenue, from Dulverton Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 March 1968
Keywords : Witton, Birmingham, GEC, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Witton, GEC Factory (established 1902)
Witton, GEC Factory (established 1902), 9000 employees in 1964, Electric Avenue
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 March 1968
Keywords : Witton, Birmingham, GEC, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Witton, GEC Factory (established 1902)
Witton, GEC Factory (established 1902), 9000 employees in 1964, Electric Avenue
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 March 1968
Keywords : Witton, Birmingham, GEC, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Witton, GEC Factory (established 1902)
Witton, GEC Factory (established 1902), Electric Avenue.Dulverton Road Factories, Woseley Engineering (R)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 March 1968
Keywords : Witton, Birmingham, GEC, Cars, Industry
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Witton, GEC Works Carpark, Electric Avenue
Witton, GEC Works Carpark, Electric Avenue from Tame Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 March 1968
Keywords : Witton, Birmingham, GEC, Cars, Industry
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Witton, River Tame from bridge on Electric Avenue
Witton, River Tame from bridge on Electric Avenue (GEC on the left)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 March 1968
Keywords : Witton, Birmingham, GEC, River Tame, Bridge
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Aston - Six Ways Underpass
Aston, Six Ways Underpass (Birchfield Rd to High St). Clyde Tower to the right
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 10 March 1968
Keywords : Aston, Birmingham, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Aston, Birchfield Rd
Aston, Birchfield Rd, underpass near Six Ways, leading to High St. View Point Fentham Rd. View South towards Clyde Tower (Chain Walk/Lozells Rd)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 10 March 1968
Keywords : Aston, Birmingham, flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Aston, Birchfield Rd
Aston, Birchfield Rd with flats near Livingstone Rd (built 1961). View fro Nr Trinity Rd
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 10 March 1968
Keywords : Aston, Birmingham, Cars, Flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Handsworth Heathfield Park Drive
Handsworth Heathfield Park Drive (Formerly the site of James Watt's House - demolished c.1860)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 10 March 1968
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, House, James Watt
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Handsworth King Edwards Girls Grammar School
Handsworth King Edwards Girls Grammar School, Rose Hill Road c.1911
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 10 March 1968
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, School
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Handsworth King Edwards Girls Grammar School
Handsworth King Edwards Girls Grammar School, Rose Hill Road c.1911
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 10 March 1968
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, School
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Handsworth Firestation and Technical College
Handsworth Firestation and Technical College, Golds Hill Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 March 1968
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, Trees, Firestation, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Handsworth Grammar School
Handsworth Grammar School, Grove Lane (Opened 1862)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 March 1968
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, School, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Handsworth Market, Soho Road
Handsworth Market, Soho Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 March 1968
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, Market
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Handsworth Market, Soho Road
Handsworth Market, Soho Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 March 1968
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, Market
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Handsworth Public Baths, Grove Lane
Handsworth Public Baths, Grove Lane (Adjoining Park, Hinstock Road Corner)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 March 1968
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, Public Baths
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Handsworth Soho Road, Boulton Road Corner
Handsworth Soho Road, Boulton Road Corner
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 March 1968
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, Shops
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Handsworth Soho Road, Boulton Road Corner
Handsworth Soho Road, Boulton Road Corner
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 March 1968
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, Shops, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Handsworth Technical College
Handsworth Technical College - entrance on Golds Hill Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 March 1968
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, College
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Soho Road near Boulton Road, Handsworth, Birmingham
Photograph of Soho Road near Boulton Road, Handsworth, demonstrating the growing cultural diversity of the area. The shopping centre is viewed towards the College of Art, formerly West Midlands Council Office. The photograph was taken in early 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Handsworth, shops, roads, streets, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Handsworth - Children outside Corner Shop. Thornhill Road / Holly Road Corner
Handsworth - Children outside Corner Shop. Thornhill Road / Holly Road Corner (Opposite Handsworth Park)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 March 1968
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, Shops
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Handsworth - Playing Cards in Handsworth Park
Handsworth - Playing Cards in Handsworth Park, Near Grove Lane
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 March 1968
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, Park
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Handsworth - Thornhill Road / Holly Road Corner
Handsworth - Thornhill Road / Holly Road Corner (Opposite Handsworth Park)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 March 1968
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, Children
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Handsworth - Thornhill Road / Holly Road Corner
Handsworth - Thornhill Road / Holly Road Corner (Opposite Handsworth Park)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 March 1968
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, Children, Shops
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Handsworth House on Holly Road / York Road Corner
Handsworth House on Holly Road / York Road Corner
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 March 1968
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, House, Car
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Handsworth Large Villa Residences, Church Lane
Handsworth Large Villa Residences, Church Lane, Numbers 115-119 (Late 19th Century)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 March 1968
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Handsworth Park
Handsworth Park
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 March 1968
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, Park
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Handsworth Park
Handsworth Park
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 March 1968
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, Park
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Handsworth Park Pool
Handsworth Park Pool, St Marys Church, Hampstead Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 March 1968
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, Park, Pool, Church
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Handsworth Park, Handsworth, Birmingham
Photograph of Sikh men playing cards in Handsworth Park on a Friday, near Grove Lane. The photograph was taken in early 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Handsworth, parks, men, Sikhs, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Handsworth Slack Lane
Handsworth Slack Lane from College Road to Oxhill Road - Old Cruc House (Old Town Hall 15th Century)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 March 1968
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, Houses, Trees
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Handsworth Slack Lane / College Road
Handsworth Slack Lane / College Road. Old Houses to the right c.15th Century
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 March 1968
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Handsworth Soho Road, Grove Lane Corner
Handsworth Soho Road, Grove Lane Corner
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 March 1968
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, Bus, Bank, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Handsworth St Mary's Church
Handsworth St Mary's Church, Hampstead Road (Church Hill established pre-1200)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 March 1968
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, Church
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Handsworth Tunnel-back Houses
Handsworth Tunnel-back Houses on Holly Road, Adjoining Handsworth Park
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 March 1968
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, Houses, Park
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Handsworth Villa Road
Handsworth Villa Road - Villa Cross at top, Heathfield Road (Left), Lozells Road (Right)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 March 1968
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, Shops, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Handsworth, Old House on Slack Lane
Handsworth, Old House on Slack Lane. College Road off Oxhill Road (Near the Grove)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 March 1968
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, House, Lane
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Soho Road/Grove Lane, Handsworth, Birmingham
Photograph of the corner between Soho Road and Grove Lane, Handsworth, demostrating the growing cultural diversity of the area. The photograph was taken in late 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Handsworth, pelican crossings, traffic lights, buses, cars, fashion, clothes, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Denbro Works, Soho Hill, Handsworth, Birmingham
Photograph of Denbro Works in Soho Hill near Villa Road, nearly opposite Soho Avenue, in Handsworth (Dennison watch cases etc.). On the short wall is an old milestone which has since vanished. The photograph was taken in early 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Handsworth, industries, factories, roads, streets, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Handsworth College of Art
Handsworth College of Art, Former Urban District Council Houses 1878-9, Soho Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 March 1968
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, Council, College of Art
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Handsworth College of Art
Handsworth College of Art (Former Urban Council Offices) Soho Road, 1878-9
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 March 1968
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, Council, College of Art
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Handsworth Factory Road (Hockley Brook Valley)
Handsworth Factory Road (Hockley Brook Valley) To the right, approximate site of Boulton's Factory, 18th Century, demolished 1862/3
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 March 1968
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, Cars, Factory
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Handsworth Hunters Road
Handsworth Hunters Road. St Mary's Convent to the left (Built 1840/41) View South towards Soho Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 March 1968
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, Cars Convent
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Handsworth Library / College of Art
Handsworth Library / College of Art. Formerly District Council Offices 1878-9. Soho Road, Stafford Road Corner
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 March 1968
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, Library, Council
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Handsworth School Clinic, Soho Hill
Handsworth School Clinic, Soho Hill Opposite Park Hill
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 March 1968
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, School
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Handsworth Soho Hill
Handsworth Soho Hill, Dennison Watch Case and Birmingham Tool and Gauge / Birmingham Associated Chain
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 March 1968
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, Factory
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Handsworth Soho Road / Thornhill Road Corner
Handsworth Soho Road / Thornhill Road Corner
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 March 1968
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Handsworth Soho Road, Opposite the College of Art
Handsworth Soho Road, Opposite the College of Art
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 March 1968
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, College of Art, Cars, Shops
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Hockley Hunters Road
Hockley Hunters Road. Herbert Samuels Jewellery Works
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 March 1968
Keywords : Hockley, Birmingham, Cars, Factory
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Hockley flyover, Icknield Street/Hunters Road, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of the Hockley flyover, at the intersection of Icknield Street and Hunters Road, view north. In the background, the spire of St. Michael's church, built in 1868 (the church was built in 1855). The photograph was taken in early 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Hockley, flyovers, overpasses, streets, roads, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Hockley flyover, Soho Road, Birmingham
Photograph of the Hockley flyover in Soho Road, at Hockley Brook, view south from the corner of Naden Road. In the background, the G.P.O. tower. The photograph was taken in early 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Hockley, flyovers, overpasses, streets, roads, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Newtown, Bridge Street from Farm Street, Hockley
Newtown, Bridge Street from Farm Street, Hockley. Row of flats to the right in New John Street (note the Lucas Factory)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 March 1968
Keywords : Newtown, Birmingham, Factory, Cafe, Flats, Wasteland
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Newtown, View towards Lucas Factory from New John Street
Newtown, View towards Lucas Factory from New John Street. Near Old Unett Street Corner (distant flats, Milton Street / Newtown Row Corner)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 March 1968
Keywords : Newtown, Birmingham, Factory, Flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Old milestone, Soho Hill, Handsworth, Birmingham
Photograph of the old milestone in Soho Hill, nearly opposite Soho Avenue, situated along a wall outside Denbro Works (tools, gauge works, chains, case makers etc.) The first turnpike was opened in 1727, but the milestone dates from the improvements made by Thomas Telford in c. 1824. The milestone h...
[ more ]
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Handsworth, milestones, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Soho Road, Handsworth, Birmingham
Photograph of a shop in Soho Road, in the Holliday Road area. The yams are priced at 10 pence per pound. The photograph, which demonstrates the growing cultural diversity of the area, was taken in early 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 March 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Handsworth, shops, food, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Hockley flyover, Icknield Street/Hunters Road, Birmingham
Photograph of the Hockley flyover, at the intersection of Icknield Street and Hunters Road. The photograph was taken in early 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 February 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Hockley, flyovers, overpasses, streets, roads, buses, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Anderton Street, Alexandra Street and King Edward's Road corner, Ladywood, Birmingham
Photograph of Anderton Street, Alexandra Street and King Edward's road corner, Ladywood, taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 10 February 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Ladywood, terraced houses, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Backs of Anderton Street terraces, during demolition, Ladywood, Birmingham
Photograph of the backs of Anderton Street terraces, off King Edward's Road, during demolition. Some houses were still inhabited at this point. The photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 10 February 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Ladywood, terraced houses, demolition sites, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Backs of Anderton Street terraces, during demolition, Ladywood, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of the backs of Anderton Street terraces, off King Edward's Road, during demolition and also shows children playing in the background. The photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 10 February 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Ladywood, terraced houses, demolition sites, children, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Backs of Anderton Street terraces, during demolition, Ladywood, Birmingham - 3rd image
Photograph of the backs of Anderton Street terraces, off King Edward's Road, during demolition. Children are shown playing in the foreground. Some houses were still inhabited when this photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 10 February 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Ladywood, terraced houses, demolition sites, children, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Chamberlain Square, Edmund Street, Birmingham
Chamberlain Square, Edmund Street, showing the Town Hall and the Council House, and the site for the new library (previously university site). The photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 10 February 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, construction sites, libraries, universities, town halls, councils, civic centre, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Charlotte Street, Central Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of the Sheffield Smelting Co. Ltd., in Charlotte Street/ St. Paul's Square. The photograph was taken in early 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 10 February 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, factories, workshops, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Corner of Chamberlain Square - Edmund St
Corner of Chamberlain Square - Edmund St - Council House / Town Hall- Pardise Circus area, site for the Central Library
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 10 February 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Council House, Town Hall, Construction
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Demolition of terrace houses, Anderton Street, off Shakespeare Road, Ladywood
Photograph of the demolition of terrace houses, Anderton Street, off Shakespeare Road, Ladywood and children playing. The photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 10 February 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Ladywood, terraced houses, demolition sites, children, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Edmund Street, Paradise Circus area, Birmingham
Photograph of Edmund Street, Paradise Circus area, showing the Birmingham reference library and the Town Hall. The photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 10 February 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, libraries, town hall, construction sites, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Edmund Street, Paradise Circus area, former University site, Birmingham
Photograph of Edmund Street, Paradise Circus area, former University site and new library area, taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 10 February 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, construction sites, libraries, universities, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Great Charles Street, inner ring road tunnel works, Birmingham
Photograph of the inner ring road tunnel works on Great Charles Street, taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 10 February 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, construction sites, roads, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Ladywood, Anderton St - Alexandra St
Ladywood, Anderton St - Alexandra St at the end of Monument Rd, King Edwards Corner
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 10 February 1968
Keywords : Ladywood, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Ladywood, Brooklands in rear
Ladywood, Brooklands in rear. Monument Rd from Shakespeare Rd (near Rey bridge)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 10 February 1968
Keywords : Ladywood, Birmingham, redevelopment, flats,
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Ladywood, back of Anderton St
Ladywood, back of Anderton St off King Edwards Rd (east of Monument St). Demolition in progress some houses still inhabited
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 10 February 1968
Keywords : Ladywood, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Ladywood, demolition
Ladywood, Demolition at the back of Anderton St off King Edwards Rd. Children playing on Saturday afternoon, fetching water from the tap (a former court)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 10 February 1968
Keywords : Ladywood, Birmingham, Houses, Derelict
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Ladywood, demoltion of Anderton St Terraces
Ladywood, demoltion of Anderton St Terraces - off King Edwards Rd east of Munument Rd
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 10 February 1968
Keywords : Ladywood, Birmingham, Derelict
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Ladywood, new flats in St Mark's St
Ladywood, new flats in St Mark's St off Summer Row (near Monument Rd). Spring Hill Library (L) Bulpitts, Swan Brand Aluminium (.R)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 10 February 1968
Keywords : Ladywood, Birmingham, flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Ladywood, new housing
Ladywood, new housing on the corner of Monument Rd and Cope St.The old Palais de Dance in the distance
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 10 February 1968
Keywords : Ladywood, Birmingham, redevelopment, flats,
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Old houses in Shakespeare Road, Ladywood, Birmingham
Photograph of old houses in Shakespeare Road, Ladywood, taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 10 February 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Ladywood, houses, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
21, Calthorpe Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of number 21, Calthorpe Road, housing the RSPCA. The photograph was taken in early 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 January 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, houses, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
27/28, Calthorpe Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of brackets for former oil street lamps in front of numbers 27/28, Calthorpe Road. The photograph was taken in early 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 January 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, houses, street lamps, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
36, Calthorpe Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of number 36, Calthorpe Road. The Georgian house was built c. 1829/30, and was the headquarters of the National Federation of Building Trades Employers, Midland branch. The photograph was taken in early 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 January 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, houses, offices, Georgian, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
36, Calthorpe Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham- 2nd image
Photograph of number 36, Calthorpe Road. The Georgian house was built c. 1829/30, and was the headquarter of the National Federation of Building Trades Employers, Midland branch. The photograph was taken in early 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 January 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, houses, offices, Georgian, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
4-5, Carpenter Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of numbers 4-5, Carpenter Road. The house, in Regency style, was built c. 1810/20, and number 4 was a doctor's house. The photograph was taken in early 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 January 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, houses, Regency, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
44-48, Calthorpe Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of numbers 44-48, Calthorpe Road. The house was the office of Henry W. Weedon and Partners, Chartered Architects and Surveyors. The photograph was taken in early 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 January 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, houses, offices, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
6, Carpenter Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of number 6, Carpenter Road. The house, in Regency style, was built c. 1810/20, and the photograph was taken in early 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 January 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, houses, Regency, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Calthorpe Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of Calthorpe Road at the west corner of St. James' Road. On the left, there is Shell-Mex House, completed in 1962, on the right the RSPCA. The photograph was taken in early 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 January 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, offices, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Calthorpe Road, Shell-Mex House
Calthorpe Road, Shell-Mex House (Completed 1962)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 January 1968
Keywords : Edgbaston, Birmingham, Office Block
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Corner of Carpenter Road and Church Road, crossing Sweeper's Seat, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of corner of Carpenter Road and Church Road (number 7) Edgbaston, taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 January 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Edgbaston Greville Lodge
Edgbaston Greville Lodge, Corner of Sir Harry's Road and Wellington Road (4 beds, 2 garages, £6250)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 January 1968
Keywords : Edgbaston, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Edgbaston Greville Lodge
Edgbaston Greville Lodge, Corner of Sir Harry's Road and Wellington Road (4 beds, 2 garages, £6250)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 January 1968
Keywords : Edgbaston, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Edgbaston Greville Lodge
Edgbaston Greville Lodge, Corner of Sir Harry's Road and Wellington Road (4 beds, 2 garages, GBP6250)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 January 1968
Keywords : Edgbaston, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Estria Road - Wheeleys Road new development, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of Estria Road - Wheeley's Road new development of c.1963, Edgbaston. The photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 January 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, flats, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Masshouse, Pritchatts Road
Masshouse, Pritchatts Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 January 1968
Keywords : Edgbaston, Birmingham, House
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Shell-Mex House, Calthorpe Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of Shell-Mex House in Calthorpe Road, Edgbaston. The building, 147' high, was completed in 1962, and the photograph taken in early 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 January 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, offices, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
University of Birmingham, Halls of Residence
University of Birmingham, Hall of Residenc. View point Edgbaston Park Rd
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 January 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, University
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Whitelodge, Crossing Sweeper's Seat, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of Whitelodge, 7 Church Road, Crossing Sweeper's Seat, corner of Calthorpe Road, Edgbaston. The photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 January 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, houses, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Whitelodge, Crossing Sweeper's Seat, Edgbaston, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of Whitelodge, 7 Church Road, Crossing Sweeper's Seat, corner of Calthorpe Road, Edgbaston. The photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 January 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, houses, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Zebra crossing, Crossing Sweeper's Seat, outside 7 Church Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of a zebra crossing, Crossing Sweeper's Seat, outside 7 Church Road, corner of Carpenter Road, Edgbaston. The photograph was taken in 1968.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 January 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, zebra crossings, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Lawrence Street (Ryder Street Area)
Lawrence Street (Ryder St Area), Early Corporation Housing
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 January 1968
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Auchinleck House, Broad Street, Birmingham
Photograph of Auchinleck House in Broad Street, near Five Ways. Auchinleck House was built c.1960 and the photograph taken in late 1967.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 03 December 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, Five Ways, Broad Street, offices, shops, buses, cars, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Five Ways, Edgbaston
Five Ways, Edgbaston (258-259 Ladywood Road. Wardells Garage - Former Dairy)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 03 December 1967
Keywords : Edgbaston, Birmingham, Garage, Dairy
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Five Ways, Edgbaston
Five Ways, Edgbaston (258-259 Ladywood Road. Wardells Garage - Former Dairy)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 03 December 1967
Keywords : Edgbaston, Birmingham, Garage, Dairy
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Lenches Trust Almshouses, Five Ways, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of Lenches Trust Almshouses in Five Ways, Edgbaston, erected in 1858 adjoining the Children's Hospital in Ladywood Road. The photograph was taken in late 1967.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 03 December 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, Five Ways, almshouses, houses, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Wardell's garage, 258-259 Ladywood Road, Five Ways, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of Wardell's garage, 258-259 Ladywood Road, Five Ways, Edgbaston, taken in 1967.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 03 December 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, terraced houses, garages, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Wardell's garage, 258-259 Ladywood Road, Five Ways, Edgbaston, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of Wardell's garage, 258-259 Ladywood Road, Five Ways, Edgbaston, taken in 1967.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 03 December 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, terraced houses, garages, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Main buildings, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of the main buildings at the University of Birmingham, Edgbaston campus. In the foreground; an outcrop of Keuper sandstone. The photograph was taken in late 1967.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 18 November 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, universities, Old Joe, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
University of Birmingham clock tower and main buildings
University of Birmingham clock tower and main buildings (Keuper Sandstone outcrop)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 18 November 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, University
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Balsall Heath Hope Street
Balsall Heath Hope Street, on the corner of Pershore Road and Sherlock Street (Public House under demolition)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 November 1967
Keywords : Balsall Heath, Birmingham, Flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Kings Norton, The Mop
Kings Norton, The Mop
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 21 October 1967
Keywords : Kings Norton, Birmingham, Mop, Fair
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Longbridge from Lickey Hills (view from Bilberry Hill towards Austin Car Store, right)
Longbridge from Lickey Hills (view from Bilberry Hill towards Austin Car Store, right)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 07 October 1967
Keywords : Longbridge, Birmingham, Factory, Austin, Lickey Hills
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
King's Norton Mop Fair: stalls 5
Photograph of stalls at the King's Norton Mop Fair, taken at 18:00 on 2nd October 1967.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 October 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, King's Norton Green, Mop Fair, Kings Norton
West Heath, Redhill Road, Ivy House Farm Estate
West Heath, Redhill Road, Ivy House Farm Estate
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 19 September 1967
Keywords : West Heath, Birmingham, Houses, Construction
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
West Heath, Redhill Road, Ivy House Farm Estate
West Heath, Redhill Road, Ivy House Farm Estate
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 19 September 1967
Keywords : West Heath, Birmingham, Houses, Construction
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Edgbaston Reservoir
Edgbaston Reservoir (View Near Rotton Park Road Entrance)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 September 1967
Keywords : Edgbaston, Birmingham, Reservoir, Rotton Park
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Edgbaston Reservoir
Edgbaston Reservoir, St Augustines Church, Edgbaston (Viewpoint: End of the Dam near Midland Sailing Club, Icknield Port Road)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 September 1967
Keywords : Edgbaston, Birmingham, Reservoir
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Edgbaston Reservoir
Edgbaston Reservoir (View Near Rotton Park Road Entrance) GPO Tower to the right
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 September 1967
Keywords : Edgbaston, Birmingham, Reservoir, Flats, GP Tower
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Metchley Grange Municipal Estate
Harborne Metchley Grange Municipal Estate, Cross Farm and Pool
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 September 1967
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Pool, Flats, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Metchley Grange Municipal Estate
Harborne Metchley Grange Municipal Estate, Bantock Walk
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 September 1967
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Houses, Flats, Estate
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne, Metchley Grange Estate
Harborne, Metchley Grange Estate, View from Metchley Drive
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 September 1967
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Flats, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Longbridge, Austin Car Storage Park
Longbridge, Austin Car Storage Park (Seen from Cofton Park) BMC Factory to the left, Kings Norton Church Spire to the right
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 July 1967
Keywords : Longbridge, Birmingham, Factory, Austin
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Longbridge, Austin Works from Groveley Lane
Longbridge, Austin Works from Groveley Lane (Car store to the left)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 July 1967
Keywords : Longbridge, Birmingham, Factory, Austin
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Longbridge, Austin Works from Rednal Hill
Longbridge Austin Works from Rednal Hill
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 July 1967
Keywords : Longbridge, Birmingham, Factory
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Northfield, Lay Hill Estate and Frankley Reservoir
Northfield, Lay Hill Estate and Frankley Reservoir
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 July 1967
Keywords : Northfield, Birmingham, Fields, Flats, Reservoir
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Cambridge Street
Cambridge Street excavation work for the construction of flats
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 April 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Construction
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Cambridge Street
Cambridge Street excavation work for the construction of flats by canal
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 April 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Construction
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Edward Street
Edward St. Back-to-backs and Court
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 April 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Houses, Derelict
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Hylton Street, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of Hylton Street, off Vyse Street, in the Jewellery Quarter (east side). Three lane parking. The photograph was taken in early 1967.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 April 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, Jewellery Quarter, roads, cars, houses, shops, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Hylton Street, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of Hylton Street, off Vyse Street, in the Jewellery Quarter (west side). Three lane parking. The photograph was taken in early 1967.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 April 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, Jewellery Quarter, roads, cars, houses, shops, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Kingston Row
Kingston Row old house c. Early 19th Century
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 April 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Kingston Row
Kingston Row, Edward Street off King Edwards Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 April 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Houses, Derelict
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Kingston Row, Birmingham
Photograph of Kingston Row showing houses built during the early ninetenth century, taken in 1967.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 April 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, terraced houses, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Spencer Street, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of Spencer St from Vyse St, in the Jewellery Quarter. Three lane parking. The photograph was taken in early 1967.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 April 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, Jewellery Quarter, workshops, houses, cars, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
St Peter's Place
St Peter's Place off Broad St
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 April 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Motorbike
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
St. Peter's Church (Roman Catholic)
St. Peter's Church (Roman Catholic)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 April 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Church
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
St. Peter's Church, central Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of St. Peter's Church (Roman Catholic), in central Birmingham, built in 1786, extended in 1802 and 1825, and demolished in 1969. The photograph was taken in 1967.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 April 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, churches, cars, street lamps, Late eighteenth/early nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
St. Peter's Place, off Broad Street, Birmingham
Photograph of St. Peter's Place, off Broad Street depicting an eighteenth century house by St. Peter's Church (R.C.), demolished in 1969. The photograph was taken in 1967.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 April 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, churches, houses, motorcycles, motorbikes, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Vyse Street, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of Vyse Street, in the Jewellery Quarter. The photograph was taken in early 1967.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 April 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, Jewellery Quarter, workshops, houses, cars, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Forge Mill, Tame Valley mills, West Bromwich, West Midlands
Photograph of the site of the mill-wheel at Forge Mill, West Bromwich, Tame Valley. The photograph was taken in early 1967.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 April 1967
Keywords : West Midlands, West Bromwich, mills, industries, ditches, mill-wheels, waterwheels, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Forge Mill, Tame Valley mills, West Bromwich, West Midlands - 2nd image
Photograph of the site of the mill-wheel at Forge Mill, West Bromwich, Tame Valley. The photograph was taken in early 1967.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 April 1967
Keywords : West Midlands, West Bromwich, mills, industries, ditches, mill-wheels, waterwheels, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
110-112, Vyse Street, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of workshops in Vyse St. At number 110 worked H.W. Spencer, watch repairer. Number 111 housed C. Lucas and Sons, jewellers and ring manufacturers. At number 112, Geo Taylor and Sons were ring makers and diamond mounters. The photograph was taken in early 1967.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 01 April 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, Jewellery Quarter, workshops, houses, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Augusta Street, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of Augusta Street in the Jewellery Quarter. The plate at number 6 reads ""Wark and Hodgetts, Polishers and Platers to the trade""; at number 7 ""H.T. Cliff and Co., Goldsmiths and Silversmiths""; at number 8 ""Gaunt, Finishers of precious metals etc."" Padlocks and bars on doors can be se...
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Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 01 April 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, Jewellery Quarter, houses, shops, jewellery, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Bell's Farm, Bell's Lane, King's Norton (front view), Birmingham
Photograph of Bell's Farm, Bell's Lane, King's Norton (front view), taken in 1967. The building dates back to Stuart times and is dated to 1661 by an inscription on the chimney.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 01 April 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, King's Norton, farms, Stuart houses, Seventeenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Bell's Farm, Bell's Lane, King's Norton (front view), Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of Bell's Farm, Bell's Lane, King's Norton (front view), taken in 1967. The building dates back to Stuart times and is dated to 1661 by an inscription on the chimney.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 01 April 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, King's Norton, farms, Stuart houses, Seventeenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Bell's Farm, Bell's Lane, King's Norton (view from road), Birmingham
Photograph of Bell's Farm, Bell's Lane, King's Norton (view from road), taken in 1967. The building dates back to Stuart times and is dated to 1661 by an inscription on the chimney.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 01 April 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, King's Norton, farms, Stuart houses, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Bell's Farm, Bell's Lane, King's Norton (view from road), Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of Bell's Farm, Bell's Lane, King's Norton (view from road), taken in 1967. The building dates back to Stuart times and is dated to 1661 by an inscription on the chimney.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 01 April 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, King's Norton, farms, Stuart houses, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Druids Heath / Bells Lane
Druids Heath / Bells Lane (part of Bells farm on the left)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 01 April 1967
Keywords : Druids Heath, Birmingham, Flats, Farm
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Druids Heath Estate, Bells Lane (viewpoint Near Bells Farm)
Druids Heath Estate, Bells Lane (viewpoint Near Bells Farm)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 01 April 1967
Keywords : Druids Heath, Birmingham, Estate, Flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Druids Heath Estate, Bells Lane (viewpoint Near Bells Farm)
Druids Heath Estate, Bells Lane (viewpoint Near Bells Farm)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 01 April 1967
Keywords : Druids Heath, Birmingham, Flats, Fields, Estate.
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Druids Heath Estate, Drews Meadow Close
Druids Heath Estate, Drews Meadow Close
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 01 April 1967
Keywords : Druids Heath, Birmingham, Houses, Estate
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Druids Heath Estate, Drews Meadow Close
Druids Heath Estate, Drews Meadow Close
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 01 April 1967
Keywords : Druids Heath, Birmingham, Houses, Estate, Cars, Flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Druids Heath Estate, Pound Road
Druids Heath Estate, Pound Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 01 April 1967
Keywords : Druids Heath, Birmingham, Houses, Estate, Flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Druids Heath, Bells Lane / Bells Farm
Druids Heath, Bells Lane / Bells Farm (looking towards Kings Norton Church) Site of 2000 new Bryant Homes
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 01 April 1967
Keywords : Druids Heath, Birmingham, Construction, Fields
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Druids Heath, Stone Henge Croft
Druids Heath, Stonehenge Croft
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 01 April 1967
Keywords : Druids Heath, Birmingham, Flats, Estate
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Druids Heath, Stone Henge Croft
Druids Heath, Stone Henge Croft
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 01 April 1967
Keywords : Druids Heath, Birmingham, Houses, Estate, Flats, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Newtown, Great Hampton Row
Newtown, Great Hampton Row
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 01 April 1967
Keywords : Newtown, Birmingham, Cars, Flats, Estate
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Number 8, Augusta St, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of number 8, Augusta Street, in the Jewellery Quarter. It housed the shop ""W. and J. Gaunt, Finishers of precious metals etc."" Padlocks and bars on doors can be seen, as well as burglar alarms. The photograph was taken in early 1967.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 01 April 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, Jewellery Quarter, houses, shops, jewellery, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
St. Paul's Church and G.P.O. Tower, Birmingham
Photograph of St. Paul's Church (built in 1777-79), St. Paul's Square and the G.P.O. Tower (built in 1966). The photograph was taken in 1967.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 01 April 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, churches, St. Paul's church, G.P.O Tower, offices, towers, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
St. Paul's Square, Birmingham - 3rd image
Photograph of numbers 13 and 14, St. Paul's Square. Number 13 housed Menis Ltd., Cordage. The photograph was taken in early 1967.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 01 April 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, shops, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Tomb of Thomas Rickman, St. George's Church, Newtown, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of the tomb of Thomas Rickman (1776-1841), who, as the inscription reads, 'first correctly named the several styles and clearly elucidated the principles of our ecclesiastical architecture' ( i.e. he coined the terms ""Early English"", ""Decorated"" and ""Perpendicular"" still used by chu...
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Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 01 April 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, Newtown, tombs, tombstones, funeral monuments, Thomas Rickman, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Vyse Street, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of Vyse Street, in the Jewellery Quarter. The photograph, taken in early 1967, shows two adjoining workshops: Bacchus, watch importers, and A. Smith, watch importers, movements, diamonds mounters etc.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 01 April 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, Jewellery Quarter, workshops, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Newtown, Great Russell St
Newtown, Great Russell St, view from New John St
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 March 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, Newtown, Derelict, flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Newtown, Great Russell Street. Terraces and Back-to-back Houses
Newtown, Great Russell Street. Terraces and Back-to-back Houses
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 March 1967
Keywords : Newtown, Birmingham, Houses, Back-to-back, Shop, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Newtown, Old Houses in Wheeler Street, New Flats in Great Russell Street
Newtown, Old Houses in Wheeler Street, New Flats in Great Russell Street
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 March 1967
Keywords : Newtown, Birmingham, Houses, Flats, Van
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Newtown, Old Houses, New Flats in Great Russell Street
Newtown, Old Houses, New Flats in Great Russell Street
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 March 1967
Keywords : Newtown, Birmingham, Houses, Flats, Cars, Children, Demolition, Construction
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Newtown, Old School and New Flats, New John Street West
Newtown, Old School and New Flats, New John Street West
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 March 1967
Keywords : Newtown, Birmingham, Flats, School, Wasteland
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Old houses, Great Russell Street, Newtown, Birmingham
Photograph of old houses and new flats in Great Russell Street, Newtown. The photograph was taken in early 1967.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 March 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, Newtown, cars, houses, flats, construction sites, cranes, children, street lamps, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Old terraces, Great Russell Street, Newtown, Birmingham
Photograph of old terraces and back-to-back houses in Great Russell Street, Newtown. The photograph was taken in early 1967.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 March 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, Newtown, cars, houses, shops, advertisements, back-to-back houses, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Wheeler Street, Newtown, Birmingham
Photograph of old houses in Wheeler Street, Newtown. In the background, new flats are being built in Great Russell Street. The photograph was taken in early 1967.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 March 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, Newtown, houses, flats, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Harborne Bishop of Birmingham's House
Harborne Bishop of Birmingham's House, Bishop's Croft, Old Church Road (Late 18th Century)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 26 February 1967
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, House
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne St Peter's Road
Harborne St Peter's Road (once a post office), New flats under construction at rear (£4,650 each)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 26 February 1967
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Houses, Flats, Construction
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne St Peters Road
Harborne St Peters Road, No.8, (Once a Post Office) New Flats under construction to the rear
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 26 February 1967
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, House, Flats, Construction
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne, No. 8 St Peter's Road
Harborne, No. 8 St Peter's Road (once a post office). New flats under construction to the rear
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 26 February 1967
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Cottage, Flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne, St Peter's Rd
Harborne, No 8 St Peter's Rd - New flats under construction behind
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 26 February 1967
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Flats, House, Construction
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Balsall Heath Mary Street / Pleasant Terrace
Balsall Heath Mary Street / Pleasant Terrace
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 11 February 1967
Keywords : Balsall Heath, Birmingham, Houses, Children
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Balsall Heath Mary Street / Pleasant Terrace
Balsall Heath Mary Street / Pleasant Terrace (The Stores, No69, dated 1850)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 11 February 1967
Keywords : Balsall Heath, Birmingham, Shops, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Birmingham Cannon Hill Park. Confluence of the River Rea (Right), Bourne Brook (Left)
Birmingham Cannon Hill Park. Confluence of the River Rea (Right), Bourne Brook (Left). View North
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 11 February 1967
Keywords : Edgbaston, Birmingham, Cannon Hill Park, River Rea
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Corner of Arthur Road and Church Road (west side), Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of a neo-Georgian house built in 1966 to replace a Victorian house at the corner of Arthur Road and Church Road in Edgbaston, taken in early 1967.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 11 February 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, houses, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Edgbaston Cannon Hill Park
Edgbaston Cannon Hill Park
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 11 February 1967
Keywords : Edgbaston, Birmingham, Cannon Hill Park
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Edgbaston Cannon Hill Park
Edgbaston Cannon Hill Park
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 11 February 1967
Keywords : Edgbaston, Birmingham, Cannon Hill Park
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Edgbaston Cannon Hill Park
Edgbaston Cannon Hill Park
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 11 February 1967
Keywords : Edgbaston, Birmingham, Cannon Hill Park, Children
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Edgbaston Chad Valley - Hawthorne Road
Edgbaston Chad Valley - Hawthorne Road. Off Harborne Road (Opposite The White Swan Public House)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 11 February 1967
Keywords : Edgbaston, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Edgbaston Richmond Hill Road East side
Edgbaston Richmond Hill Road East side. Near Somerset Road Corner
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 11 February 1967
Keywords : Edgbaston, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Edgbaston Richmond Hill Road Flats
Edgbaston Richmond Hill Road Flats
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 11 February 1967
Keywords : Edgbaston, Birmingham, Flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Edgbaston Richmond Hill Road Opposite Harrison Road
Edgbaston Richmond Hill Road Opposite Harrison Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 11 February 1967
Keywords : Edgbaston, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Edgbaston Somerset Road
Edgbaston Somerset Road. Old cottages between Harrison Road and Richmond Hill Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 11 February 1967
Keywords : Edgbaston, Birmingham, Cottage
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Edgbaston Somerset Road
Edgbaston Somerset Road. Old cottages between Harrison Road and Richmond Hill Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 11 February 1967
Keywords : Edgbaston, Birmingham, Cottage
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Edgbaston Wellington Road (No.67 and 67a)
Edgbaston Wellington Road (No.67 and 67a)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 11 February 1967
Keywords : Edgbaston, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Numbers 1-5 Hawthorne Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of numbers 1-5 Hawthorne Road, Chad Valley, Edgbaston, off Harborne Road, opposite the White Swan pub. The photograph was taken in 1967.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 11 February 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, terraced houses, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
White Swan pub, Harborne Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of the White Swan pub, Harborne Road, Chad Valley, Edgbaston, taken in 1967.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 11 February 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, pubs, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Perry Hall moated site, Tame Valley, Birmingham
Photograph of Perry Hall, moated site, Tame Valley, showing the view south-east towards Hamstead Hill. The photograph was taken in 1967.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 04 February 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, Tame Valley, parks, moats, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Tame Valley - Perry Hall
Tame Valley - Perry Hall, Moated Site (view from SE towards Hampstead Hill)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 04 February 1967
Keywords : Tame Valley, Birmingham, Perry Hall, Moat
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Tame Valley - Perry Hall
Tame Valley - Perry Hall (part of the Moated Site)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 04 February 1967
Keywords : Tame Valley, Birmingham, Perry Hall, Moat
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Tame Valley - Perry Hall
Tame Valley - Perry Hall (part of the Moated Site), Derrydown Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 04 February 1967
Keywords : Tame Valley, Birmingham, Perry Hall, Moat
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Tame Valley, Perry Barr Midland Counties Dairy Ltd
Tame Valley, Perry Barr Midland Counties Dairy Ltd, by Old Bridge, Perry Barr. Aldridge Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 04 February 1967
Keywords : Tame Valley, Birmingham, Factory, Perry Barr, Dairy
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Witton, Leaving AVFC Ground
Witton, Leaving AVFC Ground, Witton Road near Tame Bridge
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 04 February 1967
Keywords : Witton, Birmingham, Aston Villa, Cars, Crowds
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Holloway Circus, Horsefair Mosaic
Holloway Circus, Horsefair Mosaic
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 January 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Holloway Circus. Mosaic
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Holloway Circus, Horsefair Mosaic
Holloway Circus, Horsefair Mosaic
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 January 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Holloway Circus. Mosaic
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Holloway Circus, Horsefair Mosaic
Holloway Circus, Horsefair Mosaic
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 January 1967
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Holloway Circus. Mosaic
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Metchley Lane
Harborne Metchley Lane. Prefabs (Right) Metchley Grange Flats ahead
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 03 December 1966
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Prefabs, Flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Metchley Lane
Harborne Metchley Lane
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 03 December 1966
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Trees, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Metchley Lane
Harborne Metchley Lane
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 03 December 1966
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Trees, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Metchley Lane
Harborne Metchley Lane / Cross Farm Rd Metchley Grange Flats
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 03 December 1966
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Flats, Trees
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Metchley Lane
Harborne, Metchley Lane, Cottage Terrace
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 03 December 1966
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Gardens, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Metchley Lane
Harborne Metchley Lane. Peartree Cottages
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 03 December 1966
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Cottage
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Metchley Lane
Harborne Metchley Lane
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 03 December 1966
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Trees, Prefabs, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Metchley Lane Prefabs
Harborne Metchley Lane Prefabs
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 03 December 1966
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Houses, Prefabs
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne, Metchley Grange Estate
Harborne, Metchley Grange Estate, Cross Farm Rd and Flats
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 03 December 1966
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Flats, Houses, Trees
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne, Metchley Lane
Harborne Metchley Lane, Metchley Grange Flats
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 03 December 1966
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Trees, Cars, Flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Metchley Lane, Harborne, Birmingham
Photograph of Metchley Lane, in Harborne; the boundary between Harborne and Edgbaston, and also, formerly, between Staffordshire and Warwickshire. The photograph was taken in late 1966.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 03 December 1966
Keywords : Birmingham, Harborne, Edgbaston, roads, streets, street lamps, boundaries, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Lionel St and the GP Tower
Lionel St and the GP Tower
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 01 November 1966
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, GP Tower
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Kings Norton, The Mop
Kings Norton, The Mop
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 03 October 1966
Keywords : Kings Norton, Birmingham, Mop
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Kings Norton, The Mop
Kings Norton, The Mop
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 03 October 1966
Keywords : Kings Norton, Birmingham, Mop
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Kings Norton, The Mop
Kings Norton, The Mop
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 03 October 1966
Keywords : Kings Norton, Birmingham, Mop
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Excavations, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of the excavations in sandstone bedrock for the extension to the University of Birmingham Arts block, by the former Ring Road of the campus in Edgbaston. The photograph was taken in mid 1966.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 July 1966
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, construction sites, ladders, universities, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
View from Rotunda of Curzon Street Station, Birmingham
Photograph of the view from the Rotunda of Curzon Street Station (Midland railway line) and Moor Street Ringway. Duddeston and Nechells are on the left. The photograph was taken in 1966.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 June 1966
Keywords : Birmingham, Rotunda, Duddeston, Nechells, train stations, railways, city centres, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
View from Rotunda of Curzon Street Station, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of the view from the Rotunda of Curzon Street Station (Midland railway line) and Moor Street Ringway. Duddeston and Nechells are on the left, and Nechells power station can be seen. The trees are on the former site of St. Bartholomew's church. The photograph was taken in 1966.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 June 1966
Keywords : Birmingham, Rotunda, Duddeston, Nechells, train stations, power stations, churches, city centres, railways, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
View from Rotunda of Curzon Street Station, Birmingham - 3rd image
Photograph of the view from the Rotunda of Curzon Street Station (Midland railway line) and Moor Street Ringway. Duddeston and Nechells are on the left, and Nechells power station can be seen. The trees are on the former site of St. Bartholomew's church. The photograph was taken in 1966.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 June 1966
Keywords : Birmingham, Rotunda, Duddeston, Nechells, train stations, power stations, churches, city centres, railways, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
View from the Rotunda along Smallbrook Ringway (right) and Bull Ring centre, Birmingham
Photograph of the view from the Rotunda along Smallbrook Ringway (right) and the Bull Ring centre. The Highgate redevelopment area can also be seen, as can the Bristol Road (right), a new Roman Catholic church, 'leafy' Edgbaston and Moseley. The photograph was taken in 1966.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 June 1966
Keywords : Birmingham, Rotunda, Bull Ring, Highgate, Edgbaston, Moseley, redevelopment areas, churches, shopping centres, city centres, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
View from the Rotunda over Highgate and Balsall Heath, Birmingham
Photograph of the view from the Rotunda over Highgate and Balsall Heath, showing the markets on the left, Jamaica Row, and Highgate Hotel, Alcester Street on the left (formerly Rowton House). The photograph was taken in 1966.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 June 1966
Keywords : Birmingham, Rotunda, Highgate, Balsall Heath, markets, hotels, city centres, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
View from the Rotunda over New Street Station and Smallbrook Ringway (left), Birmingham
Photograph of the view from the Rotunda over New Street Station and Smallbrook Ringway (on left), taken in 1966.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 June 1966
Keywords : Birmingham, Rotunda, train stations, railways, roads, construction sites, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
View from the Rotunda over St. Martin's church and the Bull Ring markets, Birmingham
Photograph of the view from the Rotunda over St. Martin's church, the Bull Ring markets (right), and Digbeth (left). The photograph was taken in 1966.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 June 1966
Keywords : Birmingham, Rotunda, Bull Ring, Digbeth, markets, churches, roads, city centres, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
View from the Rotunda over St. Philip's Cathedral towards Newhall Street and the Post Office Tower, Birmingham
Photograph of the view from the Rotunda over St. Philip's Cathedral towards Newhall Street and the Post Office Tower, taken in 1966.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 June 1966
Keywords : Birmingham, city centres, Rotunda, offices, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
View from the Rotunda over the roof of New Street Station, Birmingham
Photograph of the view from the Rotunda over the roof of New Street Station, showing the flats at the corner of Station Street and Hill Street, Auchinleck House at Five Ways (right), Albany Hotel (left), St. Thomas's Church, Bath Row and Gough Street. The photograph was taken in 1966.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 June 1966
Keywords : Birmingham, Rotunda, churches, train stations, flats, offices, city centres, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
View from the Rotunda towards Broad Street, Birmingham
Photograph of the view from the Rotunda towards Broad Street. Navigation Street is on the left, New Street is on the right. The town hall roof can be seen, as can the new signal box and technical college, Suffolk Street (demolished 1967) and the new British Rail offices on the left. The photograph w...
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Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 June 1966
Keywords : Birmingham, Rotunda, town halls, train stations, offices, colleges, city centres, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
View from the Rotunda towards Corporation Street, Birmingham
Photograph of the view from the Rotunda towards Corporation Street, showing the Post and Mail building (Snow Hill) and the Victoria Law Courts. The photograph was taken in 1966.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 June 1966
Keywords : Birmingham, city centres, Rotunda, law courts, offices, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
View from the Rotunda towards Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of the view from the Rotunda along Smallbrook Ringway towards Edgbaston, with Highgate on the left. The photograph was taken in 1966
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 June 1966
Keywords : Birmingham, Rotunda, Edgbaston, Highgate, roads, city centres, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
View from the Rotunda towards Five Ways, Auchinleck House in centre
Photograph of the view from the Rotunda towards Five Ways with Auchinleck House in the centre. Roof of New Street Station, Suffolk Street technical college and the new signal box can all be seen. The photograph was taken in 1966.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 June 1966
Keywords : Birmingham, Rotunda, colleges, train stations, offices, city centres, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
View from the Rotunda towards Snow Hill, Birmingham
Photograph of the view from the Rotunda towards Snow Hill (Post and Mail building). Newtown flats are to the left. The photograph was taken in 1966.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 June 1966
Keywords : Birmingham, city centres, Rotunda, offices, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
View from the Rotunda towards St. Paul's church and St. Philip's cathedral, Birmingham
Photograph of the view from the Rotunda towards St. Paul's church and St. Philip's cathedral, taken in 1966.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 June 1966
Keywords : Birmingham, city centres, Rotunda, offices, churches, cathedrals, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
View from the Rotunda towards the Town Hall, the Council's houses and the civic centre, Birmingham
Photograph of the view from the Rotunda towards the Town Hall, the Council's houses and the civic centre, taken in 1966.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 June 1966
Keywords : Birmingham, Rotunda, town halls, councils, city centres, civic centres, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
View from the Rotunda towards the University, Birmingham
Photograph of the view from the Rotunda towards the University of Birmingham (clock tower on the right) with Bristol Road and Smallbrook Ringway, taken in 1966.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 June 1966
Keywords : Birmingham, Rotunda, universities, roads, clock towers, city centres, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Birmingham Smallbrook Ringway, Albany Hotel
Birmingham Smallbrook Ringway, Albany Hotel, Scala Cinema and Holloway Circus
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 January 1966
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Shops Rotunda, Hotels, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Holloway Circus
Holloway Circus (Suffolk St / John Bright St), GP Tower under construction in the distance.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 January 1966
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Cars, Bus, GP Tower
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Holloway Circus, Smallbrook, Birmingham
Photograph of Holloway Circus, in Smallbrook, the old way to Edgbaston. The Albany Hotel is shown. The photograph was taken in early 1966.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 January 1966
Keywords : Birmingham, Smallbrook, cars, streets, roads, street lamps, Bull Ring, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Smallbrook Ringway
Smallbrook Ringway with Christmas Lights
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 January 1966
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Smallbrook, Cars, Christmas
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Smallbrook Ringway with Christmas lights, Birmingham
Photograph of the Christmas lights on Smallbrook Ringway, taken in 1966.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 January 1966
Keywords : Birmingham, Christmas lights, roads, cars, Rotunda, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Forge Mill Farm, West Bromwich, West Midlands
Photograph of Forge Mill Farm, West Bromwich, in the Tame Valley. The forge dates back to 1549. The farm was a poultry and cattle farm. The photograph was taken in late 1965.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 16 October 1965
Keywords : West Midlands, West Bromwich, Tame Valley, Forge Mill Farm, houses, vans, farms, horse-boxes, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Kings Norton, The Mop
Kings Norton, The Mop
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 04 October 1965
Keywords : Kings Norton, Birmingham, Mop
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Kings Norton, The Mop, the Green
Kings Norton, The Mop, the Green
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 04 October 1965
Keywords : Kings Norton, Birmingham, Mop, The Green
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
University of Birmingham, High Hall, Hall of Residence
University of Birmingham, High Hall, Hall of Residence
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 01 March 1965
Keywords : Birmingham, University
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Gaumont cinema, Colmore Circus, Birmingham
Photograph of Gaumont cinema in Colmore Circus, Birmingham.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 1965
Keywords : Birmingham, cinemas, offices, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Selly Oak / Bournville, Bournville Lane Flood due to burst water main
Selly Oak / Bournville, Bournville Lane Flood due to burst water main
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 October 1964
Keywords : Selly Oak, Birmingham, Bournville, Flood, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Selly Oak / Bournville, Bournville Lane Flood due to burst water main
Selly Oak / Bournville, Bournville Lane Flood due to burst water main
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 October 1964
Keywords : Selly Oak, Birmingham, Bournville, Flood, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Selly Oak / Bournville, Bournville Lane Flood due to burst water main
Selly Oak / Bournville, Bournville Lane Flood due to burst water main
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 October 1964
Keywords : Selly Oak, Birmingham, Bournville, Flood, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Selly Oak, Bristol Road / Middle Park Road (effect of burst water main)
Selly Oak, Bristol Road / Middle Park Road (effect of burst water main)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 October 1964
Keywords : Selly Oak, Birmingham, Flood
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Selly Oak, Bristol Road / Middle Park Road (effect of burst water main)
Selly Oak, Bristol Road / Middle Park Road (effect of burst water main)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 October 1964
Keywords : Selly Oak, Birmingham, Flood
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Selly Oak, Bristol Road / Middle Park Road (effect of burst water main)
Selly Oak, Bristol Road / Middle Park Road (effect of burst water main)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 October 1964
Keywords : Selly Oak, Birmingham, Flood
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
King's Norton Mop Fair: pig and ox roast
Photograph of a pig and an ox being roasted at the King's Norton Mop Fair in 1964
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 October 1964
Keywords : Birmingham, King's Norton Green, Mop Fair, Kings Norton
King's Norton Mop Fair: stalls 3
Photograph of stalls at the King's Norton Mop Fair in 1964
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 October 1964
Keywords : Birmingham, King's Norton Green, Mop Fair, Kings Norton
King's Norton Mop Fair: stalls 4
Photograph of stalls at the King's Norton a Mop Fair in 1964
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 October 1964
Keywords : Birmingham, King's Norton Green, Mop Fair, Kings Norton
Kings Norton, Saracens Head, adjoining Parish Church
Kings Norton, Saracens Head, adjoining Parish Church
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 October 1964
Keywords : Kings Norton, Birmingham, Pub, Church
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Kings Norton, The Mop
Kings Norton, The Mop, the Green
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 October 1964
Keywords : Kings Norton, Birmingham, Mop, Fair, The Green
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
King's Norton Mop Fair: opening ceremony 1
Photograph of the opening ceremony at the King's Norton Mop Fair in 1964
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : October 1964
Keywords : Birmingham, King's Norton Green, Mop Fair, Kings Norton
Mason Orphanage, Erdington, Birmingham - 3rd image
Photograph of the Mason Orphanage in Erdington. Sir Josiah Mason of Kidderminster was the benefactor of the Orphanage which was built of brick with dressings of Tower Hill, Derbyshire and Shrewsbury stone, in the Italian style, from designs by Mr. J.R. Botham, architect, of Birmingham. There are two...
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Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 1964
Keywords : Birmingham, Erdington, orphanages, Josiah Mason
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
King's Norton Mop Fair: free rides for children
Photograph of a fairground ride at the King's Norton Mop Fair in 1963
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 07 October 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, King's Norton Green, Mop Fair, Kings Norton
King's Norton Mop Fair: opening ceremony 2
Photograph of the opening ceremony at the King's Norton Mop Fair in 1963
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 07 October 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, King's Norton Green, Mop Fair, Kings Norton
King's Norton Mop Fair: opening ceremony 3
Photograph of the opening ceremony at the King's Norton Mop Fair in 1963
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 07 October 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, King's Norton Green, Mop Fair, Kings Norton
King's Norton Mop Fair: pig roast 1
Photograph of a pig being roasted at the King's Norton Mop Fair in 1963
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 07 October 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, King's Norton Green, Mop Fair, Kings Norton
King's Norton Mop Fair: pig roast 2
Photograph of a pig being roasted at the King's Norton Mop Fair in 1963
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 07 October 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, King's Norton Green, Mop Fair, Kings Norton
King's Norton Mop Fair: pig roast 3
Photograph of a pig being roasted at the King's Norton Mop Fair in 1963
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 07 October 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, King's Norton Green, Mop Fair, Kings Norton
King's Norton Mop Fair: roasted pig and ox
Photograph of a roasted pig and roasted ox being served at the King's Norton Mop Fair in 1963
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 07 October 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, King's Norton Green, Mop Fair, Kings Norton
King's Norton Mop Fair: stalls 1
Photograph of the stalls at the King's Norton Mop Fair in 1963
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 07 October 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, King's Norton Green, Mop Fair, Kings Norton
King's Norton Mop Fair: stalls 2
Photograph of stalls at the King's Norton Mop Fair in 1963
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 07 October 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, King's Norton Green, Mop Fair, Kings Norton
Kings Norton, Children at The Mop
Kings Norton, Children at The Mop
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 07 October 1963
Keywords : Kings Norton, Birmingham, Mop, Children
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Kings Norton, Opening of The Mop 1963
Kings Norton, Opening of The Mop 1963. Mr E. M Klayson, Chairman (Birmingham Post and Mail)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 07 October 1963
Keywords : Kings Norton, Birmingham, Mop
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Kings Norton, The Mop
Kings Norton, The Mop, the Green
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 07 October 1963
Keywords : Kings Norton, Birmingham, Mop
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Kings Norton, The Mop
Kings Norton, The Mop
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 07 October 1963
Keywords : Kings Norton, Birmingham, Mop, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Kings Norton, The Mop, Baby Show
Kings Norton, The Mop, Baby Show
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 07 October 1963
Keywords : Kings Norton, Birmingham, Mop, Baby Show
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Kings Norton, The Mop, Ox and Pig Roasting
Kings Norton, The Mop, Ox and Pig Roasting
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 07 October 1963
Keywords : Kings Norton, Birmingham, Mop, Pigroast
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Kings Norton, The Mop, Ox and Pig Roasting
Kings Norton, The Mop, Ox and Pig Roasting
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 07 October 1963
Keywords : Kings Norton, Birmingham, Mop, Pigroast
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Boundary: Kings Norton right, Northfield left
Boundary: Kings Norton right, Northfield left. New Shopping Area, Houdley Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 September 1963
Keywords : Kings Norton, Birmingham, Cars, Shops, Telephone Box
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Kings Norton Oddingley Road
Kings Norton Oddingley Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 September 1963
Keywords : Kings Norton, Birmingham, Cars, Houses, Flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Kings Norton Park, Church in background
Kings Norton Park, Church in background
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 September 1963
Keywords : Kings Norton, Birmingham, Church, Park
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Kings Norton Wychall Lane, Corner of Popes Lane
Kings Norton Wychall Lane, Corner of Popes Lane
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 September 1963
Keywords : Kings Norton, Birmingham, Cars, Shops
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Northfield / Kings Norton Boundary
Northfield / Kings Norton Boundary at the Fordrough (Staple Hall) New Shopping Centre at Houdley Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 September 1963
Keywords : Northfield, Birmingham, Kings Norton, Shopping Centre
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Northfield Rea Bridge at West Heath Road
Northfield Rea Bridge at West Heath Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 September 1963
Keywords : Northfield, Birmingham, Houses, Bridge
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Northfield, River Rea part of Mill Leat (by the Old Mill)
Northfield, River Rea part of Mill Leat (by the Old Mill). West Heath Road at Rea Bridge
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 September 1963
Keywords : Northfield, Birmingham, River Rea, Mill
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Northfield, The Old Mill by River Rea
Northfield, The Old Mill by River Rea. West Heath Road, corner of Abbey Dale Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 September 1963
Keywords : Northfield, Birmingham, Pub, Trees, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Northfield, The Old Mill by River Rea
Northfield, The Old Mill by River Rea. West Heath Road, corner of Abbey Dale Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 September 1963
Keywords : Northfield, Birmingham, Pub, Sign
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Northfield, Turves Green Village Road (Post War Houses)
Northfield, Turves Green Village Road (Post War Houses)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 September 1963
Keywords : Northfield, Birmingham, Houses, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Northfield, Turves Green, Coleys Lane approach to River Rea
Northfield, Turves Green, Coleys Lane approach to River Rea
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 September 1963
Keywords : Northfield, Birmingham, Trees, Houses, River Rea
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Northfield, Turves Green, Willetts Road Flats
Northfield, Turves Green, Willetts Road Flats (Tenby Tower)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 September 1963
Keywords : Northfield, Birmingham, Flats, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
West Heath, Redhill Road / Sylvia Avenue Corner
West Heath, Redhill Road / Sylvia Avenue Corner
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 September 1963
Keywords : West Heath, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
West Heath, Rednal Road / The Slade
West Heath, Rednal Road / The Slade
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 September 1963
Keywords : West Heath, Birmingham, Prefabs
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Roman road, Weoley Castle, Northfield, Birmingham
Photograph of a trench across a possible Roman road, between Swarthmore Road and Bryony Road, Northfield, taken in 1963.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 September 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, Northfield, Roman roads, roads, Roman Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Section across Roman road, Northfield, Birmingham
Photograph of a section across a possible Roman road, between Swarthmore Road and Bryony Road, Northfield, taken in 1963.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 September 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, Northfield, Roman roads, roads, Roman Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Section across Roman road, Northfield, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of a section across a possible Roman road, between Swarthmore Road and Bryony Road, Northfield, taken in 1963.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 September 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, Northfield, Roman roads, roads, Roman Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Section across Roman road, Northfield, Birmingham - 3rd image
Photograph of a section across a possible Roman road, between Swarthmore Road and Bryony Road, Northfield, taken in 1963.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 September 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, Northfield, Roman roads, roads, Roman Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Assay Office - Newhall St / Charlotte St
Assay Office - Newhall St / Charlotte St - Moved to this site in 1879
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 May 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Assay Office
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Hampton Street, Newtown, Birmingham
Photograph of a court in Hampton Street, near St. George's Church. The front houses have been demolished. The photograph was taken in mid 1963.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 May 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, Newtown, houses, cars, vans, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Hampton Street, Newtown, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of a court in Hampton Street, near St. George's Church. The front houses have been demolished. The photograph was taken in mid 1963.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 May 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, Newtown, houses, cars, vans, street lamps, children, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Handsworth Hockley Soho Hill, Adie Brothers Ltd
Handsworth Hockley Soho Hill, Adie Brothers Ltd - Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Electroplate Manufacturers
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 May 1963
Keywords : Hockley, Birmingham, Cars, Factory
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Hockley Soho Hill, Sydney Griffith Ltd
Hockley Soho Hill, Sydney Griffith Ltd - Gilt Jewellery, Novelties, Studs, Links. Soho Hill Stud Works
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 May 1963
Keywords : Hockley, Birmingham, Lorry, Factory
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Hockley, Hockley Hill
Hockley, Hockley Hill - C H Collins and Sons Ltd Jewellers
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 May 1963
Keywords : Hockley, Birmingham, Cars, Factory
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Howard Street, Newtown, Birmingham
Photograph of a court and the backs of houses in Howard Street/Hampton Street, near St. George's Church and Hockley. The housing dates back to c. 1820-1840. The photograph was taken in mid 1963.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 May 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, Newtown, houses, children, demolition sites, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Jewellery Quarter Vyse Street
Jewellery Quarter Vyse Street, Warstone Lane Clock
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 May 1963
Keywords : Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham, Clock, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Mott Street corner, Newtown, Birmingham
Photograph of W. Pitt and Son Ltd. (Wyon works); steel marking, punches, letter cutters, engravers, tool makers, in Howard St, at the corner with Mott St, in Newtown, former Jewellery Quarter. The photograph was taken in mid 1963.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 May 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, Newtown, factories, workshops, jewellery, cars, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Newhall St between Charlotte St and Brook St
Newhall St between Charlotte St and Brook St - Assat Office on the corner of Charlotte St (.R)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 May 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Assay Office
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Newhall Street, Central Birmingham
Photograph of Newhall Street, between Charlotte Street and Brook Street. At the Corner with Charlotte Street, on the right, there is the Assay Office. The photograph was taken in mid 1963.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 May 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, workshops, cars, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Newtown, Court in Hampton Street (Near St Georges Street)
Newtown, Court in Hampton Street (Near St Georges Street), Front House Demolished
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 May 1963
Keywords : Newtown, Birmingham, Court, Houses, Demolition, Van
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Newtown, Court in Hampton Street (Near St Georges Street)
Newtown, Court in Hampton Street (Near St Georges Street), Front House Demolished
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 May 1963
Keywords : Newtown, Birmingham, Court, Houses, Demolition, Van, Children
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Newtown, Howard Street (near St Georges)
Newtown, Howard Street (near St Georges), Mott Street Corner. J. Pitt and Son Ltd Wyon Works, Steel Marking, Punches, Letter Cutters, Engravers and Tool Makers
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 May 1963
Keywords : Newtown, Birmingham, Cars, Factory
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Newtown, Howard Street (near St Georges)
Newtown, Howard Street (near St Georges) Old Jewellery Works established 1832 (W. O. Lewis Badges)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 May 1963
Keywords : Newtown, Birmingham, Cars, Factory
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Newtown, Howard Street / Hampton Street (near St Georges)
Newtown, Howard Street / Hampton Street (near St Georges) Courts and Back Houses
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 May 1963
Keywords : Newtown, Birmingham, Court, Houses, Wasteland
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Newtown, Old and New in Great Hampton Row
Newtown, Old and New in Great Hampton Row (Near Unett Street left)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 May 1963
Keywords : Newtown, Birmingham, Cars, Shop, Flats, Wasteland
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Newtown, Unett Street Redevelopment
Newtown, Unett Street Redevelopment (Near New John Street West) St Michaels Church, Handsworth to the left
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 May 1963
Keywords : Newtown, Birmingham, Church, Flats, Cars, Van, Redevelopment
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Northampton Street, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of Northampton Street, off Warstone Lane, in the Jewellery Quarter. B.J. Round and Sons, whose workshops are depicted, were electrodepositors. The photograph was taken in mid 1963.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 May 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, workshops, cars, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Old Jewellery Works, Newtown, Birmingham
Photograph of W. O. Lewis, badge manufacturers.This old jewellery works was established in 1832 in Howard Street, near St. George's Church. The photograph was taken in mid 1963.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 May 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, Newtown, factories, jewellery, badges, badge manufacturers, street lamps, cars, benches, advertisements, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
School of Jewellery and Silversmithing, Victoria Street, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of the School of Jewellery and Silversmithing, Victoria Street, Jewellery Quarter, built c. 1890. The photograph was taken in mid 1963.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 May 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, Jewellery Quarter, schools, cars, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Tomb of Thomas Rickman, St. George's Church, Newtown, Birmingham
Photograph of the tomb of Thomas Rickman (1776-1841), who, as the inscription reads, 'first correctly named the several styles and clearly elucidated the principles of our ecclesiastical architecture' ( i.e. he coined the terms ""Early English"", ""Decorated"" and ""Perpendicular"" still used by chu...
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Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 May 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, Newtown, tombs, tombstones, funeral monuments, Thomas Rickman, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Vyse Street, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham - 3rd image
Photograph of Vyse Street, in the Jewellery Quarter, with various jewellers' workshops. The photograph was taken in mid 1963.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 May 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, Jewellery Quarter, workshops, houses, cars, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Anderton's Yard, Whittall Street (derelict), Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of Anderton's Yard, Whittall Street in Birmingham's Gun Quarter taken when derelict in 1963.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 April 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, factories, arms, guns, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Anderton's Yard, Whittall Street (derelict), Gun Quarter, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of Anderton's Yard, Whittall Street in Birmingham's Gun Quarter taken when derelict in 1963.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 April 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, factories, arms, guns, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Anderton's Yard, Whittall Street (derelict), Gun Quarter, Birmingham - 3rd image
Photograph of Anderton's Yard, Whittall Street in Birmingham's Gun Quarter taken when derelict in 1963.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 April 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, factories, arms, guns, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Anderton's Yard, Whittall Street (derelict), Gun Quarter, Birmingham - 4th image
Photograph of Anderton's Yard, Whittall Street in Birmingham's Gun Quarter taken when derelict in 1963.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 April 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, factories, arms, guns, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Bull Ring / Rotunda Redevelopment
Bull Ring / Rotunda Redevelopment - View from Multi-Storey Carpark
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 April 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Rotunda, Bull Ring, Bus
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bull Ring / Rotunda Redevelopment
Bull Ring / Rotunda Redevelopment - View from Multi-Storey Carpark
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 April 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Rotunda, Bull Ring, Bus
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Gun Quarter, Andertons Yard, Whittall Street (Derelict)
Gun Quarter, Andertons Yard, Whittall Street (Derelict)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 April 1963
Keywords : Gun Quarter, Birmingham, Derelict
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Yard and gun forge (right) behind nos. 10-11, St. Mary's Row, Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of the yard and gun forge behind numbers 10-11, St. Mary's Row in the Gun Quarter. The photograph was taken in 1963.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 April 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, guns, arms, workshops, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Yard behind nos. 10-11, St. Mary's Row, Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of the yard behind numbers 10-11, St Mary's Row in the Gun Quarter. The photograph was taken in 1963.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 April 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, guns, arms, workshops, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
16, Whittall Street, Gun Quarter, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of 16, Whittall Street, in the Gun Quarter, in decay. The photograph was taken in early 1963.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 16 February 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, houses, cars, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
16, Whittall Street, Gun Quarter, Birmingham - 3rd image
Photograph of 16, Whittall Street, in the Gun Quarter, in decay. The photograph was taken in early 1963.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 16 February 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, houses, cars, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
16/18, Whittall Street, Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of numbers 16/18, Whittall Street, in the Gun Quarter in decay. At number 18, Thomas Wild Gun Works. In the background the spire of St. Chad's RC Cathedral can be seen. The photograph was taken in early 1963.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 16 February 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, factories, arms, workshops, guns, cars, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
18, Whittall Street, Gun Quarter, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of number 18, Whittall Street, in the Gun Quarter, housing Thomas Wild Gun Works, at the first floor. The proprietor was Rowland Watson. The photograph was taken in early 1963.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 16 February 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, factories, arms, workshops, guns, cars, restaurants, coffee bars, cafes, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Gun Quarter (In decay)
Gun Quarter (In decay). Stewarts and Lloyds Offices (Snow Hill. Construction across Weanan Street) View point: Whittall Street, Opposite St. Mary's Row.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 16 February 1963
Keywords : Gun Quarter, Birmingham, Construction
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Gun Quarter (In decay)
Gun Quarter (In decay). Stewarts and Lloyds Offices (Snow Hill. Construction across Weanan Street) View point: Whittall Street, Opposite St. Mary's Row.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 16 February 1963
Keywords : Gun Quarter, Birmingham, Construction
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Gun Quarter (In decay)
Gun Quarter (In decay). No.16 Whittall Street
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 16 February 1963
Keywords : Gun Quarter, Birmingham, Decay, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Gun Quarter (In decay)
Gun Quarter (In decay). 16-18 Whittall Street. Backs of premises - Thomas Wild Gunworks.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 16 February 1963
Keywords : Gun Quarter, Birmingham, Decay, Factory
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Gun Quarter. Thomas Wyld Gunworks, 1st Floor, No.16 Whittall Street
Gun Quarter. Thomas Wyld Gunworks, 1st Floor, No.16 Whittall Street
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 16 February 1963
Keywords : Gun Quarter, Birmingham, Factory, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Gun Quarter. Thomas Wyld Gunworks, 1st Floor, No.16 Whittall Street
Gun Quarter. Thomas Wyld Gunworks, 1st Floor, No.16 Whittall Street
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 16 February 1963
Keywords : Gun Quarter, Birmingham, Factory, Lorry
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Number 3 Whittall Street with entrance to Anderton's Square on left, Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of number 3 Whittall St in Birmingham's Gun Quarter, taken in early 1963. The arched doorway on the left is the entrance to Anderton's Square.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 16 February 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, factories, arms, guns, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Parker Hale Gun Factory, Whittall Street, Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of Parker Hale Gun Factory, Whittall St, in Birmingham's Gun Quarter, taken in early 1963.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 16 February 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, factories, arms, guns, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Redevelopment, Whittall Street, Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of the Stewarts and Lloyds Offices in Snow Hill, across an old workshop block in Weaman Street. The area between Weaman Street and Whittall Street was under redevelopment. The viewpoint is in Whittall Street, opposite St. Mary's Row. The photograph was taken in early 1963.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 16 February 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, construction sites, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Whittall Street in decay, Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of the Stewarts and Lloyds Offices in construction in Snow Hill, across Weaman Street, in place of an old workshop block. The viewpoint is in Whittall Street, opposite St. Mary's Row. The photograph was taken in early 1963.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 16 February 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, construction sites, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Construction site, St. Mary's Row, former Gun Quarter,
Photograph of St. Mary's Row in the former Gun Quarter, showing the view across Whittall Street and fomer Weaman Street to Snow Hill, taken in 1963.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 February 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, construction sites, offices, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Gun Quarter (In decay)
Gun Quarter (In decay). Stewarts and Lloyds Offices (Snow Hill. Construction across Weanan Street) View point: Whittall Street, Opposite St. Mary's Row.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 February 1963
Keywords : Gun Quarter, Birmingham, Construction
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Gun Quarter Bath Street, St. Mary's Parochial Schools (Rebuilt 1845)
Gun Quarter Bath Street, St. Mary's Parochial Schools (Rebuilt 1845). Later Alfred J Parker - Manufacturer of guns, rifles and accessories
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 February 1963
Keywords : Gun Quarter, Birmingham, Factory, School
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Number 3 Whittall Street, Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of number 3 Whittall St in Birmingham's Gun Quarter, taken in early 1963. The arched doorway is the entrance to Anderton's Square and the building with the long upper windows is Parker Hale's Gun Factory (until 1962).
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 February 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, factories, arms, guns, cars, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Old gun works, St. Mary's Row, corner of Whittall Street, Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of old gun works, St. Mary's Row, corner of Whittall Street in the Gun Quarter. St. Chad's Convent is on the left and Ruskin House (a home for working girls) is also shown. The photograph was taken in 1963.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 February 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, guns, arms, workshops, convents, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Price Street, Central Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of Price Street, off Loveday Street, in Central Birmingham's Gun Quarter. The photograph was taken in early 1963.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 February 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, workshops, cars, Gun Quarter, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Printers, Keystone Trading, etc., St. Mary's Row, Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of Avery and Morris Printers, Keystone Trading, etc., St. Mary's Row in the Gun Quarter taken in 1963.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 February 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, shops, workshops, printers, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Whittall Street/Bath Street, Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of the corner between Whittall Street and Bath Street in the Gun Quarter. The building housing J.W. Fry and Son, Ltd., Midland Gun Co., was a Church Hall, opened by the Lord Bishop of Worcester on November 18th, 1868, possibly called St. Mary's Hall. The photograph was taken in early 1963...
[ more ]
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 February 1963
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, factories, arms, workshops, guns, church halls, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Harborne, The Grove
Harborne, The Grove - Home of the late W.Byng Kenrick
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 29 November 1962
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Cars, House
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
The Grove, Harborne, Birmingham
Photograph of The Grove, in Harborne, home of the late Alderman W. Byng Kenrick. The photograph was taken in late 1962, on the day of the sale of the furniture. Kenrick was a civic leader and educationalist.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 29 November 1962
Keywords : Birmingham, Harborne, houses, Alderman W. Byng Kenrick , Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
The Grove, Harborne, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of Grove House, or The Grove, in Harborne, home of the late W. Byng Kenrick. The photograph was taken in late 1962, on the day of the sale of the contents/ furniture. Kenrick was a civic leader and educationalist.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 29 November 1962
Keywords : Birmingham, Harborne, houses, Alderman W. Byng Kenrick , Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
The Grove, Harborne, Birmingham - 3rd image
Photograph of The Grove, in Harborne, home of the late W. Byng Kenrick. The photograph was taken in late 1962, on the day of the sale of the furniture. Kenrick was a civic leader and educationalist.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 29 November 1962
Keywords : Birmingham, Harborne, houses, cars, Alderman W. Byng Kenrick , Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Bourn Brook, Bottetourt Road bridge, Harborne, Birmingham
Photograph of Bourn Brook at Bottetourt Road bridge (south of Osmaston Road), Harborne, taken in 1962.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 October 1962
Keywords : Birmingham, Harborne, brooks, bridges, streams, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Harborne Home Farm by Golf Course
Harborne Home Farm by Golf Course
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 October 1962
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Cottage
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Quinton Road
Harborne Quinton Road, from Hillyfields Public House
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 October 1962
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Estate, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne, Bourn Brook
Harborne, Bourn Brook view from Reservoir Road (N)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 October 1962
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Trees, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Kings Norton, The Mop, Ox and Pig Roasting
Kings Norton, The Mop, Ox and Pig Roasting
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 01 October 1962
Keywords : Kings Norton, Birmingham, Mop, Pigroast
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Metchley Lane
Harborne Metchley Lane, Adjoining houses demolished May 1962
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 21 May 1962
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Gas Street Boat Show
Gas Street Boat Show
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 01 Unspecified 1962
Keywords : Birmingham, Canal, Gas Street
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Metchley Lane
Harborne Metchley Lane, Parish Building
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 September 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Prefabs. Trees
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne, No's 3 and 5 Abbey Road
Harborne, No's 3 and 5 Abbey Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 September 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne, No.17 Abbey Road
Harborne, No.17 Abbey Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 September 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne - Bournbrook Bridge (Harborne Park Road)
Harborne - Bournbrook Bridge (Harborne Park Road)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 September 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Houses, Bridge
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Golden Cross Public House
Harborne Golden Cross Public House, Corner of Metchley Lane
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 September 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Pub
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne, Harborne Lane
Harborne, Harborne Lane from Bourn Brook bridge
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 September 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Trees, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne, Old Church Avenue
Harborne, Old Church Avenue
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 14 September 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Trees
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Birmingham Civic Centre
Birmingham Civic Centre, Broad St, Centenary Sq
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 August 1961
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Civic
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Birmingham Civic Centre, Broad Street
Birmingham Civic Centre, Broad Street, Centenery Square, Baskerville House
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 August 1961
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Broad St, Civic
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne - Corner of Vivian Road
Harborne - Corner of Vivian Road. Greenfield Road to the right
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 17 August 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Shop, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne 349 - 353 High Street
Harborne 349 - 353 High Street
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 17 August 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, High Street, Shops
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Greenfield Road
Harborne Greenfield Road, No. 88-100
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 17 August 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Houses, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Greenfield Road
Harborne Greenfield Road, No. 86-88
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 17 August 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne High Street
Harborne High Street - Corner of Serpentine Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 17 August 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, High Street, Shops
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne High Street
Harborne, No 277 and 275 High Street
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 17 August 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, High Street, Houses, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Margaret Road
Harborne Margaret Road, No's 8-16
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 17 August 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Police Station
Harborne Police Station, High Street (Left), Greenfield Road (Right)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 17 August 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, High Street, Police Station
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne, Albert Rd
Harborne, 37 and 39 Albert Rd
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 17 August 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne, Vivian Rd
Harborne, Vivian Rd, St John's Church
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 17 August 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Church, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne, Vivian Rd
Harborne, Vivian Rd, Spring Cottages, 41-49
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 17 August 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne High Street
Harborne High Street, Terrace between Ravenhurst Road (Left) and Station Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 August 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, High Street, Shops, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne High Street
Harborne High Street. Harborne Terrace (Right) Wheatcrofts No.350
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 August 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, High Street, Shops, Church
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne High Street
Harborne High Street. Terrace demolished 1962 (View towards Baptist Church)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 August 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, High Street, Terrace, Church
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne No 348 High Street
Harborne No 348 High Street, Geo Boyes Butcher
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 August 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, High Street, Butchers, Shops
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Tenants Association, Moor Pool
Harborne Tenants Association, Moor Pool
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 August 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Pool, Trees
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Birmingham Gas Street Wharf
Birmingham Gas Street Wharf. Worcester Canal, Bar Lock
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 01 July 1961
Keywords : Birmingham, Canal, Gas Street
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Back of Welsh House Farm, Harborne, Birmingham
Photograph of the back of Welsh House Farm, near Harborne. The photograph was taken in early 1961.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 March 1961
Keywords : Birmingham, Harborne, Welsh House Farm, farms, houses, rubbish bins, dustbins, chimneys, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Church nucleus, Harborne, Birmingham
Photograph of the church ""nucleus"" in Harborne from near ""Gravel Bank"", Northfield Road, to south west. The photograph was taken in early 1961.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 March 1961
Keywords : Birmingham, Harborne, houses, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Harborne Bishops Croft
Harborne Bishops Croft (Harborne House, Old Church Road)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 March 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Trees, House
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Bishops Croft (Harborne House)
Harborne Bishops Croft (Harborne House)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 March 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, House
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Camomile Green
Harborne Camomile Green Old Cottage. Tennal Road (Left), Queens Park Road (Right)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 March 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Houses, Trees
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Camomile Green Old Cottage
Harborne Camomile Green Old Cottage, in Queens Park Road (Nr Tennal Road)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 March 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Cottage
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Church 'Nucleus' From nr Gravel Bank
Harborne Church 'Nucleus' From nr Gravel Bank, Northfield Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 March 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Church, Golf Course, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Field House, 110 Harborne Park Road
Harborne Field House, 110 Harborne Park Road, Corner of St Mary's Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 March 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, House
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Field House, 110 Harborne Park Road
Harborne Field House, 110 Harborne Park Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 March 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, House
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Grays Road (Fish Lane)
Harborne Grays Road (Fish Lane) Approximate site of Fish Inn
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 March 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Shop
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Grays Road, Houses adjoining site of Fish Inn
Harborne Grays Road, Houses adjoining site of Fish Inn (houses dated 1879). Arnitt Place with Arnitt Terrace at rear (entrance to terrace only)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 March 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Houses, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Greenfield Terrace
Harborne Greenfield Terrace in Greenfield Road (Opposite Margaret Road)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 March 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne High Street
Harborne High Street, A. Bootherstone Butchers (Established 1844) Farm Buildings at rear
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 March 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, High Street, Butchers, Shop
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne High Street
Harborne High Street, R. Bayliss Landscape Gardener and A. Bootherstone Butchers
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 March 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, High Street, Butchers, Shop
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Metchley Lane
Harborne Metchley Lane, Numbers 44, 46, 48
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 March 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Cottage
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Metchley Lane
Harborne Metchley Lane, Numbers 20-26 opposite The Sportsman Public House
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 March 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Metchley Lane
Harborne Metchley Lane, No.30, Opposite the Sportsman Public House
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 March 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Metchley Lane, Old Cottages by Garage
Harborne Metchley Lane, Old Cottages by Garage (Metchley Cottages 1880)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 March 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Cottages
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne New Housing Estate
Harborne New Housing Estate, adjoining Welsh House Farm
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 March 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Houses, Redevelopment
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne North Road and Grange Road
Harborne North Road and Grange Road, formerly Fish Lane (site of the Fish Inn)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 March 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Houses, Pub
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne St Peter's School
Harborne St Peter's School
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 March 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Children, School
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne St. Peter's School
Harborne St. Peter's School
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 March 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, School, Children
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Stapylton Avenue
Harborne Stapylton Avenue, off St Peter's Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 March 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Vicarage Road
Harborne Vicarage Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 March 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Houses, Trees
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne, St Peter's Rd
Harborne - The Malt House, No 12 St Peter's Rd
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 March 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, House
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne, St Peter's Rd
Harborne, No 30 St Peter's Rd, the corner of Victoria Rd
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 March 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Trees, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne, St Peter's Rd
Harborne, St Peter's Rd, Elmley Lodge
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 March 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Trees, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne, Vivian Rd
Harborne, Vivian Rd from the Harborne Park Rd end
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 March 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Trees, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne, Welsh House Farm
Harborne, Welsh House Farm
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 March 1961
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, House
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Sow and piglets, Welsh House Farm, Harborne, Birmingham
Photograph of a sow and piglets in Welsh House Farm, near Harborne. The photograph was taken in early 1961.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 March 1961
Keywords : Birmingham, Harborne, Welsh House Farm, farms, sows, piglets, animals, ladders, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Welsh House Farm in decay, Harborne, Birmingham
Photograph of Welsh House Farm in decay, near Harborne, owned by W.E. Richards and Son, transport contractors. The photograph was taken in early 1961.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 March 1961
Keywords : Birmingham, Harborne, Welsh House Farm, farms, lorries, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Welsh House Farm, Harborne, Birmingham
Photograph of Welsh House Farm house, near Harborne. No fields are remaining. The photograph was taken in early 1961.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 March 1961
Keywords : Birmingham, Harborne, Welsh House Farm, farms, houses, benches, porches, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Welsh House Farm, Harborne, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of Welsh House Farm house, near Harborne, with the chimney in evidence. The photograph was taken in early 1961.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 March 1961
Keywords : Birmingham, Harborne, Welsh House Farm, farms, houses, benches, chimneys, windows, porches, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Welsh House Farm, Harborne, Birmingham - 3rd image
Photograph of Welsh House Farm house, near Harborne. No fields are remaining. The photograph was taken in early 1961.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 March 1961
Keywords : Birmingham, Harborne, Welsh House Farm, farms, houses, benches, porches, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Welsh House Farm, Harborne, Birmingham - 4th image
Photograph of Welsh House Farm house, near Harborne. No fields are remaining. The photograph was taken in early 1961.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 06 March 1961
Keywords : Birmingham, Harborne, Welsh House Farm, farms, houses, benches, porches, windows, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Bournville Green
Bournville Green
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 19 February 1961
Keywords : Bournville, Birmingham, Park
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bournville Woodbrooke Road
Bournville Woodbrooke Road, Valley Pool
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 19 February 1961
Keywords : Bournville, Birmingham, Park, Hall
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bournville Woodbrooke Road Park
Bournville Woodbrooke Road Park
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 19 February 1961
Keywords : Bournville, Birmingham, Park, Pool
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bournville Woodbrooke Road Park Pool
Bournville Woodbrooke Road Park Pool
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 19 February 1961
Keywords : Bournville, Birmingham, Park, Pool
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bournville Woodbrooke Road Park Pool
Bournville Woodbrooke Road Park Pool
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 19 February 1961
Keywords : Bournville, Birmingham, Park, Pool
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bournville Woodbrooke Road Park Pool
Bournville Woodbrooke Road Park Pool
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 19 February 1961
Keywords : Bournville, Birmingham, Park, Pool
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Corner of Bournville Lane and Linden Road
Corner of Bournville Lane and Linden Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 19 February 1961
Keywords : Bournville, Birmingham, Flowers
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Birmingham Newhall Street
Birmingham Newhall Street, Science Museum (R), Formerly Elkingtons Silver Plate Works
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 October 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Cars, Works
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Cambridge Street
Cambridge Street
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 October 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Factory
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Charlotte Street, Central Birmingham
Photograph of the Sheffield Smelting Co. Ltd., in Charlotte Street. The photograph was taken in late 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 October 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, factories, workshops, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Corner of Crescent, Cambridge Street, Birmingham
Photograph of the corner of Crescent, Cambridge Street, taken in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 October 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, shops, cars, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Easy Row, Birmingham
Photograph of Easy Row. The houses were begun in the 1760s. The photograph was taken in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 October 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, houses, shops, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Entrance to No. 12, Easy Row, Birmingham
Photograph of the entrance to number 12, Easy Row, a Georgian house. The photograph was taken in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 October 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, houses, doorways, doors, Georgian, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Entrance to a Georgian house, Easy Row, Birmingham
Photograph of the entrance to a Georgian house, Easy Row. The photograph was taken in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 October 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, houses, doorways, doors, Georgian, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Great Charles Street, Birmingham
Photograph of houses on Great Charles Street taken in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 October 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, houses, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Ludgate Hill, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of Ludgate Hill from St. Paul's churchyard. The photograph was taken in late 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 October 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Jewellery Quarter, roads, street lamps, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Ludgate Hill/ Charlotte Street, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of the corner between Ludgate Hill and Charlotte Street, near St. Paul Square. The photograph was taken in late 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 October 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Jewellery Quarter, workshops, street lamps, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Newhall Street, Central Birmingham
Photograph of Newhall Street, with the Science Museum on the right (formerly Elkington's Electroplating Works). The photograph was taken in late 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 October 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, museums, streets, roads, cars, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Nos. 17-19, Easy Row, Birmingham
Photograph of numbers 17-19, Easy Row. The houses were begun in c.1760 or 1782. The photograph was taken in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 October 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, houses, shops, travel agents, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Old Crescent Theatre, Birmingham
Photograph of Crescent Theatre, taken in 1960. Project for 23 houses, mooted 1788 and not completed. Only one wing completed by 1795.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 October 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, theatres, houses, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Science Museum, Newhall Street, Central Birmingham
Photograph of the porch entrance of the Science Museum, in Newhall Street, formerly Elkington's Electroplating Works. The photograph was taken in late 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 October 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, museums, bicycles, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
University Overseas Centre, Easy Row, Birmingham
Photograph of University Overseas Centre on Easy Row. The houses were begun in 1760, completed between 1769 and 1782 (?) and demolished in 1964/65. The photograph was taken in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 October 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, universities, houses, cars, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Harborne 19th Century Housing
Harborne 19th Century Housing (c.1880's) in Gordon Road. Part of Chad Valley Works (Rose Road)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 August 1960
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Houses, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Chad Valley Works, Rose Road
Harborne Chad Valley Works, Rose Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 August 1960
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Factory, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Golf Course
Harborne Golf Course (view from St. Peter's Church Yard)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 August 1960
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Trees, Golf Course
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne High Street
Harborne High Street. View towards the Junction Public House (Old houses converted to shops)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 August 1960
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, High Street, Shops, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne High Street
Harborne High Street
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 August 1960
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, High Street, Shops, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne High Street
Harborne High Street - View Towards War Lane
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 August 1960
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, High Street, Shops, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne High Street
Harborne High Street, The Green Man
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 August 1960
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, High Street, Pub
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Hillyfields Estate
Harborne Hillyfields Estate, Ferncliffe Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 August 1960
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Hillyfields Estate
Harborne Hillyfields Estate, Ferncliffe Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 August 1960
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Houses, Van
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Old Cottages
Harborne Old Cottages, Corner of St. Peter's Road and Old Church Road (Houses on this site since 1790)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 August 1960
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Cottages, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Park Hill road at corner of Gordon Road
Harborne Park Hill road at corner of Gordon Road (19th Century Housing) Harborne tenants estate beyond Railway Bridge
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 August 1960
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Shop, Houses, Bridge
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Wee Kin Works
Harborne Wee Kin Works, Park Hall Road. Opened by Chad Valley Works 1954
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 August 1960
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Workshop, Factory
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne, Carless Avenue
Harborne, Tenants Association 'The Square' - Carless Avenue
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 August 1960
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Trees, Houses, Gardens
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne, Harborne Rd/Nursery Rd
Harborne, Harborne Rd/Nursery Rd (In Edgbaston adjoining Harborne Heath)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 August 1960
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne, Hillyfields Estate
Harborne, Hillyfields Estate - Kelfield Avenue
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 August 1960
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Houses, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne, Lordswood Rd
Harborne, Lordswood Rd/High St Corner (Houses on corner built 1790)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 August 1960
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne, Lordswood Rd
Harborne, Lordswood Rd/High St Corner (Houses on corner built 1790)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 August 1960
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Houses, cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne, Tenants Estate off Carless Avenue
Harborne, Tenants Estate off Carless Avenue
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 August 1960
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Trees, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Ladywood Redevelopment area
Ladywood redevelopment area - Demolition of 19th century houses with back courts. Rann st (View point corner of Gilby Rd/Rann St)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 10 August 1960
Keywords : Ladywood, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Ladywood, Gilby Rd
Ladywood, Gilby Rd, Lincoln Tower new flats in Ladywood redevelopment area. View towards Morville St (L) and Ruston St (beyond Gilby Rd)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 10 August 1960
Keywords : Ladywood, Birmingham, Houses, flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Carved stones, Weoley Castle, Northfield, Birmingham
Photograph of carved stones in Weoley Castle, Northfield. The photograph was taken in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 August 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Weoley Castle, carved stones, castles, Thirteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Chapel and guest house, Weoley Castle, Northfield, Birmingham
Photograph of the chapel and guest house of Weoley Castle, Northfield, taken in 1960. Weoley Castle was built in stone following a licence in 1264. It was surrounded by a moat and a defensive wall with six turrets and was a typical fortified manor house of the medieval period in the Midlands.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 August 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Weoley Castle, castles, chapels, Thirteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
General view from south-west, Weoley Castle, Northfield, Birmingham
Photograph of Weoley Castle, Northfield, south-west view, taken in 1960. Weoley Castle was built in stone following a licence in 1264. It was surrounded by a moat and a defensive wall with six turrets and was a typical fortified manor house of the medieval period in the Midlands.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 August 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Weoley Castle, castles, Thirteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Great Hall, Weoley Castle, Northfield, Birmingham
Photograph of the Great Hall at Weoley Castle, Northfield, taken in 1960. Weoley Castle was built in stone following a licence in 1264. It was surrounded by a moat and a defensive wall with six turrets and was a typical fortified manor house of the medieval period in the Midlands.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 August 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Weoley Castle, castles, Thirteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Kitchen, Weoley Castle, Northfield, Birmingham
Photograph of the kitchen of Weoley Castle, Northfield, taken in 1960. Weoley Castle was built in stone following a licence in 1264. It was surrounded by a moat and a defensive wall with six turrets and was a typical fortified manor house of the medieval period in the Midlands.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 August 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Weoley Castle, castles, Thirteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Kitchen, Weoley Castle, Northfield, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of the kitchen of Weoley Castle, Northfield, taken in 1960. Weoley Castle was built in stone following a licence in 1264. It was surrounded by a moat and a defensive wall with six turrets and was a typical fortified manor house of the medieval period in the Midlands.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 August 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Weoley Castle, castles, Thirteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
North-east corner, Weoley Castle, Northfield, Birmingham
Photograph of the north-east corner of Weoley Castle, Northfield, taken in 1960. Weoley Castle was built in stone following a licence in 1264. It was surrounded by a moat and a defensive wall with six turrets and was a typical fortified manor house of the medieval period in the Midlands.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 August 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Weoley Castle, castles, Thirteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
North-east end of the Great Hall, Weoley Castle, Northfield, Birmingham
Photograph of the north-east end of the Great Hall of Weoley Castle, Northfield, taken in 1960. Weoley Castle was built in stone following a licence in 1264. It was surrounded by a moat and a defensive wall with six turrets and was a typical fortified manor house of the medieval period in the Midlan...
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Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 August 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Weoley Castle, castles, Thirteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Site of newly discovered timber building and Great Hall, Weoley Castle, Northfield, Birmingham
Photograph of a newly discovered timber building and the Great Hall at Weoley Castle, Northfield, taken in 1960. Weoley Castle was built in stone following a licence in 1264. It was surrounded by a moat and a defensive wall with six turrets and was a typical fortified manor house of the medieval per...
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Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 August 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Weoley Castle, castles, Thirteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
South Tower, Weoley Castle, Northfield, Birmingham
Photograph of the south tower of Weoley Castle, Northfield, as seen from the south-west, taken in 1960. Weoley Castle was built in stone following a licence in 1264. It was surrounded by a moat and a defensive wall with six turrets and was a typical fortified manor house of the medieval period in th...
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Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 August 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Weoley Castle, castles, Thirteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
South wall, Weoley Castle, Northfield, Birmingham
Photograph of the south wall of Weoley Castle, Northfield, taken in 1960. Weoley Castle was built in stone following a licence in 1264. It was surrounded by a moat and a defensive wall with six turrets and was a typical fortified manor house of the medieval period in the Midlands.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 August 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Weoley Castle, castles, Thirteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
West Tower, Weoley Castle, Northfield, Birmingham
Photograph of the West Tower of Weoley Castle, Northfield, as seen from the south, taken in 1960. Weoley Castle was built in stone following a licence in 1264. It was surrounded by a moat and a defensive wall with six turrets and was a typical fortified manor house of the medieval period in the Midl...
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Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 August 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Weoley Castle, castles, Thirteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
West entrance, Weoley Castle, Northfield, Birmingham
Photograph of the west entrance of Weoley Castle, Northfield, taken in 1960. Weoley Castle was built in stone following a licence in 1264. It was surrounded by a moat and a defensive wall with six turrets and was a typical fortified manor house of the medieval period in the Midlands.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 08 August 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Weoley Castle, castles, Thirteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
178, Bradford Street, Deritend, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of number 178, Bradford Street, from Lowe Street. The photograph was taken in mid 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 August 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Deritend, houses, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Alcester Street corner, Cheapside, Birmingham
Photograph of Alcester Street corner, Cheapside, taken in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 August 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, shops, roads, advertisements, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Balsall Heath, Highgate Park
Balsall Heath, Highgate Park
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 August 1960
Keywords : Balsall Heath, Birmingham, Park, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bordesley / Camp Hill Stratford Place c.1601
Bordesley / Camp Hill Stratford Place c.1601
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 August 1960
Keywords : Bordesley, Birmingham, Camp Hill, House
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bordesley, Camp Hill / Sandy Lane (Right)
Bordesley, Camp Hill / Sandy Lane (Right). The Ship Hotel
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 August 1960
Keywords : Bordesley, Birmingham, Camp Hill, Pub
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bordesley, Camp Hill / Sandy Lane (Right)
Bordesley, Camp Hill / Sandy Lane (Right). The Ship Hotel
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 August 1960
Keywords : Bordesley, Birmingham, Camp Hill, Pub
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bradford Street, Deritend, Birmingham
Photograph of Bradford Street at the corner with Alcester Street, in Deritend. The planning of this area dates to the 18th century. The photograph was taken in mid 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 August 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Deritend, zebra crossings, roads, streets, street lamps, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Bradford Street, Deritend, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of Bradford Street at the corner with Alcester Street, in Deritend, part of the late 18th century planned suburbs. The photograph was taken in mid 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 August 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Deritend, zebra crossings, roads, streets, street lamps, lorries, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Camp Hill, Bordesley, Birmingham
Photograph of Camp Hill, Bordesley, with Holy Trinity Church in background. The photograph was taken in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 August 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Bordesley, churches, terraced houses, cars, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Camp Hill, Stratford Street North
Camp Hill, Stratford Street North, Typical Court, Front House dated 1831
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 August 1960
Keywords : Camp Hill, Birmingham, Courts, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Camp Hill, Stratford Street North
Camp Hill, Stratford Street North (Some Houses dated 1831. Property Compulsory acquired 1959)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 August 1960
Keywords : Camp Hill, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Cheapside from Ravenhurst Street / Moseley Road Corner
Cheapside from Ravenhurst Street / Moseley Road Corner. Joseph Nichols Wire Goods and Woven Wire Works on the Corner
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 August 1960
Keywords : Cheapside, Birmingham, Factory, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Cheapside from the corner of Ravenhurst Street and Moseley Road, Birmingham
Photograph of Cheapside from Ravenhurst Street and Moseley Road corner, with Joseph Nichols Wire Goods and woven wire works on the corner. The photograph was taken in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 August 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Cheapside, workshops, houses, factories, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Cheapside, Deritend, Birmingham
Photograph of a backyard workshop in Cheapside. The photograph was taken in mid 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 August 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Deritend, workshops, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Deritend, Digbeth, Birmingham
Photograph of Deritend High Street in Digbeth, at the crossing with Rea Street. The site of St. John's, Deritend is the viewpoint. St. Martin's church can be seen. The photograph was taken in mid 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 August 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Digbeth, roads, houses, cars, buses, lorries, shops, street lamps, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Digbeth, Birmingham
Photograph of Digbeth, Birmingham. The photograph was taken in mid 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 August 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Digbeth, roads, houses, cars, buses, street lamps, street signs, advertisements, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Floodgate Street, Central Birmingham
Photograph of Floodgate Street in Central Birmingham showing the workshop of H.G. Meadows, gold beater, taken in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 August 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, workshops, shop signs, gold beaters, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
High Street, Bull Street, corner of Dale End, Birmingham
Photograph of the High Street, Bull Street and the corner of Dale End, taken in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 August 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, zebra crossings, shops, cars, buses, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
House in Moseley Road, Highgate, Birmingham
Photograph of a house in Moseley Road, Highgate. The photograph was taken in mid 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 August 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Highgate, houses, fences, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Jamaica Row
Jamaica Row, St Martin's Lane (street traders formerly in the Bull Ring)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 August 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Market
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Moat Lane
Moat Lane / Upper Mill Lane, St Martin's to the rear
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 August 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Digbeth, St Martin's
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Moat Lane and upper Mill Lane, Birmingham
Photograph of Moat Lane and upper Mill Lane and St. Martin's Church, taken in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 August 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, churches, warehouses, cars, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Old Crown, Heath Mill Lane, Deritend, Birmingham
Photograph of the Old Crown in Heath Mill Lane, from Deritend High Street, possibly built in 1368. On the left is the viaduct across the Rea Valley. The photograph was taken in mid 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 August 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Deritend, houses, timber houses, street lamps, viaducts, Medieval Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
River Rea at Deritend, Birmingham
Photograph of the River Rea at Deritend, just above the bridge, taken in mid 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 August 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Deritend, rivers, artificial banks, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Simpson's shop, Bull Street, Birmingham
Photograph of Simpson's shop, Bull Street, est. 1790. The photograph was taken in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 August 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, shops, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Site of St. John's Chapel, Deritend, Birmingham
Photograph of the site of St. John's Chapel, in Deritend High Street, established c. 1380 between Stone Yard and Chapel House Street. A plaque on the wall in phosphor bronze marks the location of the chapel. The site was then occupied by the Haddon Stokes (screws/nuts etc.) and St. John's restaurant...
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Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 August 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Deritend, restaurants, telephone boxes, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Stratford Street North, Camp Hill, Birmingham
Photograph of Stratford Street North, Camp Hill. Some of the houses are dated 1831, while the courtyards behind the houses are dated later. The properties were compulsorily acquired in 1959. The photograph was taken in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 August 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Camp Hill, terraced houses, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
The Drovers' Arms, Bradford Street/Smithfield Street/Moat Lane, Deritend, Birmingham
Photograph of the Drovers' Arms at the corner between Bradford Street, Smithfield Street and Moat Lane. The photograph was taken in mid 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 August 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Deritend, pubs, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Typical courtyard, Stratford Street North, Camp Hill, Birmingham
Photograph of a typical court, Stratford Street North, Camp Hill. The houses in front are dated 1831. The photograph was taken in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 August 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Camp Hill, terraced houses, street lamps, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Birmingham Central, Smallbrook Ringway / Hill Street Junction
Birmingham Central, Smallbrook Ringway / Hill Street Junction
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 29 July 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Bus, Office Block
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Birmingham Smallbrook Ringway
Birmingham Smallbrook Ringway (New Inner Ring Road)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 29 July 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Cars, Office Block
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Dingley's Hotel, Moor Street, Birmingham
Photograph of Dingley's Hotel, Moor Street, built c.1745. The photograph was taken in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 29 July 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, hotels, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Smallbrook Street, new inner Ring Road, Birmingham
Photograph of Smallbrook Street, new inner Ring Road, taken in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 29 July 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, roads, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Smallbrook Street-Hill Street junction, new inner Ring Road, Birmingham
Photograph of the junction between Smallbrook Street and Hill Street, new inner Ring Road, also showing subways, taken in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 29 July 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, roads, buses, subways, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Harborne Lordswood Road
Harborne Lordswood Road, Old and New, near Kings Head
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 July 1960
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Demolition, Construction, Trees
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Lordswood Road
Harborne Lordswood Road, Old and New
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 July 1960
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Demolition, Construction, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne, Lordswood Rd
Harborne, Lordswood Rd - Old Cottages opposite the Old House at Home - Demolished 1962
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 July 1960
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, House
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne, Lordswood Rd
Harborne, Lordswood Rd - No's 172, 174, 176 opposite the Old House at Home - Demolished 1962
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 July 1960
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Anglo-Saxon column, St. Peter's Collegiate Church churchyard, Wolverhampton, West Midlands
Photograph of a headless Anglo-Saxon cross in St. Peter's Collegiate Church churchyard, Wolverhampton. The date is uncertain, possibly the 9th century and the material could be Grinshill stone. The shaft is 14' high, a size similar to the (Roman) forum columns at Viriconium, near Wroxeter, from wher...
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Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 11 July 1960
Keywords : West Midlands, Wolverhampton, St. Peter's Collegiate Church, columns, Anglo-Saxon columns, Saxon period, Wolverhampton
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Queen Elizabeth Hospital from Pritchatts Road (Vincent Drive Corner)
Queen Elizabeth Hospital from Pritchatts Road (Vincent Drive Corner)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 June 1960
Keywords : Edgbaston, Birmingham, Hospital, QE
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Queen Elizabeth Hospital seen from Harborne Lane
Queen Elizabeth Hospital seen from Harborne Lane
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 June 1960
Keywords : Edgbaston, Birmingham, Hospital, QE
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
16, Whittall Street, Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of 16, Whittall Street, in the Gun Quarter, at the side of the General Hospital. The house was built in 1760, and in 1961 was transformed into a hostel for the clergy. The photograph was taken in mid 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 June 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, houses, cars, street lamps, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
18, Whittall Street, Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of number 18, Whittall Street, in the Gun Quarter, housing Thomas Wild Gun Works. The photograph was taken in mid 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 June 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, factories, arms, workshops, guns, lorries, restaurants, coffee bars, cafes, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Anderton's Square and exit to Whittall Street, Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of Anderton's Square and exit to Whittall Street in Birmingham's Gun Quarter taken in mid 1960. Parker Hale Ltd's workshops (arms and accessories) were built c.1773/5.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 June 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, factories, arms, guns, workshops, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Doorway to 16 Whittall Street, Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of the doorway to 16 Whittall Street in the Gun Quarter, taken in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 June 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, doorways, doors, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Gun Quarter Bath Street
Gun Quarter Bath Street. Gunmakers Arms Public House
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 June 1960
Keywords : Gun Quarter, Birmingham, Pub, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Gun Quarter Price Street, Off Loveday Street
Gun Quarter Price Street, Off Loveday Street. Workshops behind The Partridge Works
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 June 1960
Keywords : Gun Quarter, Birmingham, Workshop
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Gun Quarter, 16 Whittall Street
Gun Quarter, 16 Whittall Street
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 June 1960
Keywords : Gun Quarter, Birmingham, Workshop, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Gun Quarter, Gun Smith's Workshop behind St. Mary's Row
Gun Quarter, Gun Smith's Workshop behind St. Mary's Row
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 June 1960
Keywords : Gun Quarter, Birmingham, Workshop
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Gun Quarter, St. Mary's Row. Inner Yard and Gun Smith's Workshops
Gun Quarter, St. Mary's Row. Inner Yard and Gun Smith's Workshops
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 June 1960
Keywords : Gun Quarter, Birmingham, Workshop
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Gun Quarter, Workshop in Outer Yard Behind St. Mary's Row
Gun Quarter, Workshop in Outer Yard Behind St. Mary's Row
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 June 1960
Keywords : Gun Quarter, Birmingham, Workshop
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Gunsmith's workshop behind nos. 9-11, St. Mary's Row, Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of a gunsmith's workshop behind 9-11, St. Mary's Row in the Gun Quarter. The photograph was taken in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 June 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, guns, arms, workshops, gunsmiths, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Inner yard and gunsmiths' workshops, behind 9-11, St. Mary's Row, Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of the inner yard and gunsmiths' workshops behind numbers 9-11, St. Mary's Row in the Gun Quarter. The photograph was taken in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 June 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, guns, arms, workshops, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Inner yard and view of 1st yard between nos. 9-11, St. Mary's Row, Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of the inner yard and view of the 1st yard between nos. 9-11, St. Mary's Row, Gun Quarter, showing gunsmiths' workshops. The photograph was taken in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 June 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, guns, arms, workshops, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
No.7 Whittall Street, Andertons Square
No.7 Whittall Street, Entry to Andertons Square. Parker-Hale Arms and Accessories (Workshops built c.1773)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 June 1960
Keywords : Gun Quarter, Birmingham, Workshop, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
No.7 Whittall Street, Andertons Square
No.7 Whittall Street, Entry to Andertons Square. Parker-Hale Arms and Accessories (Workshops built c.1773)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 June 1960
Keywords : Gun Quarter, Birmingham, Workshop, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Nos. 6-7/7A (?) St. Mary's Row, Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of numbers 6-7/7A, St. Mary's Row in the Gun Quarter, taken in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 June 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, guns, arms, workshops, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Nos. 9-11, St. Mary's Row, Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of numbers 9-11, St. Mary's Row in the Gun Quarter - W.M. Ford (gun maker), S. May (locksmith), J. Carr (gun maker, est. 1870). The photograph was taken in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 June 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, guns, arms, workshops, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Nos. 9-11, St. Mary's Row, Gun Quarter, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of numbers 9-11, St. Mary's Row in the Gun Quarter - W.M. Ford (gun maker), S. May (locksmith), J. Carr (gun maker, est. 1870). The photograph was taken in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 June 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, guns, arms, workshops, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Number 7 Whittall Street, Anderton's Square and workshops, Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of number 7 Whittall St, Anderton's Square and workshops in Birmingham's Gun Quarter taken in mid 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 June 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, factories, arms, guns, cars, workshops, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Number 7 Whittall Street, Anderton's Square, Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of number 7 Whittall St, Anderton's Square in Birmingham's Gun Quarter taken in mid 1960. The photograph shows the yard of Parker Hale Ltd's workshops (arms and accessories). The building was once the home of an eighteenth century toy maker.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 June 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, factories, arms, guns, cars, workshops, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Number 7 Whittall Street, Anderton's Square, Gun Quarter, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of number 7 Whittall St, Anderton's Square in Birmingham's Gun Quarter taken in mid 1960. The photograph shows the yard of Parker Hale Ltd's workshops (arms and accessories). The building was once the home of an eighteenth century toy maker.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 June 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, factories, arms, guns, cars, workshops, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Parker Hale, number 7 Whittall Street and entry to Anderton's Square (by car), Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of Parker Hale Gun Factory (arms and accessories), number 7 Whittall St and entry to Anderton's Square in Birmingham's Gun Quarter. The workshops were built c.1773 and the photograph taken in mid 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 June 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, factories, arms, workshops, guns, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Parker Hale, number 7 Whittall Street and entry to Anderton's Square, Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of Parker Hale Gun Factory (arms and accessories), number 7 Whittall St and entry to Anderton's Square in Birmingham's Gun Quarter. The photograph was taken in mid 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 June 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, factories, arms, guns, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Parker Hale, number 7 Whittall Street, Anderton's Square, Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of Parker Hale Gun Factory (arms and accessories), number 7 Whittall St, Anderton's Square in Birmingham's Gun Quarter. The photograph was taken in mid 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 June 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, factories, arms, guns, cars, workshops, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Price Street, Central Birmingham
Photograph of Price Street, in Central Birmingham's Gun Quarter, depicting the workshops of Lightwood and Son Ltd, taken in mid 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 June 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, workshops, cars, Gun Quarter, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
S. May's workshop (locksmith), yard behind nos. 9-11, St. Mary's Row, Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of S. May's workshop (locksmith), formerly a gunmaker's forge, in the yard behind numbers 9-11, St. Mary's Row in the Gun Quarter. The photograph was taken in 1960
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 June 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, guns, arms, workshops, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Sand Street, Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of Sand Street, off Whittall Street, in the Gun Quarter. In the background, redevelopment in Weaman Street. The photograph was taken in mid 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 June 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, houses, cars, roads, cranes, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
St. Mary's Row, Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of St. Mary's Row in the Gun Quarter, taken in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 June 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, guns, arms, workshops, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
St. Mary's Row, Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of St. Mary's Row, in the Gun Quarter, viewed from Loveday Street. William Greener, gunsmiths (and gun testers), is on the right. The photograph was taken in mid 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 June 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarters, houses, workshops, guns, gunsmiths, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
W.W. Greener, gunsmiths, St. Mary's Row, Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of W.W. Greener, gunsmiths, St. Mary's Row in the Gun Quarter, taken in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 June 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, guns, arms, workshops, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
W.W. Greener, gunsmiths, St. Mary's Row, Gun Quarter, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of W.W. Greener, gunsmiths, St. Mary's Row in the Gun Quarter, taken in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 June 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, guns, arms, workshops, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Ward and Sons, gunmakers, St. Mary's Row, Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of Ward and Sons, gunmakers, St. Mary's Row in the Gun Quarter. The photograph was taken in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 June 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, guns, arms, workshops, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Whittall Street, Entry to Andertons Square
Whittall Street, Entry to Andertons Square. Parker-Hale Arms and Accessories (Workshops built c.1773)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 June 1960
Keywords : Gun Quarter, Birmingham, Workshop, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Workshops in outer yard behind nos. 9-11, St. Mary's Row, Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of the workshops in the outer yard behind numbers 9-11, St. Mary's Row in the Gun Quarter. The photograph was taken in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 June 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, guns, arms, workshops, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Workshops in outer yard behind nos. 9-11, St. Mary's Row, Gun Quarter, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of the workshops in the outer yard behind numbers 9-11, St. Mary's Row in the Gun Quarter. The photograph was taken in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 June 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, guns, arms, workshops, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Workshops, Price Street, Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of workshops behind Partridge Works, in Price Street, off Loveday Street, Gun Quarter. The photograph was taken in mid 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 June 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, factories, arms, workshops, guns, rubbish bins, dustbins, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Yard (outer point) and glimpse of inner (2nd) behind nos. 9-11, St. Mary's Row, Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of the yard (outer point) and glimpse of inner (2nd) yard behind numbers 9-11, St. Mary's Row in the Gun Quarter. The photograph was taken in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 13 June 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, guns, arms, workshops, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Mason College, Edmund Street, Birmingham
Photograph of Mason College (1870), Birmingham University, Edmund Street (1880). The photograph was taken in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 June 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, universities, colleges, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Mason College, Edmund Street, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of Mason College (1870), Birmingham University, Edmund Street (1880). The photograph was taken in 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 June 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, universities, colleges, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Bournville Friends Meeting House
Bournville Friends Meeting House, The Green (built in 1905)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 26 May 1960
Keywords : Bournville, Birmingham, House
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bournville Westholme Croft
Bournville Westholme Croft, off Oak Tree Lane (1959-60 Houses)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 26 May 1960
Keywords : Bournville, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Detached House, Pritchatts Road, Edgbaston
Detached House, Pritchatts Road, Edgbaston. By Canal Bridge
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 26 May 1960
Keywords : Edgbaston, Birmingham, House
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Selly Oak, Harborne Lane
Selly Oak, Harborne Lane, Bridge over Bourne Brook (in Egbaston)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 26 May 1960
Keywords : Selly Oak, Birmingham, Edgbaston, Bournbrook, Houses, Cars, Trees
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Selly Oak, Harborne Lane
Selly Oak, Harborne Lane
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 26 May 1960
Keywords : Selly Oak, Birmingham, Houses, Cars, Trees
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Worcester Canal from Pritchatts Road Bridge
Worcester Canal from Pritchatts Road Bridge (View southwest)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 26 May 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Canal, Railway
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bournville Carillion School
Bournville Carillion School
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 May 1960
Keywords : Bournville, Birmingham, School
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bournville Ruskin Hall School of Art
Bournville Ruskin Hall School of Art
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 May 1960
Keywords : Bournville, Birmingham, School of Art
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bournville Selly Manor
Bournville Selly Manor - 14th Century
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 May 1960
Keywords : Bournville, Birmingham, Manor House
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bournville Selly Manor
Bournville Selly Manor - 14th Century
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 May 1960
Keywords : Bournville, Birmingham, Manor House
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bournville Selly Manor
Bournville Selly Manor - 14th Century. Cruck Barn (formerly in Bournbrook Road)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 May 1960
Keywords : Bournville, Birmingham, Manor House
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bournville Village Green
Bournville Village Green, Rest House
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 May 1960
Keywords : Bournville, Birmingham, Park, Village
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bournville Village Green Shops
Bournville Village Green Shops
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 May 1960
Keywords : Bournville, Birmingham, Village, Shops
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Cadbury Playing Fields, Bournville Lane Works
Cadbury Playing Fields, Bournville Lane Works
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 May 1960
Keywords : Bournville, Birmingham, Cadbury, Playing Field
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Cadburys, Bournville Lane Works Entrance
Cadburys, Bournville Lane Works Entrance
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 May 1960
Keywords : Bournville, Birmingham, Cadbury
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Northfield, Claines Road
Northfield, Claines Road, near Bunbury Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 May 1960
Keywords : Northfield, Birmingham, Trees, Houses, Gardens
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Selly Oak, Bryony Home for Elderley People
Selly Oak, Bryony Home for Elderley People
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 May 1960
Keywords : Selly Oak, Birmingham, Home, Gardens
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Selly Oak, Bungelow in Middle Park Road
Selly Oak, Bungelow in Middle Park Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 May 1960
Keywords : Selly Oak, Birmingham, Bungelow, Gardens, Flowers
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Selly Oak, Middle Park Road
Selly Oak, Middle Park Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 May 1960
Keywords : Selly Oak, Birmingham, Houses, Gardens, Trees
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Selly Oak, Middle Park Road (looking towards Bristol Road)
Selly Oak, Middle Park Road (looking towards Bristol Road)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 May 1960
Keywords : Selly Oak, Birmingham, Trees, Houses, Cars, Gardens
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Selly Oak, Middle Park Road on the Corner of Fox Hill
Selly Oak, Middle Park Road on the Corner of Fox Hill
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 May 1960
Keywords : Selly Oak, Birmingham, Houses, Gardens, Trees
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Selly Oak, Weoley Hill
Selly Oak, Weoley Hill
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 May 1960
Keywords : Selly Oak, Birmingham, Trees
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Selly Oak, Weoley Hill
Selly Oak, Weoley Hill
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 May 1960
Keywords : Selly Oak, Birmingham, Trees, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Selly Oak, Woodbrooke Stream and Houses
Selly Oak, Woodbrooke Stream and Houses in Witherford Way from Fox Hill
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 May 1960
Keywords : Selly Oak, Birmingham, Houses, Gardens, Trees, Stream
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Gun Quarter Bath Street
Gun Quarter Bath Street. St Mary's School rebuilt 1845. (Gunworks in 1960)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 March 1960
Keywords : Gun Quarter, Birmingham, Factory, Cars, School
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Gun Quarter Bath Street, Shadwell Street Corner
Gun Quarter Bath Street, Shadwell Street Corner. W. Palmer Jones Guns Ltd. By St. Chads Roman Catholic Cathedral
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 March 1960
Keywords : Gun Quarter, Birmingham, Factory, Cathedral
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Gun Quarter Whittall Street
Gun Quarter Whittall Street. Midland Gun Company (Site of Church Hall 1865)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 March 1960
Keywords : Gun Quarter, Birmingham, Factory, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Gun Quarter, St. Mary's Row. Corner of Whittall Street
Gun Quarter, St. Mary's Row. Corner of Whittall Street
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 March 1960
Keywords : Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Inner ring housing, Princip Street, Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of 'improved' back-to-back housing (i.e. with the front of the court removed for better ventilation), known locally as ""Nettlefold Courts"" after the chair of the Housing Committee, in Princip Street, off Loveday Street, adjoining the Gun Quarter. The photograph was taken in early 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 March 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, back-to-back houses, rubbish bins, dustbins, fashion, clothes, children, Nettlefold, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Partridge Works, Price Street, Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of the workshops of Partridge Works, in Price Street in the Gun Quarter. The photograph was taken in early 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 March 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, factories, arms, workshops, guns, street lamps, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Partridge Works, Price Street, Gun Quarter, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of Price Street, off Loveday Street, in the Gun Quarter. The workshops of Lightwood and Son Ltd. and Partridge Works can be seen. The photograph was taken in early 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 March 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, factories, arms, workshops, guns, street lamps, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Partridge Works, Price Street, Gun Quarter, Birmingham - 3rd image
Photograph of the workshops of Partridge Works, in Price Street. The photograph was taken in early 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 March 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, factories, arms, workshops, guns, rubbish bins, dustbins, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Princip Street, Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of 'improved' back-to-back housing (i.e. with the front of the court removed for better ventilation), known locally as ""Nettlefold Courts"" after the chair of the Housing Committee, in Princip Street, off Loveday Street, adjoining the Gun Quarter. The photograph was taken in early 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 March 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, back-to-back houses, laundry, washing, clothes, Nettlefold, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
W.W. Greener, St. Mary's Row, Gun Quarter, Central Birmingham
Photograph of W.W. Greener, gunsmiths, in St. Mary's Row, Central Birmingham. The photograph was taken in early 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 March 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, advertisements, cars, porches, gunsmiths, gunns, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Whittall Street, Gun Quarter, Birmingham
Photograph of the Midland Gun Company in Whittall Street, Gun Quarter, on the site of the Church Hall (1865). The photograph was taken in early 1960.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 March 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Gun Quarter, factories, arms, workshops, guns, cars, church halls, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Gun Quarter Price Street, Off Loveday Street
Gun Quarter Price Street, Off Loveday Street. Backyard works behind Lightwood and Sons Ltd (Partridge Works, Engineers and Gun Accessory Makers)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 March 1960
Keywords : Gun Quarter, Birmingham, Workshop
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Duddeston Hall, Duddeston, Birmingham
Photograph of Duddeston Hall, in Duddeston, family home of Sir Thomas Holte (1571-1654), before building Aston Hall (1618-1635).
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Duddeston, houses, halls, Thomas Holte, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Five Ways, Edgbaston, Birmingham- 3rd image
Photograph of the house between Calthorpe Road and Harborne Road at Five Ways, Edgbaston.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Five Ways, houses, flowers, clocks, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Mason Orphanage, Erdington, Birmingham
Photograph of the Mason Orphanage in Erdington. Sir Josiah Mason of Kidderminster was the benefactor of the Orphanage which was built of brick with dressings of Tower Hill, Derbyshire and Shrewsbury stone, in the Italian style, from designs by Mr. J.R. Botham, architect, of Birmingham. There were tw...
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Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Erdington, orphanages, Josiah Mason, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Mason Orphanage, Erdington, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of the Mason Orphanage in Erdington. Sir Josiah Mason of Kidderminster was the benefactor of the Orphanage which was built of brick with dressings of Tower Hill, Derbyshire and Shrewsbury stone, in the Italian style, from designs by Mr. J.R. Botham, architect, of Birmingham. There are two...
[ more ]
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Erdington, orphanages, Josiah Mason, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Mason Orphanage, Erdington, Birmingham - 4th image
Photograph of the Mason Orphanage in Erdington. Sir Josiah Mason of Kidderminster was the benefactor of the Orphanage which was built of brick with dressings of Tower Hill, Derbyshire and Shrewsbury stone, in the Italian style, from designs by Mr. J.R. Botham, architect, of Birmingham. There are two...
[ more ]
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Erdington, orphanages, Josiah Mason, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Nechells Gas Works demolition Nechells Green, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of the demolition of Nechells Gas Works. The gas works were built at Nechells Green in the 1880s- the gas industry representing an important local employer at this time.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, gas works, cranes, construction equipment, demolition sites, Nechells Green, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Nechells Gas Works demolition Nechells Green, Birmingham - 3rd image
Photograph of the demolition of Nechells Gas Works. The gas works were built at Nechells Green in the 1880s- the gas industry representing an important local employer at this time.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, gas works, demolition sites, Nechells Green, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Nechells Gas Works demolition Nechells Green, Birmingham - 4th image
Photograph of the demolition of Nechells Gas Works. The gas works were built at Nechells Green in the 1880s- the gas industry representing an important local employer at this time.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, gas works, demolition sites, Nechells Green, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Nechells Gas Works demolition, Nechells Green, Birmingham
Photograph of the demolition of Nechells Gas Works. The gas works were built at Nechells Green in the 1880s- the gas industry representing an important local employer at this time.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, gas works, tractors, construction equipment, cranes, demolition sites, Nechells Green, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Worcester and Birmingham Canal, Selly Oak, Birmingham
Photograph of the Worcester and Birmingham Canal approaching Bristol Road in Selly Oak, with Dudley Canal Junction on the right.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 1960
Keywords : Birmingham, Selly Oak, canals, industries, factories, paths, bridges, chimneys, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Longbridge - River Rea, by Railway Station
Longbridge - River Rea, by Railway Station
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 29 November 1959
Keywords : Longbridge, Birmingham, River Rea, Railway Bridge
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Longbridge pumping station Longbridge, Birmingham - 8th image
Photograph of Longbridge pumping station, built in 1879, since demolished. The photograph was taken in late 1959.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 29 November 1959
Keywords : Birmingham, Longbridge pumping station, towers, pumping stations, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Longbridge pumping station, Longbridge, Birmingham
Photograph of Longbridge pumping station, built in 1879, since demolished. The photograph was taken in late 1959.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 29 November 1959
Keywords : Birmingham, Longbridge pumping station, towers, pumping stations, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Longbridge pumping station, Longbridge, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of Longbridge pumping station, built in 1879, since demolished. The photograph was taken in late 1959.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 29 November 1959
Keywords : Birmingham, Longbridge pumping station, towers, pumping stations, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Longbridge pumping station, Longbridge, Birmingham - 3rd image
Photograph of Longbridge pumping station, built in 1879, since demolished. The photograph was taken in late 1959.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 29 November 1959
Keywords : Birmingham, Longbridge pumping station, towers, pumping stations, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Longbridge pumping station, Longbridge, Birmingham - 4th image
Photograph of Longbridge pumping station, built in 1879, since demolished. The photograph was taken in late 1959.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 29 November 1959
Keywords : Birmingham, Longbridge pumping station, towers, pumping stations, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Longbridge pumping station, Longbridge, Birmingham - 5th image
Photograph of Longbridge pumping station, built in 1879, since demolished. The photograph was taken in late 1959.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 29 November 1959
Keywords : Birmingham, Longbridge pumping station, towers, pumping stations, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Longbridge pumping station, Longbridge, Birmingham - 6th image
Photograph of Longbridge pumping station, built in 1879, since demolished. The photograph was taken in late 1959.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 29 November 1959
Keywords : Birmingham, Longbridge pumping station, towers, pumping stations, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Longbridge pumping station, Longbridge, Birmingham - 7th image
Photograph of Longbridge pumping station, built in 1879, since demolished. The photograph was taken in late 1959.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 29 November 1959
Keywords : Birmingham, Longbridge pumping station, towers, pumping stations, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Maypole, Alcester Road
Maypole, Alcester Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 September 1959
Keywords : Maypole, Birmingham, Shopping Centre, Cars, Trees
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Maypole, Alcester Road
Maypole, Alcester Road, Kingswood House
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 September 1959
Keywords : Maypole, Birmingham, House, Fields
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Maypole, Druids Lane (Alcester Road)
Maypole, Druids Lane (Alcester Road). Maypole Farm
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 September 1959
Keywords : Maypole, Birmingham, Farm
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Maypole, Druids Lane (Alcester Road)
Maypole, Druids Lane (Alcester Road). Maypole Farm
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 September 1959
Keywords : Maypole, Birmingham, Farm
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Maypole, Druids Lane (Alcester Road)
Maypole, Druids Lane (Alcester Road). Maypole Farm
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 September 1959
Keywords : Maypole, Birmingham, Farm
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Maypole, Druids Lane (Alcester Road)
Maypole, Druids Lane (Alcester Road). Maypole Farm
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 September 1959
Keywords : Maypole, Birmingham, Farm
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Maypole, Shoeing Forge, Druids Lane, Alcester Road
Maypole, Shoeing Forge, Druids Lane, Alcester Road.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 September 1959
Keywords : Maypole, Birmingham, Cars, Forge
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Maypole, Warstock Road
Maypole, Warstock Road New Houses adjoining Flats (Alcester Lanes End)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 September 1959
Keywords : Maypole, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Maypole, Warstock Road
Maypole, Warstock Road (view from new flats towards Kings Heath / Billesley Golf Course)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 September 1959
Keywords : Maypole, Birmingham, Houses, Flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Maypole, Warstock Road Flats
Maypole, Warstock Road Flats (Alcester Lanes End)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 September 1959
Keywords : Maypole, Birmingham, Houses, Flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Maypole, Warstock Road Flats
Maypole, Warstock Road Flats (Alcester Lanes End)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 September 1959
Keywords : Maypole, Birmingham, Houses, Flats, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Maypole, Warstock Road, Light Industry
Maypole, Warstock Road, Light Industry (Alcester Lanes End)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 September 1959
Keywords : Maypole, Birmingham, Industry
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bull Ring Street Market
Bull Ring Street Market, Spiceal St, the last day of street trading
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 September 1959
Keywords : Birmingham, Market, Bull Ring
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bull Ring street market florist, Birmingham
Photograph of the Bull Ring street market, taken on the last day of street trading, 12/9/59.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 September 1959
Keywords : Birmingham, Bull Ring, markets, florists, flowers, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Bull Ring street market florist, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of the Bull Ring street market, taken on the last day of street trading, 12/9/59.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 September 1959
Keywords : Bimringham, Bull Ring, markets, florists, fashion, clothes, flowers, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Bull Ring street market, Birmingham
Photograph of the Bull Ring street market, taken on the last day of street trading, 12/9/59.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 September 1959
Keywords : Birmingham, Bull Ring, markets, crowds, people, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Bull Ring street market, Birmingham -2nd image
Photograph of the Bull Ring street market, taken on the last day of street trading, 12/9/59.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 September 1959
Keywords : Birmingham, Bull Ring, markets, statues, crowds, people, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Bull Ring, Birmingham - 6th image
Photograph of the Bull Ring, last day of street trading, 12/9/59.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 September 1959
Keywords : Birmingham, Bull Ring, markets, churches, buses, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Bull Ring, St. Martin's Church (side view) and street market, Birmingham
Photograph of the Bull Ring market and St. Martin's Church, taken on the last day of street trading, 12/9/59.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 12 September 1959
Keywords : Birmingham, Bull Ring, markets, churches, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Bull Ring Street Market
Bull Ring Street Market, Spiceal St
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 11 September 1959
Keywords : Birmingham, Market, Bull Ring
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bull Ring street market - market barrows along roadside, Birmingham
Photograph of the Bull Ring street market, showing market barrows along the roadside. The photograph was taken one day before the last day of street trading, 12/9/59.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 11 September 1959
Keywords : Birmingham, Bull Ring, markets, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Bull Ring, Birmingham - 1st image
Photograph of the old Bull Ring. The last day for street trading here was September, 12th 1959. The photograph was taken in late 1959.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 11 September 1959
Keywords : Birmingham, Bull Ring, churches, zebra crossings, street lamps, florists, fashion, clothes, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Bull Ring, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of the old Bull Ring with a view of St. Martin's church. The last day for street trading here was September, 12th 1959. The photograph was taken in late 1959.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 11 September 1959
Keywords : Birmingham, Bull Ring, churches, florists, fashion, clothes, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Bull Ring, Birmingham - 3rd image
Photograph of the Bull Ring, taken one day before the last day of street trading - 12/9/59.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 11 September 1959
Keywords : Birmingham, Bull Ring, markets, churches, buses, lorries, fashion, clothes, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Bull Ring, Birmingham - 4th image
Photograph of the Bull Ring, taken one day before the last day of street trading - 12/9/59.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 11 September 1959
Keywords : Birmingham, Bull Ring, markets, churches, buses, fashion, clothes, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Bull Ring, Birmingham - 5th image
Photograph of the Bull Ring, taken one day before the last day of street trading - 12/9/59.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 11 September 1959
Keywords : Birmingham, Bull Ring, markets, churches, buses, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Bull Ring, Inner Ring Rd preparations
Bull Ring, Moor St / Park St, Inner Ring Rd preparations
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 11 September 1959
Keywords : Birmingham, Moor St, Construction, Bull Ring
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bull Ring, Moor Street, Inner Ring Road, Birmingham
Photograph of Moor Street, Inner Ring Road, the Bull Ring, on the last day of street trading, 12/9/59.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 11 September 1959
Keywords : Birmingham, Bull Ring, markets, buses, cars, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Bull Ring, Spiceal Street -5th image
Photograph of the Bull Ring, Spiceal Street, taken one day before the last day of street trading, 12/9/59.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 11 September 1959
Keywords : Birmingham, Bull Ring, markets, shops, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Bull Ring, Spiceal Street, Birmingham
Photograph of the Bull Ring, Spiceal Street, taken one day before the last day of street trading, 12/9/59.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 11 September 1959
Keywords : Birmingham, Bull Ring, markets, shops, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Bull Ring, Spiceal Street, Birmingham -2nd image
Photograph of the Bull Ring, Spiceal Street, taken one day before the last day of street trading, 12/9/59.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 11 September 1959
Keywords : Birmingham, Bull Ring, markets, shops, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Bull Ring, Spiceal Street, Birmingham -3rd image
Photograph of the Bull Ring, Spiceal Street, taken one day before the last day of street trading, 12/9/59.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 11 September 1959
Keywords : Birmingham, Bull Ring, markets, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Bull Ring, Spiceal Street, Birmingham -4th image
Photograph of the Bull Ring, Spiceal Street, taken one day before the last day of street trading, 12/9/59.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 11 September 1959
Keywords : Birmingham, Bull Ring, markets, shops, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Bull Ring, old street pattern, Birmingham
Photograph of the old street pattern in the Bull Ring. The last day for street trading here was September, 12th 1959. The photograph was taken in late 1959.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 11 September 1959
Keywords : Birmingham, Bull Ring, buses, churches, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Inner Ring Rd Work
Inner Ring Rd Work
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 11 September 1959
Keywords : Birmingham, Moor St, Construction, Bull Ring
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Moor Street, Bull Ring, Birmingham
Photograph of Moor Street in the Bull Ring showing preparations for the inner ring road, taken in 1959.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 11 September 1959
Keywords : Birmingham, roads, construction sites, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Moor Street, Bull Ring, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of Moor Street in the Bull Ring showing preparations for the inner ring road, taken in 1959.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 11 September 1959
Keywords : Birmingham, roads, construction sites, cars, buses, vans, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Moor Street, Park Street, Bull Ring, Birmingham
Photograph of Moor Street and Park Street, the Bull Ring showing preparations for the inner ring road, taken in 1959.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 11 September 1959
Keywords : Birmingham, roads, construction sites, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Chamberlain Square
Chamberlain Square - Statue of Joseph Priestly
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 18 April 1959
Keywords : Birmingham, Council House, BMAG
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bell Holloway, Northfield, Birmingham
Photograph of Bell Holloway, in Northfield, taken in mid 1958. This was possibly the old way from Northfield to Dudley (via Bartley). The 'Bell and Bluebell Inn' at the junction of Bell Lane and Bell Holloway was a coaching station for travellers until a new 'Bell Inn' was built on the Bristol Road ...
[ more ]
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 July 1958
Keywords : Birmingham, Northfield, roads, streets, lanes, street lamps, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Moor Pool Avenue, Harborne, Birmingham
Photograph of Moor Pool Avenue in Harborne. The estate or garden suburb of c. 500 houses, was developed from 1907 by Nettlefold. The photograph was taken in mid 1958.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 July 1958
Keywords : Birmingham, Harborne, houses, gardens, streets, street lamps, suburbs, Nettlefold, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Northfield, Greenmeadow Road Primary School
Northfield, Greenmeadow Road Primary School
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 09 July 1958
Keywords : Northfield, Birmingham, Fields, Primary School
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Birmingham Bull Ring Market Hall
Birmingham Bull Ring Market Hall opened 1834 at a cost of £6700
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 19 April 1958
Keywords : Birmingham, Market
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Temple Row, central Birmingham
Photograph of early eighteenth century houses (c.1710), Temple Row taken in July 1957. The houses were demolished in September 1957 for the building of Rackhams.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 10 July 1957
Keywords : Birmingham, terraced houses, cars, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Aston Reservoir
Aston Reservoir, Birmingham
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 20 May 1957
Keywords : Birmingham, Aston
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
View east from top flat of Holte Estate flats, Aston, Birmingham
Photograph of the view east from the top flat of Holte Estate flats, James Watt Point, showing Windsor Street gas works, Lichfield Street, and Hockley works. The photograph was taken in 1957.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 20 May 1957
Keywords : Birmingham, Aston, factories, flats, roads, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
View east from top flat of Salford flats, Aston, Birmingham
Photograph of the view east from the top flat of Salford flats, James Watt Point showing the view over Aston Station, Lichfield Road area, Windsor Street gas works and Aston Hall Road in the foreground. There were farms here in 1835. The photograph was taken in 1957.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 20 May 1957
Keywords : Birmingham, factories, houses, roads, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
View south from top flat of Holte Estate flats
Photograph of the view south from the top flat of Holte Estate flats, James Watt Point. Aston Church in background. The photograph was taken in 1957.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 20 May 1957
Keywords : Birmingham, Aston, flats, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
University of Birmingham 'Library Skeleton'
University of Birmingham 'Library Skeleton' - Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 May 1957
Keywords : Birmingham, University, Construction
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
University of Birmingham 'Library Skeleton'
University of Birmingham 'Library Skeleton' - Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother - 2
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 May 1957
Keywords : Birmingham, University, Construction, Royalty
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
University of Birmingham 'Library Skeleton'
University of Birmingham 'Library Skeleton' - Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother - 3
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 May 1957
Keywords : Birmingham, University, Construction, Royalty
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
University of Birmingham, New library block foundation stone laying
University of Birmingham, New library block foundation stone laying by Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother (Arrival)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 May 1957
Keywords : Birmingham, University, Royalty
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
University of Birmingham, New library block foundation stone laying
University of Birmingham, New library block foundation stone laying by Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother (Arrival) -2
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 May 1957
Keywords : Birmingham, University, Royalty
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
University of Birmingham, New library block foundation stone laying
University of Birmingham, New library block foundation stone laying by Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother (Arrival) -3
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 May 1957
Keywords : Birmingham, University, Royalty
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
University of Birmingham, New library block foundation stone laying
University of Birmingham, New library block foundation stone laying - The University Vice Chancellor
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 May 1957
Keywords : Birmingham, University
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
University of Birmingham, New library block foundation stone laying
University of Birmingham, New library block foundation stone laying - The University Vice Chancellor - 2
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 May 1957
Keywords : Birmingham, University
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
University of Birmingham, New library block foundation stone laying
University of Birmingham, New library block foundation stone laying - The University Vice Chancellor and Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 May 1957
Keywords : Birmingham, University, Royalty
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
University of Birmingham, New library block foundation stone laying
University of Birmingham, New library block foundation stone laying by Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 May 1957
Keywords : Birmingham, University, Construction, Royalty
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
University of Birmingham, New library block foundation stone laying
University of Birmingham, New library block foundation stone laying by Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 May 1957
Keywords : Birmingham, University, Construction, Royalty
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
University of Birmingham, New library block foundation stone laying
University of Birmingham, New library block foundation stone laying by Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 May 1957
Keywords : Birmingham, University, Construction, Royalty
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
University of Birmingham, New library block foundation stone laying
University of Birmingham, New library block foundation stone laying - The University Vice Chancellor and Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 May 1957
Keywords : Birmingham, University, Construction, Royalty
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
University of Birmingham, New library block foundation stone laying
University of Birmingham, New library block foundation stone laying - The University Vice Chancellor and Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 May 1957
Keywords : Birmingham, University, Construction, Royalty
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Balsall Heath Angelina Street
Balsall Heath Angelina Street
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 March 1957
Keywords : Balsall Heath, Birmingham, Houses, Children
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Balsall Heath Emily Street. St Martins Flats
Balsall Heath Emily Street. St Martins Flats
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 March 1957
Keywords : Balsall Heath, Birmingham, Flats, Children
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Grant Street, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of Grant Street, near Great Colmore Road, showing new flats in redevelopment area. The photograph was taken in early 1957.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 March 1957
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, flats, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Ladywood Redevelopment
Ladywood redevelopment, factory units on the left and modern maisonettes on the right
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 March 1957
Keywords : Ladywood, Birmingham, redevelopment, flats, factory
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Ladywood redevelopment
Ladywood redevelopment, maisonettes in Browning St
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 March 1957
Keywords : Ladywood, Birmingham, redevelopment, flats, factory
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Ladywood redevelopment
Ladywood redevelopment, maisonettes, Browning St
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 March 1957
Keywords : Ladywood, Birmingham, redevelopment
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Ladywood redevelopment area and industrial district, Birmingham
Photograph of the Ladywood redevelopment area and industrial district, showing Browning Street maisonettes. The photograph was taken in 1957.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 March 1957
Keywords : Birmingham, Ladywood, redevelopment area, factories, flats, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Ladywood redevelopment area and industrial district, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of the Ladywood redevelopment area and industrial district, showing Browning Street maisonettes. The photograph was taken in 1957.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 March 1957
Keywords : Birmingham, Ladywood, redevelopment area, factories, flats, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Ladywood, St Vincent St
Ladywood, St Vincent St and Browning St.Tiles removed from houses awaiting demolition
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 March 1957
Keywords : Ladywood, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Ledsam Street, Ladywood, Birmingham
Photograph of factories in Ledsam Street, in the industrial area of Ladywood. The photograph was taken in early 1957.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 March 1957
Keywords : Birmingham, Ladywood, factories, vans, cars, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Maypole, Warstock Road
Maypole, Warstock Road. New flats on Millpool Hill
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 March 1957
Keywords : Maypole, Birmingham, Houses, Flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Redevelopment of Browning Street, Ladywood, Birmingham
Photograph of the redevelopment of Browning Street, Ladywood, showing old properties on the left, and modern maisonettes on the right. The photograph was taken in 1957.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 March 1957
Keywords : Birmingham, Ladywood, redevelopment area, factories, flats, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
St. Martin's flats, Emily Street, Highgate, Birmingham
Photograph of St. Martin's flats, Emily Street, Highgate, taken in 1957.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 March 1957
Keywords : Birmingham, Balsall Heath, Highgate, flats, fashion, children, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
St. Martin's flats, Emily Street, Highgate, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of St. Martin's flats, Emily Street, Highgate, taken in 1957.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 March 1957
Keywords : Birmingham, Balsall Heath, Highgate, flats, cars, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
St. Martin's flats, Emily Street, Highgate, Birmingham - 3rd image
Photograph of St. Martin's flats, Emily Street, Highgate, taken in 1957.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 March 1957
Keywords : Birmingham, Balsall Heath, Highgate, flats, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
St. Martin's flats, Emily Street, Highgate, Birmingham - 4th image
Photograph of St. Martin's flats, Emily Street, Highgate, taken in 1957.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 March 1957
Keywords : Birmingham, Balsall Heath, Highgate, flats, children, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
St. Vincent Street and Browning Street corner, Ladywood, Birmingham
Photograph of St. Vincent Street and Browning Street corner in Ladywood, where old housing was being demolished due to Blitz damage.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 March 1957
Keywords : Birmingham, Ladywood, redevelopment area, flats, the Blitz, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
View from Ledsam St
View from Ledsam St towards Broad St (Bush House). Ladywood Redevelopment
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 March 1957
Keywords : Ladywood, Birmingham, Redevelopment
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Northfield / Frankley. New Flats in Lodge Farm Road
Northfield / Frankley. New Flats in Lodge Farm Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 May 1956
Keywords : Northfield, Birmingham, Fields, Flats, Reservoir, Frankley
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Shard End Estate, Tile Cross Road
Shard End Estate, Tile Cross Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 03 March 1956
Keywords : Shard End, Birmingham, Flats, Construction
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Northfield from Frankley Beaches
Northfield from Frankley Beaches
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 September 1955
Keywords : Northfield, Birmingham, Fields
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Birmingham Central, Bennetts Hill / Waterloo Street Corner
Birmingham Central, Bennetts Hill / Waterloo Street Corner
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 30 July 1955
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
The University of Birmingham
The University of Birmingham, Edgbaston
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 26 August 1954
Keywords : Birmingham, University
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Edgbaston Wellington Road
Edgbaston Wellington Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 March 1954
Keywords : Edgbaston, Birmingham, Houses, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Old Edgbaston Cottage, Ampton Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of an old cottage in Ampton Road, Edgbaston, taken in early 1954.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 March 1954
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, houses, cottages, Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Bournville Cadburys Factory from Linden Road
Bournville Cadburys Factory from Linden Road (First factory 1879)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 26 February 1954
Keywords : Bournville, Birmingham, Factory, Cadbury
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bradford Street, Deritend, Birmingham
Photograph of Bradford Street, Deritend. The estate was begun in 1767, while the end house; no.178 was probably built pre-1817. The photograph was taken in early 1954.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 26 February 1954
Keywords : Birmingham, Deritend, terraced houses, advertisements, Late eighteenth/early nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Harborne Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of Harborne Road, Edgbaston, taken in 1954.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 26 February 1954
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, houses, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Harborne Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of Harborne Road, Edgbaston, taken in 1954.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 26 February 1954
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, houses, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Holy Trinity Church, Camp Hill, Bordesley, Birmingham
Photograph of Holy Trinity Church, Camp Hill, Bordesley, taken in 1954. The church was consecrated in 1823 and designed by Francis Goodwin.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 26 February 1954
Keywords : Birmingham, Bordesley, churches, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
King Edward VII statue, Highgate Park, Moseley Road, Highgate, Birmingham
Photograph of a bronze statue of King Edward VII, made in 1913, in Highgate Park, Moseley Road, Highgate, which formerly stood in Victoria Square. The park, former waste land, was opened in 1876. The photograph was taken in 1954.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 26 February 1954
Keywords : Birmingham, Balsall Heath, Highgate, statues, Edward VII, parks, houses, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Kirby Beard's Ravenhurst Works in Bradford Street, Deritend, Birmingham
Photograph of Kirby Beard's Ravenhurst Works (manufacturers of pins and needles) in Bradford Street. The photograph was taken in early 1954.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 26 February 1954
Keywords : Birmingham, Deritend, roads, streets, street lamps, buses, cars, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Mill Lane, Digbeth, Birmingham
Photograph of Broadbent's corner, in Mill Lane, Digbeth. The photograph was taken in early 1954.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 26 February 1954
Keywords : Birmingham, Digbeth, houses, shops, advertisements, buses, construction sites, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Mill Lane, Digbeth, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of Broadbent's corner, in Mill Lane, Digbeth. The photograph was taken in early 1954.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 26 February 1954
Keywords : Birmingham, Digbeth, houses, shops, advertisements, buses, construction sites, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Moat Lane
Moat Lane and St Martin's Church
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 26 February 1954
Keywords : Birmingham, Digbeth, St Martin's
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Moat Lane
Moat Lane towards St Martins's Church
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 26 February 1954
Keywords : Birmingham, Digbeth, St Martin's
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Moat Lane, Birmingham
Photograph of Moat Lane, leading to St. Martin's church. St. Martins is the parish church of Birmingham. The first church was probably Norman, but was rebuilt in the 13th century. As it stands today, most of the church dates from the late 19th century. In 2003, the exterior was cleaned and refurbish...
[ more ]
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 26 February 1954
Keywords : Birmingham, houses, churches, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Moat Lane, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of Moat Lane, leading to St. Martin's church. St. Martins is the parish church of Birmingham. The first church was probably Norman, but was rebuilt in the 13th century. As it stands today, most of the church dates from the late 19th century. In 2003, the exterior was cleaned and refurbish...
[ more ]
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 26 February 1954
Keywords : Birmingham, houses, churches, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Sparkbrook, King Street
Sparkbrook, King Street. Maisonettes in Bombed area with older development in background
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 26 February 1954
Keywords : Sparkbrook, Birmingham, Maisonettes, Redevelopment
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Sparkbrook, Larches Street
Sparkbrook, Larches Street (Near Ladypool Road)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 26 February 1954
Keywords : Sparkbrook, Birmingham, Houses, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
The Drovers' Arms, Bradford Street, Deritend, Birmingham
Photograph of the Drovers' Arms in Bradford Street, near the meat market in Smithfield, built in 1895-7. The photograph was taken in early 1954.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 26 February 1954
Keywords : Birmingham, Deritend, pubs, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Duddeston, Birmingham Great Brook Street
Duddeston, Birmingham Great Brook Street (Early 19th Century Housing)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 19 February 1954
Keywords : Duddeston, Birmingham, Houses, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Great Brook Street, Duddeston, Birmingham
Photograph of Great Brook Street in Duddeston. The buildings were part of a planned development of the Ashted Estate, begun c. 1788 as a desirable ""healthful"" residential district. Until 1789 this was the estate of Dr Ash. The photograph was taken in early 1954.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 19 February 1954
Keywords : Birmingham, Duddeston, houses, cars, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Moseley Road, Highgate, Birmingham
Photograph of Moseley Road in Highgate. The photograph was taken in early 1954.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 19 February 1954
Keywords : Birmingham, Highgate, houses, streets, streets lamps, bus stops, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Northfield, New Housing in Merritts Brook Valley
Northfield, New Housing in Merritts Brook Valley, between Bell Lane and Bell Holloway (view East towards Bournville)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 29 September 1953
Keywords : Northfield, Birmingham, Houses, Construction
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bartley Green Birmid Works - Woodgate
Bartley Green Birmid Works - Woodgate
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 September 1953
Keywords : Bartley Green, Birmingham, Factory
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bartley Green Jiggins Lane
Bartley Green Jiggins Lane (Adams Lane Corner)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 September 1953
Keywords : Bartley Green, Birmingham, Village, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bartley Green School, Bus Terminus and Village Delivery Van
Bartley Green School, Bus Terminus and Village Delivery Van (Genners Lane and Adams Lane)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 September 1953
Keywords : Bartley Green, Birmingham, Village, School, Bus
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
California (School from Barnes Hill)
California (School from Barnes Hill) View across site of Lapal Tunnel
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 September 1953
Keywords : California, Birmingham, School, Fields
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
California, Back of Houses adjacent to Former Brickworks
California, Back of Houses adjacent to Former Brickworks
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 September 1953
Keywords : California, Birmingham, Houses, Fields
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Dudley Canal, California, Birmingham
Photograph of the Dudley Canal in the district of California, with view of the disused entrance to Lapal Tunnel (2.16 miles, 3795 yards). The photograph was taken in late 1953.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 September 1953
Keywords : Birmingham, California, canals, tunnels, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Bartley Green Wood Lane
Bartley Green Wood Lane
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 September 1953
Keywords : Bartley Green, Birmingham, Village, Houses, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bartley Green, Wood Gate Old Houses
Bartley Green, Wood Gate Old Houses, Adams Hill and entrance to Bir Metals Factory
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 September 1953
Keywords : Bartley Green, Birmingham, Village, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Frankley Green, near Birmingham
Photograph of Frankley Green, near Birmingham, during the wheat harvest. The photograph was taken in September 1953.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 September 1953
Keywords : Frankley Green, harvests, fields, wheat, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Frankley Green, near Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of farmers carting the corn in Frankley Green, near Birmingham, during the wheat harvest. The photograph was taken in September 1953.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 September 1953
Keywords : Frankley Green, harvests, fields, wheat, carts, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Frankley Green, near Birmingham - 3rd image
Photograph of farmers carting the corn in Frankley Green, near Birmingham, during the wheat harvest. The photograph was taken in September 1953.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 September 1953
Keywords : Frankley Green, harvests, fields, wheat, carts, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Harborne - St Peter's Church and Bell Inn
Harborne - St Peter's Church and Bell Inn
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 September 1953
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Pub, Church, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Northfield Shenley Fields Farm (Hill Lane)
Northfield Shenley Fields Farm (Hill Lane). Land undergoing development for new housing estate - west of Manor Grounds
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 25 September 1953
Keywords : Northfield, Birmingham, Farm, Fields, Redevelopment
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Northfield, Post War Housing in Fourlands Road
Northfield, Post War Housing in Fourlands Road. Bartley Green Reservoir (left). View Northwest from Shenley Hill Lane
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 September 1953
Keywords : Northfield, Birmingham, Houses, Fields
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Northfield, Post War Housing in Fourlands Road (1953)
Northfield, Post War Housing in Fourlands Road (1953). Estate adjacent to Shenley Hill Farm.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 September 1953
Keywords : Northfield, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bennett's Hill/Waterloo Street, Central Birmingham
Photograph of the corner between Bennett's Hill and Waterloo Street in Central Birmingham. The photograph was taken in mid 1953.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 30 July 1953
Keywords : Birmingham, houses, cars, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Birmingham Central, Colmore Row
Birmingham Central, Colmore Row
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 30 July 1953
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Cars, Office Block, Colmore Row
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Colmore Row, central Birmingham
Photograph of Colmore Row in Birmingham City Centre, taken in 1953.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 30 July 1953
Keywords : Birmingham, banks, taxis, cars, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
The Bull Ring and St Martins Church
The Bull Ring and St Martins Church
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 30 July 1953
Keywords : Birmingham, Market, Bull Ring
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Selly Oak, Dudley to Worcester Canal (1793)
Selly Oak, Dudley to Worcester Canal (1793). Birmingham Battery and Metal Company
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 24 July 1953
Keywords : Selly Oak, Birmingham, Bridge, Canal, Factory
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Armoury Road and B.S.A. (Ariel), Small Heath, Birmingham
Photograph of Armoury Road and B.S.A. (Ariel) - makers of motorcycles in Small Heath, established in 1862. Original and new works are shown (some damaged in the Blitz). The houses were built post-1862. The photograph was taken in 1953.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 July 1953
Keywords : Birmingham, Small Heath, motorcycles, motorbikes, factories, the Blitz, terraced houses, cars, Twentieth century Birmingham, Birmingham Small Arms Company Ltd.
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Birmingham Fazeley Canal
Birmingham Fazeley Canal, Low-level Canal Locks, below Tindal Bridge (Cambridge Street)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 July 1953
Keywords : Birmingham, Canal
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Birmingham Fazeley Canal
Birmingham Fazeley Canal, Low-level Canal Locks, below Tindal Bridge (Cambridge Street)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 July 1953
Keywords : Birmingham, Canal
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bordesley Watery Lane
Bordesley Watery Lane
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 July 1953
Keywords : Bordesley, Birmingham, Shops, Factory
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Corner between Little Anne Street and Milk Street, Central Birmingham
Photograph of the corner between Little Anne Street and Milk Street, in Central Birmingham. The photograph was taken in mid 1953.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 July 1953
Keywords : Birmingham, houses, shops, advertisements, street lamps, viaducts, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Gas Street Canal
Gas Street Canal (Long Boat ""Danube"")
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 July 1953
Keywords : Birmingham, Canal, Gas Street
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Gas Street Canal
Gas Street Canal (Long Boat ""Danube"")
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 July 1953
Keywords : Birmingham, Canal, Gas Street
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Golden Hillock Road, Small Heath, Birmingham
Photograph of Golden Hillock Road, Small Heath, taken in 1953.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 July 1953
Keywords : Birmingham, Small Heath, roads, buses, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Small Heath, BSA (Arial) Armoury Road
Small Heath, BSA (Arial) Armoury Road. Original and New Works (new works due to Blitz damage)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 July 1953
Keywords : Small Heath, Birmingham, Houses, BSA, Factory, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Small Heath, BSA Factory (view from Golden Hillock Road Bridge)
Small Heath, BSA Factory (view from Golden Hillock Road Bridge)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 July 1953
Keywords : Small Heath, Birmingham, Bridge, BSA, Factory, Bus
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Small Heath, BSA Works, Armoury Road
Small Heath, BSA Works, Armoury Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 July 1953
Keywords : Small Heath, Birmingham, Lorry, BSA, Factory, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Small Heath, Golden Hillock Road
Small Heath, Golden Hillock Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 July 1953
Keywords : Small Heath, Birmingham, BSA, Pub, Factory, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Small Heath, Mansel Road
Small Heath, Mansel Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 July 1953
Keywords : Small Heath, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Sparkbrook, Farm Park
Sparkbrook, Farm Park
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 July 1953
Keywords : Sparkbrook, Birmingham, Park
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Sparkbrook, Farm Road
Sparkbrook, Farm Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 July 1953
Keywords : Sparkbrook, Birmingham, Park
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Sparkbrook, Farm Road
Sparkbrook, Farm Road (Christ Church in the background)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 July 1953
Keywords : Sparkbrook, Birmingham, Houses, Cars, Church
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Yardley Church
Yardley Church
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 July 1953
Keywords : Yardley, Birmingham, Church
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Yardley Church
Yardley Church
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 23 July 1953
Keywords : Yardley, Birmingham, Church
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
"Hyde Park Corner", Bloomsbury Street, Duddeston, Birmingham
Photograph of new flats- ""Hyde Park Corner"", Bloomsbury Street, in Duddeston. Vauxhall to the right. In 1839 this was the inner ring of the industrial district area (Rea Valley, Gas Works, railway etc.). The photograph was taken in mid 1953.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 22 July 1953
Keywords : Birmingham, Duddeston, houses, flats, shops, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Curzon Street Station, Duddeston, Birmingham
Curzon Street Station (1838), in Rea Valley, Duddeston. On edge of built-up area in 1838 - no need for tunnel or for demolition. The photograph was taken in 1953.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 22 July 1953
Keywords : Birmingham, train stations, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Duddeston Flats etc.
Duddeston Flats etc. From Garrison Lane
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 22 July 1953
Keywords : Duddeston, Birmingham, Flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Duddeston Hyde Park Corner
Duddeston Hyde Park Corner. New Flats and Condemned Property
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 22 July 1953
Keywords : Duddeston, Birmingham, Flats, Shops
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Duddeston Near Loxton Street
Duddeston Near Loxton Street. New Maisonettes. Gas Works in the Distance
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 22 July 1953
Keywords : Duddeston, Birmingham, Gas Works, Maisonettes
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Duddeston New Flats and Loxton Street School
Duddeston New Flats and Loxton Street School (From Saltley Road)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 22 July 1953
Keywords : Duddeston, Birmingham, Flats, School
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Frederick Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of Frederick Road, Edgbaston, taken in mid 1953.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 22 July 1953
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, houses, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Great Colmore Street, Birmingham
Photograph of houses on Great Colmore Street. The houses were built post-1825. The photograph was taken in 1953.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 22 July 1953
Keywords : Birmingham, terraced houses, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Lee Crescent, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Photograph of Lee Crescent, Edgbaston, taken in 1953.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 22 July 1953
Keywords : Birmingham, Edgbaston, terraced houses, Nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Great Stone Inn and Village Pound, Church Road, Northfield, Birmingham
Photograph of the Great Stone Inn and Village Pound, Church Road, Northfield taken in 1953. The Inn was originally a medieval 'Hall' house, while the village Pound (or pinfold) was where stray animals were tethered.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 July 1953
Keywords : Birmingham, Northfield, pubs, pounds, animal enclosures, Medieval Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Great Stone Inn and Village Pound, Church Road, Northfield, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of the Great Stone Inn and Village Pound, Church Road, Northfield taken in 1953. The Inn was originally a medieval 'Hall' house, while the village Pound (or pinfold) was where stray animals were tethered.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 July 1953
Keywords : Birmingham, Northfield, pubs, pounds, animal enclosures, Medieval Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Great Stone Inn and Village Pound, Church Road, Northfield, Birmingham - 3rd image
Photograph of the Great Stone Inn and Village Pound, Church Road, Northfield taken in 1953. The Inn was originally a medieval 'Hall' house, while the village Pound (or pinfold) was where stray animals were tethered.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 July 1953
Keywords : Birmingham, Northfield, pubs, pounds, animal enclosures, Medieval Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Northfield Village Pound
Northfield Village Pound, The Great Stone Inn
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 July 1953
Keywords : Northfield, Birmingham, Village, Pound
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Northfield Village Pound and Great Stone Inn
Northfield Village Pound and Great Stone Inn
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 July 1953
Keywords : Northfield, Birmingham, Village, Pound, Pub
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Northfield, Old Stone Inn and Pound
Northfield, Old Stone Inn and Pound
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 July 1953
Keywords : Northfield, Birmingham, Pub, Pound
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Village Pound, Church Road, Northfield, Birmingham
Photograph of the Village Pound, Church Road, Northfield, taken in 1953. The village Pound (or pinfold) was where stray animals were tethered.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 15 July 1953
Keywords : Birmingham, Northfield, pounds, animal enclosures, Medieval Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Northfield, Church House, Church Road
Northfield, Church House, Church Road. House dated 1750 (Staffordshire Blue Brick)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 July 1953
Keywords : Northfield, Birmingham, House
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Northfield, Church Road, Nailers Cottages
Northfield, Church Road, Nailers Cottages
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 02 July 1953
Keywords : Northfield, Birmingham, Cottages
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
St Paul's Square, Birmingham - 2nd image
Photograph of St. Paul's Square. The photograph was taken in mid 1953.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 29 June 1953
Keywords : Birmingham, shops, cars, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
St. Paul's Church, Birmingham
Photograph of St. Paul's Church (built 1777-79) taken in 1953.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 29 June 1953
Keywords : Birmingham, churches, St. Paul's church, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
St. Paul's Square, Birmingham
Photograph of St. Paul's Square, taken in 1953.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 29 June 1953
Keywords : Birmingham, roads, Eighteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
St. Peter's Church, central Birmingham
Photograph of St. Peter's Church (Roman Catholic), in central Birmingham, built in 1786, extended in 1802 and 1825, and demolished in 1969. The photograph was taken in 1953.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 29 June 1953
Keywords : Birmingham, churches, terraced houses, Late eighteenth/early nineteenth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Bournville Selly Manor
Bournville Selly Manor
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 27 June 1953
Keywords : Bournville, Birmingham, Houses
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bournville Woodbrooke Road / Oak Tree Lane
Bournville Woodbrooke Road / Oak Tree Lane
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 27 June 1953
Keywords : Bournville, Birmingham, House
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Bournville Woodbrooke Road Park
Bournville Woodbrooke Road Park
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 27 June 1953
Keywords : Bournville, Birmingham, Park
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Art Gallery, Victoria Square, Birmingham
Photograph of the Art Gallery and Chamberlain fountain decorated for the celebrations of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. The photograph was taken in mid 1953.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 01 June 1953
Keywords : Birmingham, museums, art galleries, flags, fountains, Elizabeth II, coronation celebrations, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Council House, Victoria Square, Birmingham
Photograph of the Council House (1874-79), Victoria Square, during the celebrations of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, in 1953.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 01 June 1953
Keywords : Birmingham, Victoria Square, Elizabeth II, statues, flags, coronation celebrations, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Council House, Victoria Square, Birmingham
Photograph of the Council House in Victoria Square, Colmore Row, with the decorations for the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. The photograph was taken in mid 1953.
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 01 June 1953
Keywords : Birmingham, Victoria Square, councils, civic centres, Elizabeth II, flags, statues, policemen, cars, coronation celebrations, Twentieth century Birmingham
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography (Chrysalis Project)
Gas Street Basin, Towards Broad Street
Gas Street Basin, Towards Broad Street
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 27 February 1953
Keywords : Birmingham, Canal, Gas Street, Broad Street
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne 34 Greenfield Road
Harborne 34 Greenfield Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 September 0191
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, House
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Harborne Metchley Abbey
Harborne Metchley Abbey
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 28 September 0191
Keywords : Harborne, Birmingham, Abbey
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Kings Norton, The Mop
Kings Norton, The Mop
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 0191
Keywords : Kings Norton, Birmingham, Mop, Shops, The Green, Telephone Box
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Kings Norton Green and Shops
Kings Norton Green and Shops
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 0191
Keywords : Kings Norton, Birmingham, Shops, The Green, Telephone Box
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Kings Norton The Green
Kings Norton The Green
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 0191
Keywords : Kings Norton, Birmingham, Cars, Church, The Green
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Kings Norton The Green
Kings Norton The Green
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 0191
Keywords : Kings Norton, Birmingham, Cars, Shops, The Green
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Balsall Heath River Rea
Balsall Heath River Rea from bridge on Belgrave Road (View North, back of Gooch Street on the right)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 0019
Keywords : Balsall Heath, Birmingham, River Rea
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Birmingham New Street
New Street, Big Top Site
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 0019
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Construction
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Birmingham New Street
New Street, Big Top Site
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 0019
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Construction
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
The Bull Ring Shooping Centre
The Bull Ring Shopping Centre
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : ["lib/utils:month_96" not defined] 0019
Keywords : Birmingham, Market, Bull Ring
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Handsworth Slack Lane
Handsworth Slack Lane
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 19 July 0019
Keywords : Handsworth, Birmingham, House, Lane
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Northfield, the Black Horse Public House, Bristol Road
Northfield, the Black Horse Public House, Bristol Road
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 19 July 0019
Keywords : Northfield, Birmingham, Pub, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Civic Centre and Hall of Memory
Civic Centre and Hall of Memory
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 0019
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Civic
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Town Hall
Birmingham Town Hall
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 0019
Keywords : Birmingham, Central, Civic, Town Hall
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Northfield - Flats of Lay Hill Estate
Northfield - Flats of Lay Hill Estate (From Hogs Lane / Merrits Brook Lane)
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 Unspecified 0019
Keywords : Northfield, Birmingham, Houses, Flats, Cars
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
Northfield Lay Hill Estate
Northfield Lay Hill Estate, from Holloway, Near Merrits Hill
Author : Nicklin, Phyllis
Date : 05 Unspecified 0019
Keywords : Northfield, Birmingham, Houses, Flats
Collection : Birmingham's Buildings and Urban Topography
This list was generated on Sun Sep 1 01:49:54 2024 IST.